The use of Landsat TM data to
estimate rubber growing area of Thailand Dr. Suvit
Vibulsresth Dr. Darasri Downreang Dr. Surachai Ratanas ermpong Miss. Supapis Polngam Mrs. Thanomsri Rangsikanbham Miss Uthaiwan Pornprasertchai Remote sensing Division, National Research Council Dr. Likit Nualsri Dr. Veth Thainukul Mr. Somyot Sinthurahat Mr.Udorn Charoensang Mr.Sutus Danskulphol Mr. Somjert Phatummin Rubber Research Institute, Department of Agriculture Bangkok 10900, Thailand Abstract A certain part of Nakhon Si Thammarat province, Southern part of Thailand was selected as a test site for the application of simple image processing techniques to identify rubber plantation stages by the use of Landsat Thematic Mapper data. These images were taken during the shedding period of rubber trees. To produce optimal contrast and variation for color composition, contrast enhancement and histogram equalization techniques were applied to the images with various band combinations. It was found that a combination of band 4, band 5 and band 2 provided the best identification of rubber growing area. This combination was most promising for the separation of rubber plantation from other vegetated area as well as differentiation of rubber of different stages of growth such as young rubber area including nearly cleared area that will be planted with rubber area including nearly cleared nearly cleared area feature and mature rubber area. The results reveal that within the total area of 1,090 sq. km. Under study young rubber plantations with rubber trees 1-4 years of age account for 162. 139 sq. km. While are mature rubber with rubber trees 5-9 years of age, and 162.500 sq. km. are mature rubber with rubber trees more than 10 years of age. The accuracy of classification is more than 80% for rubber plantation area. Introduction The study described in this paper is a part of an integrated approach to develop procedure for rubber plantation area estimation particularly for Southern Thailand, Where rubber are mainly planted. From past experiences, multispectral characteristics of rubber plantation and its separability from other cover types, has largely been studied with respect to MSS data. The information in the four MSS bands can essentially represent only two classes, one of which, termed "young rubber area", and the other is mature rubber area (Somyot, 1986)X. In addition, rubber plantation area is subject to confusion with oil palm plantation area. With the development of higher spatial and spectral resolution satellite data such as Landsat TM the possibility to differentiate various land cover types becomes greater. Therefore, in this paper an attempt is made to explore the potential of TM data as applied to the identification of rubber plantation at different at ages via digital image processing means
Data analysis Analysis of landsat Tm image was performed on the meridian Mapping system located at the TRSC. The first step was to assist in visualization and discrimination of spectral and textural features on the image. False color composite of bands 4, 5 and 2 (in Red, Green and Blue) was generated with histogram equalization and linear contrast enhancement. Using this combination, the distribution of rubber plantation at different stages could be clearly identified from the coloring of orange, pink and light blue (see Figure 2). Table 1 describes the correlation between color and surface pattern. Table 1 The correlation between color and surface
Then classification was made from analysis of digital values for selected Classless in the study area. Representative data sets of training sites were chosen to correspond with area in which ground information was available. The spectral signatural files were constructed for all classes and were used to classify the whole study area by using nearest Neighbour method. Results
This paper describes how computer aided techniques can be used for analysis of rubber plantation at different stages. It is essential to select proper spectral bands and dates of satellite data. These was good evidence that rubber plantation at various stages could be distinguished from all other vegetation on March image, using bands 4, 5 and 2 combination. Such the period has an advantage that the reflectance of rubber leaves are more or less predictable. During February through April, rubber leaves change color to red orange before shedding. With in this period the reflectance of rubber leaves are expected to be relatively high. In addition, the nearest neighbor classification seems to work well for rubber identification providing reasonably high accuracies. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the Rubber Research Institute, Department of Agriculture and the National Research Council for supports provided for the project. References