Study and application of Remote
Sensing techniques for groundwater investigation: Case-study of
coastal zones of Red River and Mekong River deltaic plains of
Nguyen Kim Minh
Cong Center of Geography and Natural Resources, NCSR of Vietnam
Objectives and scope The Coastal Zones
chosen for the Studies are located in the Northern and Southern Vietnam
respectively, that have a lot of differences not only on the geological,
geomorphologic building-up also in the physico-geographical and
meteoro-climatic characteristics.
Under the new socio-economic
strategy of the Government of Vietnam, these areas are subjected to a
period of intensified economic development and immense investment. Thus,
the problem of detailed assessment of the Natural Conditions of the Areas
has been raised and required a timely resolution. Consequently, the
project RAS/86/141 named : "Application of Remote Sensing Techniques for
the Study and Assessment of Natural Conditions, natural Resources and
Development Dynamics of the coastal Zones of the Red River and the Mocking
River Deltas" had been established and been sponsored and founded by ESCAP
Considering the potentials of Remote Sensing
Techniques, the Directorate of the Project had entrusted the Staff of
Geologists, Hydro geologists and Geomorphologies of the :Remote Sensing
Application Division' of NCSR of Vietnam a subproject for Hydro geological
Interpretations of the Lands at and Spot data for the aims of preparation
of Hydro geological maps for the Study Areas.
The significant
contributions of the Hydro geological Inter-pretations are supposed to be
observed concerned mapping Regional geological features ane Tectonic
domains that because of their colossal size and obscure ness under the
soil-and vegetation-cover up-to-now stayed unmapped. The mapping of them
will be very a significant input for study of the hydro-geological
conditions and their re-assessment.
However, owing to the Scale of
the Studies, and the inherent resolutions of the lands at and Spot
imageries, the scope of the Hydro-geological Interpretations is expected
to be limited, since only the Regional Structures, broad litho logic
Groups and Macro-landforms, and thus, the main hydro geological nits can
be identified.
Choice of materials and methodology The
basic data to be used for the Subproject "Hydro geological
interpretations' has been the lands at MSS imageries (Black and White
prints, available in a series from 1984to 19880 and the Spot FCC
imageries, 9taken in February 1987) on the scale of 11/2500,000.
The following are considered as favorable environmental conditions
for carrying out investigations ; 1) period of clean atmosphere and least
vegetation cover : 20 Period of intensive development of groundwater
natural phenomena and processes: 3) Period of calm sea surface. Hence, the
mages taken during the dry season have been chosen for the interpretation
The data suitable for the investigations have been analyzed
by visual interpretation techniques only. Due to the lack of possibility,
the Advanced Computer Processing. Techniques such as supervised
Classification, Bank-Rationing and Contrast Enhancement have not been
During the Interpretation Course, a significant
supplementary information has been gained based on the Visual
interpretations of the Lands at and Spot Films conducted on the
Additive-Color Viewer (aC-90).
Annotation of various Strati
graphic Units, Litho logic Groups and Hydro geologic Units has been taken
from the Published and Archived Geological Literature and Maps complied by
the "General Department of Geology and Mining of Vietnam".
Geological Information from the former conventional. On-ground
investigations on Geology, Geomorphology and Groundwater has been
generalized and evaluated and then used in term of the ground-truth
information for checking the interpretation results.
Since the
Areas were studied in details in the Geological Relations, the Ground
Geological information has been collected and read by the Interpreters so
that an adequate knowledge on Geology, Geomorphology and Groundwater has
been provided to them prior to the Preliminary interpretation has been
conducted independently, without special reference to the Ground
information. only on the Final interpretation stage, the preliminary
interpretation results have been revised wherever it was necessary
according to the Ground information.
works Interpretation Procedure for the Aims of Hydro geological
Studies of the Chosen Areas have been conducted on the four following
sections :
- Litho logical Interpretation
- Structural Interpretations
- Geomorphologic interpretation
- Groundwater Interpretation
The realization of these specific
geological studies is presented and discussed below :
- Lithological Interpretation
The aim of Litho logical
Interpretation has been identification and delineation of various litho
logic units or various root types, based on such interpretation
signatures as tone, texture, landforms, structural features, drainage
and etc.
