Better understanding of earth
environment via satellite
Mikio Takagi Institute of Industrial Institute of
Industrial Science, University of Tokyo 7-22-1, Rppongi, Minato-ku,
Tpkyo-106 Japan
The Priority Area Programme on
"Better Understanding of Earth Environment via Satellite" funded by the
Ministry of Education has started from this year as a three year
programme. This programme is the extension of the Special Research on
"Higher Order Utilization of Remote Sensing Data from Space", which
organized researchers in the fields of microwave, data processing,
oceanography, meteorology and land, and covered researchers from basic
ones to applications. As the result, a group with good co-operation was
organized, much communication within the group was made, and each research
was promoted strongly. Through this project the importance of earth
observation by satellite was recognized and it was decided to propos a
priority area programme to promote academic research corresponding to the
trends that satellite observation becomes very active internationally
towards 90's. The research plan was discussed and refined from 1986 to 87
supported by the General Research "education of Earth Environmental
phenomena using Multi temporal and Multi Dimensional information observed
by satellite", and submitted to the ministry of education and finally this
programme was approved.
The objectives of this project are to
establish observation techniques of various kinds of earth environmental
and to promote basic researches to understand the mechanism of the
variations of earth environmental based on earth observation information
from space since the phenomena on the earth cover the wide area in
atmosphere, hydrosphere and geosphere, first of all, measurement of
phenomena is essential to the understanding of phenomena. Conventional
measurement methods have the disadvantages that, if the region of interest
becomes wider, the measurement points become corser, the measurement time
changes from points to points and its frequency is much reduced. In 1960's
as one of the most important results of space development, a new earth
observation techniques; that is remote sensing from space, which has the
following advantages: information covering a wide area can be acquired in
a short time and the same area can be observed repeatedly, became
available. Now, remote sensing its application fields become wider and
SPOT, MOS-1, and s on have been available earth observation satellites,
and ERS, ERS-J, space stations and others are under development towards
Since various kinds of satellites are going to be launched,
in 90's earth observation will change in quality and volume owing to
satellite researches on earth environment such as atmosphere, ocean and
land are very poor and their research structure is very weak. Therefore,
there are a lot of problems to be solved. Now is the time to start the
research in this field. Global monitoring of earth environment, better,
understanding and prediction of global scale phenomena such as oceanic or
atmospheric variations, management of earth resources attract world-wide
interest. And it s expected that satellites will play an important role to
solve these problems. Unfortunately, however, the system for academic
research in these programme has been approved and realized. Such a global
view is one of the mot important stand points of this programme and the
outcome will contribute to solve social problems.
This programme
intends to promote effective and characteristics well organized researches
with close o-operation between science and engineering in both hardware
and software sides. Researches covering wide fields have not been
organized in Japan until the three years Special Research on "Higher order
utilization of Remote Sensing data from Space" had started. In the
previous research, close cooperation between scientists in geosciences
such as oceanography and meteorology and in engineering such as data
processing and remote sensing this research future research direction
became more clearly. Namely, it was recognized that further intensive
academic research is strongly required for better understanding of earth
environment via global observation and that here has been no system in
Japan for academic reachers to promote understanding of earth environment
via satellite. Therefore, this programme intends to establish such a
![]() The features of this programme lie in
the points academic research from a new view point and common basic
research to support it. As academic research from a new view point
problems, in boundary area, which have not been studied well by ordinary
independent science fields such as atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere,
will be the target of this research programme. For example, boundary
system area between atmosphere and hydrosphere: Remote Sensing of air sea
interaction system, boundary area between atmosphere and geosphere remote
sensing of evaporation and exhalation - snow and rainfall interaction
system, and boundary area between hydrosphere and geosphere: Remote
Sensing of water circulation and soil moisture are selected. And
technology and algorithm for higher order utilization of satellite data
fro the global point of view are investigated. As common basic
technologies essential to the researches on boundary areas between
atmosphere and hydrosphere, atmosphere and geosphere and hydrosphere and
geosphere, research on measurement and information processing is promoted.
As for measurement, microwave remote sensing was selected, because it is
expected to play an important role in the future earth observation for
each of atmosphere, hydrosphere and geosphere, but so far its basic
research has not been studies well in Japan. And as another common basic
technology, advanced information processing, which is essential in promote
researches on atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere but also not been
well developed, was picked up. Through discussion on how to
promote effective and characteristic well organized research programme
with close co-operation between sciences and engineering in both hardware
and software sides, the following five planned researches were selected.
