The use of image processing
systems for the analysis of digitised Aerial Photography
N.C. Coops, D.D. Fraser, N.M.
Rollings, G.P.Ellis RMIT Centre for Remote Sensing Victoria
University of Technology GPO Box 2476V Melbourne Victoria 3001
Abstract The use of image
processing systems in the analysis of remotely sensed data such as that
derive from satellites is well documented. There remains, however, a
substantial amount of data in the form of aerial photography, analogue
satellite imagery and maps, the analysis of which can be greatly improved
using image enhancement and geographic manipulation techniques. Aerial
photography provides high resolution information and offers an historical
archive dating back many years. Mapped data provide useful ancillary
information, which can be used to assist in the analysis.
enhancement techniques may be applied to digital data derived from
analogue sources enabling subtle features to be extracted that were not
apparent in the original data set.
This principle of digitising
analogue data has been applied to several data sets relating to geological
and land use mapping applications. The use of techniques such as contrast
enhancement, histogram equalisation, principal component analysis,
decorrelation stretching and classification has allowed significant
feature extraction.
The digital nature of these data makes them
amenable to further analysis in a Geographic information system (GIS). The
use of automated cartographic software packages also permits the output of
useful and attractive map products from such integrated data sets.
Introduction Technological advancement in microcomputer
hardware has meant a substantial decrease in their cost with a
corresponding increase in their computing power. This has led to an
increasing use and awareness of personal computers in their application to
tasks previously restricted to expensive mainframes. More recently, the
development of low cost scanners (automatic raster digitisers) has emerged
as a significant image processing tool for the mapping and graphics
Civil and Municipal Engineers GIS specialists and other
workers in the spatial data field all hold archives of large-format maps
that require regular updating and revision, and from which copies are
regularly made. It is only recently that these groups are recognising the
advantages of raster data as an archive and raster editing for updating
(Bosma et al, 1989).
Even with this increase in the use of raster
data by a wide variety of users, the purchase of remotely sensed imagery
from satellites and airborne scanners at a suitable mapping resolution is
still an expensive venture (corblet,1990). As an alternative some users
are turning to existing data sources as a means of obtaining high
resolution data over particular regions.
Aerial photography has
been flown in many countries as an integral part of topographic mapping
programs. These data, apart from providing topographic information to
allow the production of maps, provide a continuous, large photographic
scale archive in some cases dating back many years.
The digitising
of aerial photographs and subsequent entry into an image processing system
allows digital manipulation of the data and consequently provides a
powerful means of interpretation.
The image processing techniques
used on digitised analogue images will be discussed in relation to three
pilot study areas.
Introduction to the study areas
- Flinders Ranges:
The Flinders ranges study area is
situated in Southern Australia 75km NNE of port Augusta. The region is
highly prospective for mineral deposits which include gold, copper, and
industrial minerals.
Accurate lithological mapping is paramount
to successful ore deposit delineation in this region (Rollings,1985).
Existing 1:250,000 geological maps of the area contain insufficient
detail with respect to the smaller outcrops which can be important for
exploration activities.
Very subtle spectral differences exist
between many of the rock units (Rollings,1988) Only by using
sophisticated image analysis techniques can these subtle differences be
exploited for the purpose of lithological mapping .
sensed data derived from satellite sensors lacks the required spatial
resolution necessary for structural mapping at a scale appropriate for
detecting the ore deposits of the region. Digitised aerial photography
algorithms designed to extract line and edge features can be used to
enhance small geological structures.
For this study area colour
aerial photography acquired on the 20/6/84at 1:40,000 was used.
![]() Figure 1: Location map of study areas.
- Warrenbayne:
The Warrenbayne study area near the town of
Benalla, in Southern Australia, is predominantly grazing land affected
by dryland salinity. Groundwater recharge and discharge areas therefore
need to be mapped before treatment is undertaken (Fraser et al , 1989)
In the past the geographic data of the area has been in analogue
form. As a result, detailed interpretation of the data has been limited.
Once in digital format the data can undergo more extensive analysis.
The aim of digitising the aerial photography was to provide an
objective image of the farm areas at high resoultion. This image then be
used as a base to display other data, such as thematic classification
and annotation (Ellis & Fraser, 1990).
The aerial
photography for the Warrenbayne area is monochrome, at a scale of
1:25,000 , taken on the 14/12/87.
