Some results of using
Photographic Processing Facilities and Techniques for Landuses study in
Vietnam Pham Trung Luong Division for Application of Remote Sensing, Center of Geography and Natural Resources of NCSR of Vietnam Introduction Landuse is most dynamic phenomina according of human and natural activities. That is why the investigation and study of land use pattern and detection it’s change need not only for scientific purpose, also very important for economic planning and for environment. The Remote Sensing data was being used in Vietnam for land use study from 1980 and since that time we have obtained some perspective results, which permits us to overcome the limitations of traditional method. In order to improve interpretation quality of Remote Sensing photo/imageries, we must study and use some photographic facilities and technique. These will be discussed in this paper with the results of using photographic facilities and techniques with different kind of Remote Sensing photo / imageries for Land use study in Vietnam. The Main Results The choice of information combination Due to dencity of natural objects on photo / imageries ahs correlation with brightness coefficient. (D – Co)/C R = 10 /1/ Where : R = brightness coefficient D : Density Co, c : Contract for concrete photo / image So we can choose channels or combination of channels which have information of interested objects through contracts brightness coefficient. ![]() Where : Ri (l) : brightness coefficient of interested objects Rs (l): brightness coefficient of surrounding objects Data of brightness coefficient of main natural objects of Vietnam we can have from / 3/ This techniques had tested for multispectral photo MKF-6 to establish land use map of Tea Farm Minh Rong at scale 1/10,000 /4/ In this case, based data on maximum contract brightness coefficients in 6 channels. /1/ K1 = 480nm K3 = 6600nm K5 = 720nm K2 = 540nm K4 = 660nm k6 = 840 nm Maximum Contrast Brightness – Coefficients of Main Natural Objects of Tea Farm in Channels of Multispectral Photo MKF-6. Table 1
(table 1), we have chose 3 channels from 6, they are K3, K4 and K6. The other channels are unuseful, specially channel K5. Application of this technique is reduction processing time and labours for interpretation with requiring accuracy and information. This technique is good for using large scale remote sensing photo/imageries. Color composition Color composition of Landsat MSS imageries This techniques carried out on additive color viewer (model Ac-90BB) for land use Mappimg. The color composition of MSS image in bands 4,5 and 7 for different geographic areas (palteu, coastal zone……….) have various colors. (Table 2) Color Composition of MSS Imagery Table 2
Color composition of SPOT imageries In the programme of subject “Analysis of RS data assessment of natural conditions and natural resources and their dynamic on some coastal zones for inventory economic development and for environment which was been signed by RRSP (ESCAP) and centre of geography and natural resources f national centre for scientific research of Vietnam, in the first time the color composition of SPOT image has studied and applied in Vietnam. The techniques is also carried out on Additive color viewer AC-90B for land use in vegetation and study for coastal area of Mekong Rever’s plain. Due to SPOT image has height resolution, so it’s different color composition in bands 1, 2 and 3 will allow more details classification of landuse units, specially of fields for salt production and urban (cities, towns) which are very difficult to classify by color compositions of MSS imageries (fig 1 and 2)
Application of this techniques improves interpretation quality for Land use mapping. Conclusions Although using photographic processing facilities and techniques for land use study in Vietnam has begin recently, but it gives us some prospective results, reduces processing time and labours. Some land use units like fields for salt production, urban and more detail classification of orchards and forest etc. can be defined by using technique of color composition with height resolution remote sensing imageries. References