Texture analysis using
differnce statistics for land cover classification
Michiyusu Akasaka, Katsunoii Furuya and Ryutaro Tateishi Remote Sensing and Image Research Center Chiba university 1-33 Yayoi-Cho Chiba City Chiba 250 Japan Abstract To improve land cover classification accuracy spatial information should be considered this study deals with difference statistics method statistics which is one of texture analysis the optimum parameters of difference statistics were investigated and the way to apply difference statistics to land cover classification was proposed among four known features from to provide statistics inaugural second moment and entropy are found to provide better results for land cover classification concerning multi spectral band for difference statistics near infrared band 3 land sat is found to be best. Introduction Satellite imagery data include both the spectral information and the spatial information how ever most of approaches to land cover classification has been used only spectral information systematic and suitable land cover classification method using spatial information is not yet established in this study difference statistics were picked up to extract the textural information of land sat Tm image SPOT HRV image authors investigated the use of textual features for classification of land cover. Texture contain information about the spatial distribution of tonal variations with a band texture analysis is separated in to statistical texture analysis and structural analysis four standard approaches to statistical texture analysis make use of features based on co-occurrence matrix on difference statistics on run length matrix and on the fourier power spectrum respectively co- occurrence matrix and difference statistics have a capability of discriminating textual feature than the others co occurrence matrix method is based on the second order joint probability densities of parts of gray levels while difference statistics method is based on first order probability density function therefore distribution on difference statistics is more stable than co-occurrence matrix method fore this season difference statistics method is applied for texture analysis in this study. Difference statistics Procedure to obtain density function to calculate difference statistics is given in fig 1. ex.) displacement d ={ r ,q ) = { 4, 0- 360° ) r : inter sample spacing distance q : angle P d (k) : density function (Probability of difference k) f(k) : frequency of difference k N: number of surrounding pixels ( N=24 in this ex. ) Fig.1 Procedure to obtain density function. Four texture are defined from each of those density functions pd they are follows.
Land sat tm data and spot HRV data were used in this study the test site contains urban residential areas forests paddy golf fields course and marches tm data and HRV data were resample to 30 m and 20 m respectively test data in this study is as follows.
Determination of optimum parameters for land cover classsificastion Optimum parameters of differences statistics was determined by the following procedures.
The study area was classified by maximum likelihood method using multi spectral data and textual data which is derived by the determined optimum parameters of difference statistics land cover categories were forest paddy field urban open space water and golf course we compared classification accuracy in the cas3e of using multi spectral data and textual data with the case of only multi spectral data . Fig.2 Flow of processing. Results of comparison difference statistics
Fig.3 Density function of each distance. (SPOT_HRV band2, golf course) Fig.4 Comparison of bands. (SPOT-HRV, distance=5, Entropy) Fig.5 Four features. (SPOT-HRV band3) a)A.S.M., b)Contrast, c)Mean, d)Entropy Fig.6 Entropy of Landsat-TM band4. Results of classification classification accuracy by maximum like hood method used spot data is given table used only spectral information used both spectral information and textual information parameters of difference statistics to extract textual information are distance 5 band 3 and features entropy. In spite of textural information was added classification accuracy was almost the same or was deteriorated on almost on categories mis classified pixels were found on border of some categories this tendency is shown also in the case of tm data. a) only spectral information
b) spectral and textual information.
Conclusions As the results to apply difference statistics to spot HRV data and land sat data the following things are found out. optimum parameters of difference statistics for land cover classification are.