- Philip Island :
Cowes, the major town on Phillip Island,
120 km SE of Melbourne is a small coastal community relying on fishing
and tourism for is economic survival.
The Township itself was
chosen as a study area for a number of resons:
- the area itself has a diversity of land use, both urban and rural
, with large areas of parkland and nature reserve.
- the area has been covered by color aerial photography at a scale
of 1:10,000.
- large scale maps are available.
The aerial photography
for Phillip Island was taken as part of the colour. 1:10,000 coastal
mapping series on the 22/10/83. Method of data
input Analogue photographs can be digitised into processing system
using a variety of techniques. Two every common techniques are:
- Frame Grabbing:
The simplest method producing raster data
is by frame grabbing the imagery . This is a low cost option because
much of the equipment is readily available. To frame grab an image
requires a video camera connected to a personal computer. In this
particular application a standard video camera was connected to a
special board within the personal computer. This board frame grabs the
analogue data and converts it into 8 bit in a 512 by 512 pixel image.
This image can then the easily imported into an image analysis system.
- Electronic Scanning
There are a wide range of scanners on
the market that are able to digitise aerial photographs, included with
many of these scanners are software programs that allow zooming, basic
filtering and printing of the imported images.
For this
particular application, additional software items were not required,
since the image could easily be manipulated within the image processing
The technical specifications of the majority of scanners
on the market are similar, varying mainly in accepted sheet size and
scanning resolution. For an excellent summary of the types and
specifications of image scanners see Bosma et al (1989) and Bosma and
Drummond (1989).
A flatbed scanner was used which scans at a
rate 25 milliseconds per line and provides a maximum resolution of 300
dots per inch (dpi) . Images are scanned in 8 bit or 24 bit resolution
using a charge coupled device (CCD) With 8 bit resolution 256 levels of
grey can be scanned and displayed in monochrome. With the 24 bit
resolution the full 16.8 million colours are available, however, the 24
bit mode requires high resolution video adaptors and monitors on the
computer system. (Harrison, 1990). Both black and white (one pass) and
colour separations are possible (multiple passes using a set of red,
green and blue fluorescent lights). Image processing
- Data quality:
Once the scanned image is in a digital form,
image enhancement techniques can be applied to the data.
contrast stretches where initially performed. The images exhibited a
large dynamic range and so were particularly amenable to contrast
In order to assess the quality of the data,
principal component transformations were carried out. These were
computed in the first instance on the Flinders Ranges data (multi
spectral). From these the noise to signal ration (NSR) were calculated
for both the scanned and the frame grabbed imagery.
The Noise to
Signal ratio (NSR) is a statistic calculated by the principal component
analysis algorithm which summarises the variance of a component relative
to the whole data set (Harrision and Jupp, 1990). Typically, the ratio
of noise to signal ratio for remotely sensed data should be low at
around 5-10 %.
- Frame Grabbed Imagery:
A NSR of 45% was computed for the
grabbed imagery. This was expected as the data exhibited a large amount
of periodic noise when viewed on the screen.
In an attempt to
'clean ' the frame grabbed imagery a median filter was applied to the
raw data. This was unsuccessful due to the dominating nature of the
periodic noise. Examination of principal component (PC) 2 revealed that
this band contained the majority of the noise. Therefore, the median
filter was applied to this but was also unsuccessful. A median filter
applied to PC 1 produced an acceptable result. A second pass using a
median filter removed the reminder of the noise resulting in an
improvement in PC1. The second and third PC's were cleaned after
applying the median filter a second time, however the still substantial
amount of noise made both components unusable.
The same
procedure of noise determination we repeated on the colour Philip Island
data, again showing in high NSR of 28% and using principal component
analysis revealed large noise factor in components 2 and 3 . The
1st component , again as expected, produced the 'cleanest'
All data sets showed similar NSR's and it was therefore
decided that the data was of unacceptable quality and no further
processing was undertaken. As the 2nd principal component shows (see
figure 2) the noise throughout the image has a regular pattern. As a
result it may regular pattern. As a result it may be that a Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) algorithm could be applied to the data to try and reduce
this noise.
![]() Figure 2: 2nd principal component
Flinders Ranges.
