Geomophological Studies Of
Bangladesh Cost Using Landsat Data.
Pramanik Director Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing
The present
describes salient features of the geomorphological changes of Bangladesh
Coast based on computer and visual analysis of Landsat data for the
periods 1972/73, 1976/77 and 1979. This study has identified the places
for newly accreted land, erosion and changes in the river courses over
time. In addition, this study will provide recommendations for undertaking
artificial techniques like construction of cross dams, afforestation, etc.
for consolidation of newly accreted land and minimizing /stopping erosion,
etc. with a view to overall development of the coastal area of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is located in the world’s
largest delta, formed by the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna Rivers. The
terrain is flat and interlaced with an intricate system of rivers and
tidal channels. Vast quantity of suspended sediment resulting from surface
runoff and bank erosion is carried downstream by these rivers and channels
to the Bay of Bengal, where much of it apparently settles down to form new
land. Frequently, however, tidal action re-suspends large amounts of this
sediment while in the Bay and then redistributes it along the coastline.
As a result, gains in land in one area may be offset by losses in another.
Thus, it needs further studies to ascertain net changes in tha land along
the coastline of Bangladesh and also to study the processes involved.
Based on the available information on the geomorphological
conditions and hydrological features, Bangladesh coastal area may be
broadly divided into three regions:-
- The western region starting from Tetulia river to the western border
to Bangladesh (Hariabhanga river), which the Sunderban is situated , is
relatively not very active in terms of formation of new land. Due to the
presence of the deep forest area, river bank erosion is less and rivers
are deeper. Formation of new land is not prominent except at some places
near the shore. Sediment load does not accumulate much in the Bay area
due to presence of the Swatch of no Ground which starts few miles south
of Hiron point at the mouth of the Pussur River.
- The Eastern region starting from Tetulia river to Chittagong coast
area is very active in terms of sediment load distribution. Most of the
activities of sedimentation and erosion are occurring in this region.
This dynamic region is relatively shallow and the rivers and channels
change their courses rapidly.
- The Central region starting from the confluence of the Padma and
Meghna utto Santirhat in Bhola is active in terms of river bank erosion
and sedimentation or formation of ‘Char’ area in the river courses,
which also changes. These sediment load carried by the rivers and being
redistributed in the Eastern region as mentioned above
Computer analysis of Landsat data for the time period
1972/72, 1976/77and 1979 was carried out using Amdhal 470 computer of the
University of Michigan under a joint research project of Bangladesh Space
Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO) with the Environmental
Research Institute of Michigan (ERIM) under UNDP/FAO sponsorship. The
computer analysis was supplemented by aerial photographs and Ground
Methodology of Data Processing:
following Landsat data/CCT were selected after reviewing the cloud cover,
data quality and tidal stage. Unfortunately all low tide-condition CCTs
were not available from EROS data center.

Tidal condition not known. The CCT was not available for
comparison with 1976 data.
L = Low tide, M= Medium, H = High
tide.In order to accomplish the change
detection task it was necessary to be able to reliably discriminate
between water and several categories of land. Following four candidate
algorithms were selected as being likely methods for/effectively
classifying the Landsat data.
- Level slicing of MSS 7
- Level slicing of an MSS5/MSS7 ratio
- An MSS 5 and 7 look-up table
- Maximum likelihood ratio multispectral pattern recognition.
