Predicting water table depth
using Remotely sensed data Om Prakash Dubey
Department of Civil Engg. University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India. Sriniwas, A. K. Awasthi Department of, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India. Abstract In the present study a simple method for delineating ground water source areas has been presented. Aerial photographs at 1:50,000 scale, Landsat MSS band 5 and 7 blow up at 1:250,000 scale, Landsat CCT and ground truth has been utilized for preparation of base map land cover map, slope map, grain size map and water table map. Multi-vitiate optimization technique in form of PCA considering Rainfall, elevation above mean sea level ground slope, vegetal cover , drainage density and texture of surface material has been carried out. It has been found that PCI accounts for about 928 of total variation. Bivariate plot of PCI and depth of water table clearly brings out clusters for different land uses. This bivariate plot can be utilized for predicting ground water table. Introduction If today we are suffering from problems associated with provision of suitable supply of oil at a price we can afford. We are moving towards a state when we shall be suffering from comparable problems associated with provision of water. Several surface and subsurface methods are available for exploration of ground water resources. These methods require large data set making them very costly and time consuming. For optimal exploration of ground water, it is essential to delineate promising areas. Keeping above in view a study has been carried out in a part of Genetics plain to develop a simple methodology for delineating the promising areas. Development of Methodology It is a established fact that ground water availability depends upon several factors viz. Rainfall, elevation above mean sea level, vegetal cover, drainage density, texture of surface material, ground slope etc. The techniques commonly adopted for the analysis of multivariate data are cluster analysis, discriminate analysis, multivariate regression and principal component analysis (PCA) etc. (Dunteman, 1984). PCA involves the selection of a set of weights to the variance. The problem is to find b' = [b11, b12, ......... bip] such that the variance of b', x= b11 x1+b12x+............maximized subject to the constraints that The problem can be stated as: y= b' v b-(b'b-1) Where y is the function to be maximized, V is the pxp covariance (correlation) matrix of the original variable, and b' vb is the variance of the composite to be maximized. l is largance multiplier. b'b-1 =10. The next step is to find b' and l such that the y is maximised. (¶y/¶b) = 2vb-2 l b =0 or, (v-lI)b= 0; since b¹0; The matrix V-lI must be singular (V-lI) b=0; If we premultiply by b' b' (V-lI) b=0 or, b'Vb = l b'b or, b'Vb =
l i.e. we want to maximize b'Vb= l (that is the variance of the composite) We can then find the vector b associated with the largest root. The stepwise procedure can be summarized as under
For the above study Rainfall, percentage vegetal cover, Drainage density, elevation above mean sea land, slope percentage and grain size data is required. For evaluation of these data following map has been compiled.
The data were grouped according to the four different landuse categories. In each category fifteen sample points were used. Results
The authors are very thankful to the IIRS Dehradun, Ground Water Investigations for providing the necessary data for the study. References