- Electronic Scanned Imagery:
The electronically scanned
image produced an image with a NSR of 5% the lower NSR made the imagery
derived from this scanning technique more suitable for image processing
The spatial resolution of the scanned images is
governed by the resolution of the scanner. As the photographs were
acquired at different scales a direct comparison of the resolution is
- Contrast Enhancement:
The technique used to enhance the
image was 'Contrast Variance' (Harris, 1977) or 'Statistical
differencing' (Niblack, 1986) which is an algorithm useful for images
where there is a large regional dynamic range coupled with a large
regional variation in contrast level (Harris, 1977). This enhancement
can be particularly effective for grey scale imagery with high dynamic
range but; little local variation (Harrison and Jupp, 1990).
technique employs a high filter a reduce the local average to zero for
all regions of the image and then applies a gain factor equal to the
reciprocal of the local standard deviation to produce an image in which
all local regions have equal variance (Harris, 1977).
technique improved the single channel Warrenbyne 1:25,000 monochrome
photography by enhancing the smaller detail within the image. On the
Flinders Ranges data an improvement was also noted showing that the
technique is of benefit to multispectral images.
The Phillip
Island 1:10,000 imagery, did not improve using the technique due to the
large amount of high frequency data already in the image.
Application of the imagery
- Flinders Ranges:
The Flinders Ranges data once imported
was processed to enhance two types of features, namely spectral and
structural information. To Enhance spectral information the data was
linearly stretched to improve the contrast of the image. Using an
interband decorrelation technique known as image logarithmic residuals
(Fraser et al, 1986) the data was processed to enhance subtle spectral
features. This technique has been successfully applied to Thematic
Mapper data sets to enhance geological Information. The enhanced imagery
showed improved lithological discrimination.
A Stereo pair of
aerial photographs over the Flinders Ranges area were also digitised, as
single panchromatic channels. Both of these images were processed with a
high pass filter to enhance structural features. These were displayed in
anaglyph format where one photo is displayed on the blue colour gun, and
its stereo pair on the red colour gun. Using anaglyph glasses a stereo
image can be perceived . This enables on screen interpreation of the
imagery . One major advantage of this method is that structural features
can be digitised directly into the system, while viewing the imagery in
stereo, using a GIS interface. Since this structural information is
stored in the GIS as vector data it can be rectified and output as maps
very quickly and over layed with other data sets such as lithological
- Warrenbayne:
The major advantage of the digitising
technique for the Warrenbayne area is the production of accurate image
maps of the area. At present the only maps in the area suitable for
mapping dryland salinity are mosaiced photo maps at 1:5,00 scale derived
from the 1:25,000 photographs. These maps are far from satisfactory with
positional errors of up to 200m.
A control network was
established using the Global Positioning System (GPS) and
photogrammetric techniques. In this way control points with an accuracy
of + 0.8 metres in X,Y and Z where obtained . This control was used to
rectify both airborne scanner imagery and also the digital aerial
photographs of the area. The digital aerial photograph images were then
mosaiced together to create an image base for the area.
rectification of the 1: 25,00 air photographs using this GPS control
allowed the production of planimetrically accurate base maps.
- Phillip Island
The Phillip Isalnd image was rectified to a
UTM grid using an affine transformation to an accuracy of less than a
Resampled to 5 and 10 metres the image was used as an
objective base for vector data. The advantage of this type of image is
that it gives a detailed portrayal of the ground, without any
cartographic generalisation (as on a map) or sensor rasterisation that
occurs on remotely sensed data. As a result the image can be used as a
detailed image base for the overlay of a wide variety of geographic
information such as roads and other vector data. This permits the
objective. Image background to be analysed in association with the
overlayed vector data.
An additional advantage is that the
imagery, due to the lack of generalisation, can be used by a wide
variety of disciplines. Town planners, GIS personnel and local councils
can 'relate' to aerial photography as 'more accessible' and 'less
technical' data source. Conclusion This study into the
feasibility of using digitised air photographs as an additional method of
data capture has generally been successful.
In this project the
frame grabbed imagery was unusable. However other methods of frame
grabbing imagery are available and it is quite possible that satisfactory
result could be achieved using a different technique.
Using the
electronic scanner imagery the results for the particular case studies
were encouraging with useful map products being generated.
paper has shown, through the use of selected case studies, that there are
certain applications where image processed digitised aerial photographs
provide information not otherwise available.
Acknowledgement This research was carried out at the
RMIT Centre for Remote Sensing, Victoria university of Technology,
Australia. The authors express their gratitude to Craig Hill, Lucy Minato
and Megan Allen for their gratitude to Craig Hill, Lucy Minato and Megan
Allen for their assistance in the preparation of the paper.
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