The development of
interactive decision boundary determination method in the feature space of
remotely sensed data Minoru Akiyama, Yasushi
Shimoyama Tamio Sekiguchi ,Takashi Hayashi, Takio Mizuno Photogrammetric research and development office geographicalsurvey institute Kitazato-1 Taukuba City Ibaraki Pref. Japan Abstract In ordinary supervised classification methods a decision boundary is automatically determined based on the statistical likelihood of each classes whose probability function was calculated from training samples therefore when attempting to improve classification accuracy we can do nothing but recollection of training samples however not always but recollection of training samples how ever not always effective despite that it is quite time and cost consuming . On the other hand the displayed histogram of data gives us the information how the data are distributed in the feature space visually and may enable us to draw a decision boundary by referring the displayed data clusters more ever if an analyst has some knowledge for the land use pattern of the study area he could adjust the decision boundary by referring the distribution of training samples classified result from the initial decision boundary and so on In this study a new method has been developed to determine a decision boundary directly on the feature space without the help of training sample feature this method consists of the following sub processes.
Methodology The flow of this method original multi channel image data compressed so that two dimensional image data by using principal component analysis so that its histogram can be expressed on a plane in order to make each component axis are interactively plane scale and range of each determined by referring the minimum and maximum values of the first. Two principal .Training samples are colleted if necessary on the color composite image of the original channel data. then the distribution of the training samples is displayed over the histogram which may help a person to understand which cluster is corresponding to which class by referring the two dimensional histogram and training sample distribution decision samples distribution decision boundary is determining decision is interactively if the histogram is not well separated in to desired classes rough segmentation in to a few combined classes is executed .Fine segmentation is then executed by using the third or fourth principal component plane recalculated from the data involved in the decision class. Since each segment divided by the determined decision boundary represents the area in the feature plane corresponding to each class classification by pixel is done by table look up method while the look up table is aforementioned class divided principal component plane. Classified result is visually inspected and evaluated if there is any pixel obviously wrong it might be corrected by resetting the decision boundary. Fig.1 Flow of the interactive Decision Boundary Determination Method The final classification is made after several trial and error is decision boundary editing. Case Study The test site was determined in Fukuoka city and vicinity Fukuoka is the largest city in Kyushu island and the core city is south western Japan with the population of one million facing to the original image the specification of the test data is as follows Sensor : LAND SAT TM Scene 1D : PATH 112 row 37 Date : MAY 12 1986 Resembling : APPROX 20mX20m 1/50 National Standard Grid Date Size : 1000 X 1000 Pixels
This method showed even better result than ML method using the same channels and the same training samples in spited of quite rough setting of decision boundary therefore it is quite likely to get much better result through fine editing editing of the decision boundary or using the third or the fourth principal component information for classification of classes mixed in the first and the second principal component plane. Decision boundary editing inset on an operator additional work how ever his effect must be rewarded as obtaining the better result this is in my problem my opinion the most automatic method which might be dropped in to endless loop of training sample recollection and classification. It has already been proved that human ability of image interpretation is quite well there fore we had better to use human ability more directly and actively in classification. |