In order to decide which algorithm worked best, an area was
needed where ground conditions were known. The area we selected to serve
as our intensive study site was Nijhum-Dwip (the Island of Silence). The
performance of each algorithm was evaluated both quantitatively and
qualitatively. Quantitative analysis consisted of classifying the
Nijhum-Dwip test site using each technique and comparing the percent of
the scene classified as land categories and as water. The qualitative
analysis consisted of visually examining a map of the classification
results produced by each technique and comparing the map to 1:30,000 black
and white panchromatic aerial photography of the site. All four algorithms
produce results within five percent of each other, so that there is no
great difference in the total amount of water or land recognized. The MSS
7 threshold map shows that some submerged land is missed by this
technique, probably due to the fact that its near infrared reflectance is
very similar to very turbid water. Furthermore, a considerable amount of
wetland vegetation is called submerged land. In the ratio the
results are better in terms of reducing the omission error for both
submerged land and vegetated land. The MSS look-up table approach
produced the best results of any of the techniques we tried in terms of
both statistics and actual pixel classification. Note that the look-up
table permitted mapping sand, which neither MSS 7 threshold or the ratio
could accomplish. The pattern recognition approach in terms of
pixel classification accuracy surprisingly compared very unfavourably with
the similar techniques. Although vegetation and sand were correctly
mapped, submerged land and water were considerably confused. This is
partly due to the fact that the signatures used to classify the data were
derived from clustering. Since turbid water and submerged land are
spectrally similar, it is logical that a cluster signature would be formed
describing this overlapping distribution of data values. A signature
derived in such a fashion would be unable to distinguish between turbid
water and submerged land at least part of the time as appears to be more
sensitive to the noise content of the data, as witnessed by the “striping”
effect where submerged land erroneously appears in water. Another
factor which strongly works against the pattern recognition technique is
cost. It requires four to seven times more computer time to implement the
four-channel pattern recognition algorithm compared to the other
techniques considered. As a result of this comparison the MSS 5-7 look-up
table was selected t classify the accretion take data. It represented the
best tradeoff between accuracy and cost. It should be pointed cut
that we were not completely successful in finding a technique that could
universally distinguish between very turbid water and submerged land. The
reason for this is that, even though not much radation penetrates water in
the 0.8-1.1 mm region, there is enough penetration so that very high
turbidity can still affect the volume reflectance of water. The result is
very turbid water becomes spectrally indistinguishable from sand bars and
mud flats. Future sensors could make an unambiguous separation of land and
water possible by having a near-infrared band located beyond 1.5 microns,
the point at which penetration of water below the surface by near infrared
radiation is negligible. Steps of Processing:
- Conversions of Landsat CCT received from the digital format used at
EROS Data Centre (Sioux Falls, SD. USA) into a special ERIM Format
called MSS. The version of MSS Format used is a streamlined version
compatible with ERIM software and has one byte per data value, channel
interleaving and one record per scan line.
- Taking four individual CCT’s representing the four quarter of a
Landsat Frame into single File by the Programme ‘ABUT’. At the end of
the abutting procedure, each frame was stored on a single tape in a file
containing 2340 scan-lines and 3240 (Landsat 1) or 3264 (Landsat 2 &
3) points.
- The raw Four Channel multispectral data for each observation of a
given area was classified using a MSS 5 and MSS 7 look-up Table and a
single channel output Tape generated for each frame for each date. A
look-up table is an array of numbers stored in the memory of a computer.
These numbers represent different scene classes. The axes of the array
represent the signal levels in different spectral bands detected by the
sensor. In essence, a look-up table permits classifying raw spectral
data by retrieval rather than computation. During classification raw
spectral data is used as address (set of coordinate in the array) in the
computer’s memory and the scene class (number) found there is assigned
to the resolution element which provided the spectral data. This
technique is very valuable because it potentially has nearly the same
power as most computational pattern recognition, and yet requires
substantially less processing time.
- The data from the two observations of a given area were merged into
a two channel file (tape) for each frame. This step was to merge the
data from the two observations of a given area into a two channel file
(tape) for each frame. Channel 1 contained the classified data for
1976-77. To merge the data from the different observations we used the
programme REGISTER. This program performs a linear transformation on the
line point numbers of one data set so that when finished they match thea
other data set for a given geographical location. The transformation is
derived from a least-square fit regression calculation based on the line
and point numbers of control points from each data set. A control point
is a geographical location that has been positively identified and
accurately located in both data sets. Once the transformation is
calculated, the program steps through data set one, calculates the
nearest whole pixel from data set two, and merges this pixel as an
additional channel to the first data set.