- Basic study on Earth Observations by Microwaves
Haruto IHROSAWA (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science)
Research radar Poralimetry Haruto IHROSAWA (Institute of Space
and Astronautical Science) Basic research on Sea Surface process
Measurement via satellite Naoto EBWCHI (Faculty of Science, Tohoku
University) Measurement of Sea Ice Parameters by Microwave Remote
Sensing Nbno ONO (Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido
University) Basic Research on Sea Surface Process measurement via
satellites. Yoshiaki TOBA (faculty of Science, Tohoku University)
Research on the improvement of measurement accuracy of sea wind and
ocean wave by satellite. Hisashi MITSUYASU (Research Institute for
applied Mechanics, Kyushu University)
- Grobal change Analysis of Biosphere using satellite
Interaction between Atmosphere ad Terrestrial Aspects.
Leader : Shunji Murai (Institute of Industrial Science, University
of Tokyo) Analysis of variation of Vegetation Index Shunji Murai
(Institute of Industrial Science, university of Tokyo) Map and
Geographic information system Yukio KUBO (department of Geography,
Ochanomizu University) Image analysis image output Toshibumi
Sakata (Tokai Research and Information Center, Tokai University)
Hydrological analysis Kuniyoshi TAKEUCHI (Faculty of
Engineering, Yamanashi University). Botanical Ecology Kazue FUJIWARA
(Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Yokohama National
University). Evaluation of Global Biological Ecology Eiji YAMJI
(Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyo)
- Study on physical Process of Water Cycle over the Land
: Jusei Kondo (Geophysical Institute of, Tohoku University) Heat
Budget of Vegetation and Bare soil Junsei Kondo (Geophysical
Institute, Tohoko university) Analysis of Rainfall mechanism by
satellite and Three - dimensional Radar Shuichi IKEBUCHI (Disaster
Prevention Research Institute, Koyoto University) Analysis of
Rainfall system in East Asia Terrestrial Region Kuranoshim Kato
(water Research Institute, Nagoya University) Analysis of Snofal
Phenomena by satellite Remote sensing Toshio Koike (Nagaoka
University of Technology) Room Experiment of Trace of Soil Moisture
by Microwave Remote sensing Kastumi Mushiake (Institute of Industrial
Science, University of Tokyo.
- Study of Air Sea interaction using satellite data
Leader :
Yasuhiro Sugimori (Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai
University) Basic Research on Flux Estimation between Air and
Ocean Yasuhiro Sugimori (Tokai University) Tetsuhisa Imazato
(Faculty of Science, Tohoku University) Masao Fukazawa (Faculty of
Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo University) Research on
application of satellite Data to Atmospheric Process. Rayuji Kumura
(Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo) Tsutomu Takashima
(Meterological Research Institute) Yoshinobu Wakata (Faculty of
Marine Science and Technology, Tokai University)
- Higher Order Processing of Earth Observation Information
Leader : Ryuzo Yokoyama (Faculty of Engineering, Iwate
University) Development of Time Space Description Model and
Simulation Method of Environment Based on Earth Observation Information.
Ryuzo YOKYAMA (Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University)
Development of Integrated Interpretation processing of Earth
Observation Information by Analytical Method. Yoshihidsa Shimoda
(Tokai Research and Information Center, Toaki University)
Development of Database on earth Observation Information Mikio
Takagi (Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo)
Yoshizumi YASUDA (Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University)
Each planned research makes a group with themes, which were
selected from generally submitted proposals. Through this programme, the
following developments are expected:
- Understanding of the machanism of various phenomena with complicated
mutual interaction in boundary area using satellite data. (Air-Sea
interaction, Evaporation, exhalation and rainfall in water circulation.
Soil moisture and in-and out-flow interaction and etc.
- Trace of wide and long term global change (Deforestation and soil
run out, variation of ocean current, dissertation, trace of NVI).
- Evaluation and predication of earth environment (GIS, Evaluation of
productivity of land).
- Establishment of basis of microwave remote sensing technology.
- Development of advanced information processing technology for earth
environment information.
