Water depth determination
from satellite data Dr. Mohd Ibrahim, Seeni
Mohd Centre for Remote Sensing Faculty of Surveying University of Technology Malaysia, 80990 Johor Bahru . Abstract The coastal waters of importance in navigation. However, inspection of hydrographic charts of these waters reveal a large number of doubtful soundings. The task of updating hydrographic charts using conventional techniques alone is costly and time-consuming. Remote sensing from satellites appears to hold promise for obtaining depth information in shallow coastal waters. In this paper the physical principles, an optical model and algorithm for water depth determination from remote sensing techniques are given. The results from a study carried out in the coastal waters of Penning island in Malaysia using the Landsat -3 Multispectral Scanner data are also presented. Introduction According to the International hydrographic Bureau's estimates, sufficiently adequate sounding to determine sea floor topography only exist for about 16% of the area covered by the world's oceans. Another 22% of the area has data sufficient only for the determination of major sea floor features; while for the remaining 62% there is not enough data for deterinining sea floor topography (Kapoor 1976). Watson (19860 notes that the situation is still very much the same since bathymetric surveying by conventional shlpborne sounding techniques is slow. Hazardous and expensive. Interest has been generated in the application of remote sensing techniques at least in the critical shallow areas, which are frequently used, by ships approaching or leaving ports or harbours. The possibility of using remote sensing technology was addressed as early as the late 1960s (Brown et at, 1971). These studies led to the NASA /Cousteau Ocean Bathymetry Experiment in 1975 which demonstrated the feasibility of using landsat high-gain multispectral scanner (MSS) data in bathymetry (Polcyn 1976). Since then, a number of studies have been carted out Physical principles, optical model and algorithm for depth determination from remote sensing.
R = Rs.ta+Rp
-----------------------(1) Where ta is the appropriate transmittance through the atmosphere. The su surface radiance Rs is the sum of the reflected radiance Rr and the ocean-leaving radiance Ro, i.e. Rs=Rr + Ro
-------------------------(2) In applications over land areas, Ro is absent and Rr is the quantity which is desired Conversely. In most applications over water. Information concerning sub-surface conditions is sought . in requited. Thus. For land viewing it is necessary to remove Rp and multiply the remaining signal by ta -1. in the ocean viewing it is necessary to remove Rp+ta. Rr and multiply the remaining signal by ta-1. In the ocean case the remove cont :.ibution from process 3 is usually called sun glitter (or glint). Also, the radiance Ro can be derived from the upwelling radiance lust beneath the sea surface. Rw. Through -----------------(3) In which p(v) is the reflection from beneath the rough ocean surface (in the case of a smooth surface, p(v) is the Fresnel reflectivity of the interface) and n is the refractive index of water. Only 5-20% of the signal received over water by a sensor on board a satellite or a high-flying aircraft stems from the atmosphere and the surface, all of which must be quantified and subtracted over eater by the total signal (Sorensen 1980). The interesting part of the radiance value measured over water by the remote sensor is therefore the total signal minus that contains the oceanographic information. Will at most comprise values from three sources the bottom suspended and dissolved, matters in the water and the water itself. For bathemetry. It is the signal from the bottom that is important. A number of models can bc used. However, The model of polcyunnd lycu (1975) is considered here. This model is as follows: R = Rp + ta Rg +
ta Ri rb -------(1/n2)exp
{-a(secd + Sec ds)|z|-----------------(4)
where R= radiance at the detector Rp= atmospheric path radiance R1= radiance on the sea surface Rg= radiance from the sea surface N1= telleetance of the scabed ta =transmittance of the column of atmosphere below the satellile a= allennation coffielent of light in water n= refraetive index of water (approx. 1.33 ). d'= apparent angle of observation under the water d's= apparent solar zenith water Z= depth of water A study was carried out on the coastal waters of Penang island using the landsat 3 Multispectral Seanner (MSS) data. The study area is shown in Figure 2. The turage was acqured on 10 January 1979 at about 02:52 hours GMT by the landsat 3 MSS when the hright of the tide was 1.6 in above lowest astronomical tide. Geometrical recttication. Depth used and some results that were abtatned are presented.
The plots of pixel intensity versus dept give the expected exponential relationship in the bands that were studied. High values for he calculated penetration depth were obtained. The RMSDEV values of the calculated depths are about 10% of the water depth. The depth accuracy requirements are 30 cm for depth up to 30m. 1 m for depth from 30m to 100m and 1% of the depth for deeper than 100m according to the accurecy standards recommended for phydrographic surveys by the International Hydrographic Organization. The results obtained in this study indicate that these accuracy requirements are difficult to achieve by remote sensing techniques However, the bathymetric map delved from the density sliced image of the band 4 Landsat MSS data show many similarities with the corresponding bathymetric map derived from the admiralty hydrographic charts. This shows that in areas where the water clarity is good. Satellite data can be used to obtain some general idea on the depth contours. A significant amount of bathymetric information can be observed on these images. Satellites cannot entirely replace conventional ship borne surveys but they do provide a source of broad scale, synoptic information of medium quality at a very low cost. For example satellites can provide an extremely effective means of carrying out preliminary surveys over wide areas. Especially in Remote Regions. Ships need then be used only in those areas where closer investigation is indicated and in this way the sending of ships on unproductive surveys may frequently be avoided. In the preparation of bathymetric charts satellite data may be used to fill in contours between lines of ship soundings and may reduce the number of soundings required and hence the cost. Furthermore, because of the frequent over flights saltiest provide an effective means of monitoring changes to the coast and seabed. References
Figure 2: Ballymetric map derived from Advirally hydrogaphic clearts (depths are relative to lovest astronomical ude) |