- The next major step in the processing flow of the accretion Task
consisted of comparing the Landsat classifications of a given
Geographical location of two observation dates and detecting whether or
not, a change occurred between two dates and if so, what kind. This
change detection was implemented using a program called CMMPARE.
- The program DESKEW was used to make linear corrections to the
Landsat data to remove the effects of earth rotation during data
collection that caused a skewing in the location of pixels in successive
scanlines in reference to their true ground location. The SCALE option
in the deskewing program was then used to resample the data within each
scan line and produce a new output file in which enough pixels are
retained to make a map at the desired scale. The actual number of the
pixels per scanline uses is a function of the minimum spot size of the
display device. The pixels that are chosen for use in the re-sampling
are selected on the basis of being the nearest neighbour to the
coordinates calculated by the resampling algorithm.
- Two sets of maps were produced using two different concise display
devices. Working maps were generated using the ink jet printer
associated with ERIM’s MIDAS computer. The ink jet printer is a useful
device for quickly printing hard copy of digital data and directly
accepting MSS format data. Displays are made on sheets of 8-1/2”XII”
paper which can store images 864 pixels wide and 1314 pixels long.
Minimum spot size of the display system is 0.0080 “Long and 0.0085”
wide. Colors are produced by additive combinations of 3 dyes (red,
yellow, and blue). In their basic form these dyes are water soluable,
and these maps have to be coated with a plastic resin to make them
durable. A copy of all the products required for this project was made
on the ink jet printer.
- The other display device used in this project is one operated by
ERIM’s Resources Data Center (ERDC). This display device is an optronics
PI500 Drum film recorder. Maps made by the ERDC are enlarged prints of a
color negative that is generated by photographically combining there
black and white separations. Each of these separations controls one of
the emulsion layers of the color negative and is produced by varying the
intensity of a pinpoint beam of light striking the spinning drum. The
intensity of the light is controlled by a computer according to the
classification of a pixel. The density of the image for each black and
white separation is proportional to the amount of light that should be
let through the emulsion layer of the color negative it controls in
order to form, in combination with the light let through the other
emulsion layers, the color assigned to the classification it represents.
The Physical colour maps (1:500, 000) have four principal
- Water
- Sand and clouds
- Non-vegetative land and
- Vegetative land.
The outputs of the changed map between
1972-73 and 1976-77 showed the following categories:-
- Unchanged land
- Unchanged water
- Land Accreted - Land eroded/tidal coverage.
The computer processing of Landsat data was
performed for quantitative assessment of the land accretion in the
Bangladesh coast. A detailed analysis by computer of 35,678 square miles
of Bangladesh was performed on Landsat data for the two of the area from
the concerned agencies and to undertake pilot projects taking into
account the following factors:
- Accretion of land could be speeded up near the existing landmass
by suitable technique (afforestation, cross-dams etc.)
- The whole coastal area will have to be considered in totality so
that a project in any place does not have adverse effect on any other
In addition following actions are
- Historical development and changes of the coastal area are to be
studied thoroughly.
- Potential area of immediate reclamation is the Southern part of
Hatiya island. Cross-Dam joining Hatiya and Nijhum Dwip may accelerate
acceretion. Provision of necessary drainage system for monsoon water
and tidal water should be made.
- Effective steps may be taken for stopping erosion in the Northern
and Eastern parts of Bhola, northern and western parts of Hatiya
island and Sendwip. The erosion may be reduced by dredging out stray
‘Chars’ in the river mouths.
- New accreted land may be put under afforestation for
consolidation. The areas identified are located in the southern and
eastern part of Hatiya, char lakhi and char Elahi area, Feni river
estury and South of Sandwip.
- Data for current, depth, turbidity, didal fluctutions etc. will
have to be collected and correlated. Oceangraphic charts are to be
- Aerial photographs will have to be taken at both high tide and low
tide conditions and maps are to be prepared.
- Continuous monitoring of the dynamic processes in the area will
have to be undertaken.
Completion of computer analysis of
1979 CCT data will throw much light in the dynamic processes of the
coastal morphology of Bangladesh.