Working groups have been established to
promote researches on the common problems in a group or inter-group
problems. working groups are meetings, which is open widely for everyone
interested in this field. So, the announcement is mailed to not only all
members of the programme but also those who have interest in the
programme. The following working groups started to work and a few is under
consideration. Working groupsGroup B : Grobal Change
Analysis of Biosphere Using Satellite Data. Geographic Data base Chair
: Ryutaro Tateshi (Chiba University) Eco-Climate Map Chair : Kazue
FujiWara (Yokohama National University) Ozone Chair : Hiroshi
Fukunisih (Tohoku University). Group C : Study on Physical Process
of water cycle over the land. Water circulation of physical process of
water cycle over the land Group D: Study of air-sea interaction
Using satellite data Ocean color chair : Yasuhiro Sugimori (Tokai
University) Workstation Chair : Hajime Fukushima (Tokai University)
Group E : Higher Order Processing of Earth Observation information
NOAA satellite data analysis Chair : Ryuzo Yokoyama (Iwate University)
Inter-Group Clouds viewed from satellite chair : Keikichi Naito
(Tokai University) General supervising Committee was organized by
18 members. Eight authorities related to this programme; Professors Tomio
ASAI (Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo0, Hiroshi INOSE
(Director, National Center for Science information system), hideaki
Kunishi (Professor Emeritus, Koyoti University), Hiromi Shigai (Tsukuba
University), Makoto NAGAO (Kyoto University), Jun NISHIMURA (Director,
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science), Akira Miyawaki (Director,
Environmental Science Center, Yokohama National University) and Ryzaburo
Yamamoto (Kyoto University) were invited from the outside of the program
to ask their evaluation and comments. And the members from the inside of
the programme; processors Sadao KAWAGUCHI (National Institute of Polar
Research), Takao TAKEDA (Water Research Institute, Nagoya University),
Yoshiaki TOBA (Faculty of Science, Tohoku University) and Keiji Higuchi
(Water Research Institute, Nagoya University), and group leaders joined
the committee to decide the policy of the programme, to adjust the
direction of research between groups and teams, to promote new project
researches and to plan symposia. Since this programme is widely
open, it is highly expected and desirable to have international
co-operative researches or project between researchers of other countries
and our teams of groups.
Better understanding of Earth Environment via
Satellite Priority area programme for 1989-1991 Programme Leader
: Mikio TAKAGI (University of Tokyo)
Group A: Basic study on Earth
Observations by Micro waves Leader Haruto IHROSAWA (Institute of
Space and Astronautical Science) |
A-1 |
Basic Study on Earth Observations by Microwaves Haruto
IHROSAWA (Institute of space and Astronautical science)
A-2 |
Estimation of Cloud water amount by Microwave Radio
Meter Takao TAKEDA (Water Research Institute, Nagoya
University) |
A-3 |
Derviation of cloud and sea Ice distribution in the Antartic
from Satellite Data Sadao KAWAGCHI (National Institute of Polar
Research) |
A-4 |
Basic Research for Microwave Remote Sensing of Terrestrial
Environment Takeo ABE (Faculty of Engineering, Niigata
University). |
A-5 |
Studies on the Microwave Measuring Systems and collection of the
Basic Data for the snow and Ice Observation by
satellites. Masahire SUZUKI (Hokkaido Institute of
Technology) |
Group B:Grobal Change Analysis
Bisphere using Satellite data Interaction between atmospheric
and Terrestrial Aspects Leader: Shunji Murai (Institute of
Industrial Science, University of Tokyo) |
B-1 |
Grobal Change Analysis of Biosphere Using satellite Data -
interaction between Atmospheric and Terrestrial Aspects Shunji
MURAI (Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo) |
B-2 |
Monitoring of Land cover change by Global GIS Ryutar TATESHI
(Remote Sensing and Image research Center Chiba University) |
B-3 |
Estimation of Thermal Conditions of Classified image Mapped to a
DEM and its Application to Forestral Zonation. Michio NOGAMI
(Faculty of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University) |
B-4 |
Studies on the Estimation for Changing of Heart & water
Transfer due to the deforestation using satellite data. Ikuo
HORIGUCHI (department of agricultural egnienerign, Hokkaido
University) |
B-5 |
Analysis of Atmospheric Environments over Asia and Oceanic using
satellite and surface data. Kazutaka IWASAKI (Faculty of letters,
Hokkaido University) |
B-6 |
Satellite Image Analysis on Retrieving Areal Rainfall for
Vegetation Keikichi NATO (Institute of Research and Development,
Tokai University) |
B-7 |
Climate Environment in East Asis-Air MSS, Rainfall and Cloud