As a rule, litho logical interpretation has a limited
success, because the spectral reflectance characteristics of various
rock types cannot be sufficient for their discrimination Nevertheless,
supplementary interpretation signatures such as relief (mountainous
relief, Karsts relief) enable the interpreters to identify correctly the
Basaltic form actions (f , Q), Granite formations, limestone's
sandstones, shale stones and some other rocks.
For the loose
quaternary sediments, for which the detailed Geological Mapping has been
carried out, the application of Remote Sensing Techniques is very useful
in revising the contacts and correlating the litho logic units. For
example, for the first time, shoreline sand-dune formations have been
identified and marked on the geologic Maps.
- Structural interpretation
In comparison with the other
geologic features, Interpretation of the Geologic Structures always
gains much core successes.
Thanks to the Synoptic overview from
great altitude and Generalize of the Space Remote Sensing Data, the
interpreters have been able to discern such geologic structures of great
size and magnitude as faults fractures and circular structures.
On the Study Areas, the deep faults of the foundation (basal
faults) and the fractures of the Cenozoic Cover can be observed very
A significant contribution of the Structural
Interpretation has been founded in location and identification of he
circular structures. The system of the interpreted laniary structures
9faults and fractures0 and circular structures, obviously, can create a
remarkable evidence for the Neotectonic mobility and activities of the
Study Areas.
- Geomorphologic Interpretation
For the aims of
Geomorphologic Interpretation, delineation of various landforms has been
conducted on the basis of relief and form. The devoted landforms have
been classified according to the landform-original principle. Similar
Landforms have been group[ed into types based upon Geology and Prevalent
Geomorphological processes. For the Study Areas, the following landform
types have been found successfully :
- Landforms of Predominant Denudation Type
- Landforms of Mixed Denudation Accumulation Type
- Landform of Predominant Accumulation Type
Beside this,
morphologic elements such as shoreline (ancient and modern) : relics of
dead rivers, relics of ancient tidal creeks and etc have also been
identified and marked on the Geomorphologic Maps.
- Groundwater Interpretation
The approach for Groundwater
Interpretation has been delineation of various groundwater bearing units
on the basis of Geology and Prevalent Hydro geological Processes.
According to the nature of the water-bearing media, that can be
extrapolated from the Geology, water-abundance degrees of various rocks
or sedimentary deposits can be assumed and then revised by the Ground
Geological Information.
For the study areas, rocks and
sedimentary deposits have been classified into several groups according
to the water-abundance as follows :
- Rich and very rich in Groundwater aquifer of porous media (large
- Moderate in groundwater aquifer of porous media (small pores).
- Scanty in Groundwater aquifer of porous-fissured or fissured media
(small pores and Kars fissures)
- Aquiclude (Unleaking rocks) of rocky formations.
on the Vegetation signature, on the knowledge of Groundwater
Recharge-Transportation-Discharge and on the Prevalent hydro geological
Processes (such as evaporation and encrustation) that are taking place
under the hot protracted chemical types according to predominant anions
compositions and total amount of dissolved solids (t.d.s), that have had
the ground confirmation. These types are:
- Ultra-fresh groundwater
- Fresh Groundwater
- Saline Groundwater
As a rule, Neotechtonic activities
of Geologic faults and fractures always find their distinct expression
in the Hydrogeology. This is because these activities more or less
disturb the hydro geological situation and lead to appearance of some
new phenomena (such as diffusion of different aquifers : discharge on
the surface of low underlying aquifers (s) and etc)
In the study
area of the Mekong River delta, discharge on the surface of the
low-lying thermal groundwater makes it possible to discern several
thermal fountaining springs, that are distributed along the Basal faults
of North-East trend. Conclusions
- Space Remote Sensing data seems to be a very useful tool for
Geological Studies, as it has been presented above.
- The gained interpretation results and the newly complied and Hydro
geological maps can be a significant input for mineral prospecting
(delineating target areas for ground water and oil-prospecting)…….