Monitoring of shoreline
change by using satellite images in Cuulong river estuaries
Nguyen Dinh Duong,Vo Duc Tuyen Centre of Geography and Natural Resources NCSR of Vietnam Absract In the presented paper authors describe a methodology using satellite image for shoreline change monitoring. There are submitted two methods: graphic and digital. Both methods were used and their advantages were also compared. The paper includes and FORTRAN program AutoCAD programme. List of Appendix Appendix No. 1. Listing of programme TRANSF Appendix No. 2. shoreline change detection map-Cuulong river's delta. Introduction One of problems. which must b solved in the coastal zone research subproject sponsored by the UNDP/ESCAP Regional Remote Sensing program is a trial application of remotely sensed data to detect and evaluate shoreline change in areas of Red river's delta and Cuulong rivers one. Yearly shoreline change affected by river action in those areas is very great Frequent observation and timely detection of erosion areas play important role in national economy. An application of modern survey methods to solved this problem is being carried out at the present time. One of the most successful direction is a utilization of satellite remotely sensed data especially high resolution for this purpose. In this paper we submit shortly an experimental application of remotely sensed data in shoreline change detection mainly used methodology and gained results. Used Materials To evaluate exactly a shoreline change the first thing to be done is a collection of different materials the first requirement of collected data are multitemporality and second is that collected data must enable evaluate exactly, unambigously shoreline change. Following materials should be used:
For this study we have used following materials (see tab .1)
Methodology Shoreline in this study is understood as a mean high water line. For coast, where is there a mangrove a outward boundary is considered to be a shore line. Because of different spectral characteristics of water, land and vegetation we can discern very well water from other objects in infrared band. Hence for this study we used mainly LANDSAT band? and SPOT band 2. Naturally the rest bands also give a lot of use full information. Because satellite sensors are not in the same geometric construction and photographic products contain much distorsion, geometric processing is very important in drafting shoreline from images into map. We have attempted to use both graphic and digital methods for transfering of interpreted shoreline from image prints into maps. Both methods are described in detail as following.
Results With the help of upper described methods and collected images shoreline change detection maps for Cullong river's delta was compiled and presented in Appendix 2. For better study we have choosen two places where the change is very distinct. In the place number 1 the action of nearshore streams has connected the island and main - land and under the action of stream is Cua tieu and Cha Dai mouth there is a trend off accretion in both mothern and southern direction. The chosen place number 2 is Cu Lao dung that is into he between of Dinh an and Tran De mouth. The accretion was permanent and it develops mainly into northern direction. Accretion speed is calculated for one profile and shown on graph in appendix 2. Conclusion Survey method using satellite image has conformed its precedence in solving such a problem like monitoring shoreline change. Its results are not only objective detailed but very qualitative (for convenient scale) as well. In the case the collection of satellite data is complete , unintermitten and with appropriate resolving power there is ability to evaluat the shoreline change not only qualitatively but quantitatively as well. On the whole remote sensing methods bring more economical advantages than traditional ones because they reduce field trips that often need high finance expenditure. they can be used for forecasting shoreline erosion and in protection against it. Acknowledgemnt Many thanks belong to ESCAP organizations for their supplements of satellite images and all members of research group who has taken part in solving this study problem. Reference
C PLANE AFFINE TRANSFORMATION WITH OVERDETERMINATION C DETERMINATION OF TRANSFORMATION COEFFICIENTS REAL A(40), AA (40), C(6), MTH (12) , AAT (12) 1AAS (36), AAS1(36), BAS(2), BAS 1 (6) , BAS2 (36) CHARACTER*13 ITEN REAL MO, MP DATA A/40*-9999999,/ , AA/40*-9999999,/MTH,12*0/, 1AAS1/36*0./,BAS2/6*0,/ EOFD=-9999999.0 C C READING FILE NAME OF MEASURED COORDINATES C C WIRTE(*,*)'FILE NAME OF MEASURED COORDINATES? READ (*,'(A13)') ITEN OPEN (2, FILE =ITEN, STATUS = 'OLD') ICH=ICH*2 DO 88888 N=1, ICH, 2 READ (2,*) AA (N0, AA (N+1) 88888 continue C C READOMG FO;E MA,E PF GOVEM COORDINATES C WRITE (*,*)(A13)') ITEN OPEN (1, FILE =TTEN, STATUS='OLD READ (1,*) ICH ICH = ICH*2 DO 5004 II-1, ICH, 2 READ (1,*) A (II), A (II+1) 5004 CONTINUE C C ESTABLISHING OF NORMAL EQUATIONS C II=1 10 MTH(1) =1. MTH(2)=AA (II) MTH(3)=AA (II*A) MTH (10) = 1 MTH (11) = AA (II+1) MTCH (12) = AA (II+1) CALL TRAM (MTH, AAT, 2,12) CALL NASM (AAT, MTH, AAS, 12, 12, 36) CALL SOUM (AAS, AAS1, AAS1, 36) BAS (1) = A (II) BAS (2) =A (II+1) CALL NASM (AAT, BAS, BAS1, 12, 2, 6) CALL SOUM (BAS1, BAS2, BAS2, 6) II = II +2 IF (AA(II), NE, EOFD) GOTO 10 C C SOLUTION OF NORMAL EQUATIONS C CALL INVMCAAS1, AAS2, 36) IF (AAS2(1), EQ (EOFD) GO TO 1000 CALL NASM (AAS2, BAS2, C, 36, 6,6,) I = 1 SUM = O 11 X = (1) +C (2) * AA (I) + C (3) * AA (I+1) Y = C (4) +C (5) * AA (I) +C (6) * AA (I+1) V X 2 = (A (I) - X) * (A(I) - X) VY2 = (A(I+1) - Y) **2 SUM = VX2 +VY2 I = I + 2 IF (AA(I), NE, EOFD) GOTO 11 TI = 2, * (I-2,) - 6, MO = SQRT (SUM/TI) MP = MO*1, 414214 C C TRANSFORMATION C OPEN (11, FILE + RESULT, DAT, STATUS = UNKNOWN) WRITE (*, 200) C (1), C (4), C (2), C (5), C (3), C (6), MO, MP 200 FOMAT (7X, TRANSF, COEFFICIENTS'/ 17X, AO = , E12,5,3 X, 'BO=, E12,5/ 17X, A1= E12, 5, 3X, 'B1=, E12, 5,/ 17X, A2= E12,5,3X, 'B2= , E12, 5/ 17X, MO= E12, 5,3X, 'MP=, E12,5.0 WRITE (*,*) FILE NAME OF COORDINATES BEFORE TRANSFORMATOIN? READ (*, (A13) ' ) ITEN OPEN (3 FILE=ITEN, STATUS = 'OLD') WRITE (*,*) FILE NAME OF COORDINATES AFTER TRANSFORMATION? READ (*, (A13) ') ITEN OPEN (4, FILE = ITEN, STATUS = NEW ' ) 2002 READ (3, *, END = 6000) ICHEK WRITE (4, *) ICHEK ICHEK = ICHEK *2 DO 2000 I = 1, ICHEK, 2 READ (3, *) X, Y BX = C (1) + C (2) * X +C (3) Y BY = C (4) +C (5) *X +C (6) * Y 2000 WRITE (4,*) BX, BY GOTO 2002 2001 CONTINUE 1000 WRITE (11, 1001) 1001 FORMAT (2X, *** SINGULAR COEFFICIENT MATRIX *** ' ) 1002 CONTINUE 6000 CONTINUE CLOSE (1) CLOSE (2) CLOSE (3) CLOSE (4) CLOSE (11) STOP END |