distribution Jun MATSUMOTO (Faculty of Science, University of
Tokyo) |
B-8 |
Studies on long period variations of Stratospheric Ozone Based
on the Nimbus 7 SBUV Observation. Isamu HIROTA (Faculty of
Science, Kyota University) |
B-9 |
Study of Stratospheric Ozone Variations Using NOAA TOVS
data Hiroshi FUKUNISHI (Upper Atmospheric and space Research
Laboratory, Tohoku University). |
B-10 |
Study on the Atmospheric Environmental of the Earth by the by
the Analysis of the Satellite Data. Akiyoshi MATSUZAKI (Institute
of Space and Astronautical Science) |
B-11 |
Profile Derivation of the Global Trace Gas Distribution from
Satellite Data Nobuo TAKEUCHI (National Institute of
Environmental Studies) |
Group C: Study on Physical
Process of Water Cycle over the Land Leader: Junsei KONDO
(Geophysical Institute, Tohoko University) |
C-1 |
Study on Physical Process of water Cycle over the
Land. Junsei KONDO (Geophysical Institute : Tohoku
University) |
C-2 |
Analysis of Heat and water Balances of Complicated Landform
Regions using Satellite Data. Takeshi KAWAMURA (Institute of
Geosciences University of Tsukuba) |
C-3 |
Snowmelt Runoff analysis based on the Data of NOAA, MOS-1 and
National Digital Land information. Masaki SAWAMOTO (faculty of
Engineering, Tohoku University) |
C-4 |
Satellite Monitorings of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Margin and
Shirase Glaciers Furnihiro NISIHO (National Institute of Polar
Research. |
C-5 |
Study on Variations of Glaciers and snow covers in South
America, using Satellite data. Renji NARUSE (Institute of Low
Temperature Science, Hokkaido University). |
C-6 |
Study on Transportation of Water Vapor on the Continentals by
using Satellite Data and IAEA/WMO Isotope data. |
C-7 |
Satellite Climatological Study of Large-Scale snowcover over the
Northern Hemisphere Tetsuzo YASUNARI (Institute of Geoscience,
University of Tsukuba) |
Group D: Study interaction
using satellite data Leader : Yasuhiro SUGIMORI (Faculty of
Marine Science and Technology, Tokai, University). |
D-1 |
Study of Air-Sea interaction using Satellite Data Yasuhiro
SUGIMORO (Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai
University) |
D-2 |
Variability of Air-Sea interaction Fields and the assimilation
to a numerical Ocean Model. Masahsia KUBOTA (Faculty of Marine
Science and Technology, Tokai University) |
D-3 |
A Sea study of Energy Flux Estimate through Sea surface using a
microscale turbulence profiler. Seiichi KANANARI (Ocean Research
Institute, University of Tokyo) |
D-4 |
Study on Estimations of Precipitation over the North
Pacific Kunio KUTSUWADA (Ocean Research Institute, University of
Tokyo) |
D-5 |
Studies on upwelling and Streamers around the Kuroshio and the
Oyashio regions using satellite infrared thermal
images. Takachige SUGIMOTO (OCean Research Institute, University
of Tokyo) |
D-6 |
Study of sea-surface height fluctuations observed by Geosat
Altimeter Shrio IMAWAKI (Faculty of Science, Kyoto
University) |
D-7 |
Humidity Enclosures process enhanced by stream wise Vortices
developed over sea surface. Yasuki KOHAMA(Faculty of Engineering,
Tohoku University) |
D-8 |
An observational study on the Law-Level-clouds over the sea of
Okhotsk and the Western North Pacific during the Warm Season with
Satellite-cloud-images. Yasumasa KODAMA (Faculty of Science,
Hirosaki University). |
D-9 |
Study of Tropical Air-Sea intersections using Global
SatelliteData Toshio YAMAGATA (Research institute of Applied
Mechanics, Kyashu University). |
D-10 |
Procedure of Atmospheric Correction of Marine Remote Sensing
Image Sonoyo MUKAI (Kanazawa Institute of Technology) |
Group E: Higher order
processing of Earth Observation information Leader : Ryuzo
YOKOHAMA (Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University) |
E-1 |
Higher Order processing of Earth Observation
information Ryuzo YOKOHAMA (Faculty of Engineering, Iwate
university) |
E-2 |
Integrating Multiple information for Remote Sensing image
analysis Takashi MATSUYAMA (Faculty of Engineering, Okayama
University) |
E-3 |
Research on High-level image processing in Remote Sensing fields
using geographical Database as support knowledge. Masao SAKAUCHI
(Institute of industrial science, University of Tokyo) |
E-4 |
Recognition of Satellite images using Map Data Takashi KUSAKA
(Kanazawa Institute of Technology) |
E-5 |
Analysis of Spatial Information Contained of in satellite image
data Kiyonari FUKUE (Institute of Research and Development, Tokai
University) |
E-6 |
The correction of Atmospheric and Topographic Effects on
Satellite imagery over Rugged Terrain. Yoshiyuki KAWADA (Kanazawa
Institute of Technology) |
E-7 |
Geomorphological Study of the Yamato Mountains Region,
Antarctica, using Satellite imagery and Radar Altimeter
Data. Hideo YOSHIDA (National Institute of Polar
Research) | |