Geo-query: A Geo-object
oriented query system integrated with Oracle for GIS
Zhong Zhenxiang, Lu
Zhonghui Dept. of Computer Science, Peking University, Beijing,
Zhou Xintie National Remote Sensing Centre of China
Abstract This thesis discusses the design
of the spatial object-oriented query interface integrated with the
relational database management system ORACLE in a Geo-Information System
(GIS) Geo-union. The integrated query interface not only relates to the
spatial relations between the objects, but also relates to the textual
attributes by which the objects are characterized in a relations database.
The objects in spatial queries can usually be classified into three
categories: point, lien and polygon. Based on this, six basic spatial
relations among point, lien and polygon are analysed, and the design of a
Geo-object oriented Query Languages (GQL) and a graphical interactive
man-machine query interface are presented. The GQL uses an object
identifier to connect the spatial information of a object with the textual
attributes of the object stored in RDBMS (ORACLE). By adding the map
overlay and clip operations in queries, the capability of the query
interface is greatly reinforced.
Introduction The GIS
systems the information based on spatial objects (usually divided into
points, lien and polygons) in varies kinds of subject maps. In a subject
map, each spatial object has different kinds of information: the object's
geometric structure and topological relations with other objects (e.g. a
series of connected line-segments from a polygon). In addition, textual
attributes, for example, an administration district name, the total
population of district and the principal governor's name etc. can be
attached to polygonal object. These kinds of information are represented
in different forms in a computer. In a view of the GQL query system,
queries often involve all of these kinds of information. Following example
is a typical query:
"find the province names and the names of
province governors, where their average annual incomes per person is
greater the $300, and the Yangtze river passes through them."
the sequel, firstly, six categories of spatial relations are discussed,
nest the design of GQL is introduced and then the connection between GQL
and RDBMS is described briefly, and finally the conclusion is given.
Six categories of spatial relations
- Relations between Point-object to Point-Object
- Nearest - Point Relation : Find the nearest point-object to the
given point in a given map
- Farest-point Relation : Find the farest point-object to the given
point in a given map.
- Point-buffer Relation : Given a point and a buffer size, find all
point-objects, which lie within the buffer of the point in a given
- Relations between Point-objects to Line-Objects
- Common Point Line Relations : Given a Point, find all
line-objects, which pass thru the same point.
- Nearest-to-Point Line Relation : Given a line, find all
point-objects, which are lie on the line, in a given map.
- Lien-Pass-through Point Relation : Given a line, find all
point-objects, which are lie on the line, in a given map.
- Nearest-to-Lien Point Relation: Give a line, find the point-object
which is nearest to this lien I a given map.
- Side point Relation : Given a lien and a side (left or right),
find all point-objects which are lie in the same side in a given map.
- Relations Between Point Objects to Polygon-objects
- Contain Point Polygon Relation : Given a Point, find all
polygon-objects, which contain the point, in a given map.
- Common - point Polygon objects : given a point, find all
polygon-objects, which have this point on their boundaries, in a given
- Inner point relation : Given a polygon, find all point-objects,
which lie within the this polygon, in a given map.
- Bound point relation : Given a polygon, find all point-objects,
which are on the boundary of the polygon, in a given map.
- Outside Point relation : Given a polygon, find all point-objects,
which lie outside of the polygon, in a given map.
- Relations Between Line-objects to Line-objects
- Interest Line Relation : Given a line, find all line-objects, find
all polygon objects, which are intersected by the line, in a given
- Converge Polygon Relation ; Given a line, find all
polygon-objects, which contain the start node or end node of the line
lies within, in a given map.
- Polygon - contain Line Relation : given a polygon, find all
line-objects, the whole bodies of which lie within this polygon, in a
given map.
- Pass- through - polygon Lien Relation : Given a polygon, find all
line-objects, which pass through the polygon, in a given map.
- Convergence Line Relation : Given a polygon, find all
line-objects, whose start node or end node lies within the polygon, in
a given map.
- Relations Between polygon-objects to Polygon-objects
- Island Relation: Given a polygon, find al polygon-objects, which
lie within this polygons an Island, in a given map.
- Contain Polygon Relation: Given a polygon, find all
polygon-objects, which are contained as Islands within the polygon, in
a given map.
- Polygon - interest Relation: Given a polygon, find all polygon -
objects, which overlaps in part with the polygon, in a given
- Polygon Separate Relation function : Given a polygon, find all
polygon-objects which do not overlap with the polygon, in a given
- Polygon Neighboring Relation : Given a polygon, find all
polygon-objects, which adjoin with the polygon, in a given
The design Geo-query system
- The Eight Function Modules
In Geo Query System, there
are eight function modules i.e.
- Master Module: Control the system operation and some utilization
- Menu Control Module: Menu selection and the menu pop-up and push
- Subject-Attributes Query Module: The query about the subject
attributes. Database Attributes Query module: The query about the
database attributes.
- Spatial Relation Query Module: to respond the query about the all
spatial relations.
- Clipping module: To execute the clipping operation and relevant
attributes inheritance.
- Overlaying Module: To execute the overlaying of two maps, and
relevant attributes inheritance.
- Result display module: To produce the query result and the
result's display.
Note that the subject attribute is
defined as the principal attribute of a subject map.
- The Query Man Machine Interface
The system adopts the
style of menu-driving, integrating pop-up menus of users. The user's
Query Screen is divided into six windows as the fig.1 shows.
![]() Fig. 1 Screen arrangement in
Notes : |
WIN1: |
A pop-up window for selecting data values of the subject
attributes. All data values of the subject attributes of the
current map are listed. User can use the cursor to select many of
them. |
WIN2: |
Selecting database attributes window : A poop-up window. All
the database attribute names are listed in the window. |
WIN3: |
A pop-up window for selecting spatial relations. All spatial
relations will be shown in the window according to the goal map's
feature and reference map's feature. Note that the goal map is one
from which the spatial objects are selected for query results. The
reference map is one from which the spatial objects can be
indicated and the spatial relations between the goal map and the
reference map can be referenced. |
WIN4: |
Map window. Both goal map and the reference map are displayed
in different colors. |
WIN5: |
Prompt window. Error messages and prompt messages in the
process of the query will be displayed. When a query is completed,
the query results will be shown on the window. |
WIN6: |
Operation specification, keyboard usage message and query
condition are displayed here. A typical query example is expressed
in the sequel. |
Example: |
find the province names and the names of provinces governor,
the provinces should satisfy following conditions : 1: it's
average annual incomes per person (AAIPP)> = $300 2: the
Yangtze river passes through it. |
Analysis: |
The goal map: |
An administrator map. It's database attributes must include
province name, province governor's name and AAIPP etc. |
The reference map: |
The river distribution map. |
The spatial relation: |
Line-pass through Polygon Relation. |
Query Steps: |
Step 1: |
Input the goal map's name thru WIN5, See fig. 2 |
Step 2: |
In WIN 2, using the cursor to select the attribute AAIPP, hen
input the condition'>=800, see fig.3 |
Step 3: |
In WIN 3, selecting the term 'Given Ref. Map' and then input
the reference map name in WIN5, see fig. 4 |
Step 4: |
Selecting the spatial relation 'Line-Pass-Through Polygon'
thru WIN, then using a cross to point out the Yangtze river in
WIN4, see fig 5 & Fig 6. |
Step 5: |
Indicating query condition is completed. |
Step 6: |
Executing the query, and then display the results in WIN 5,
See fig 7. |
![]() Fig. 2 Input the map name 'tlanduse in
WIN5 as the object map
![]() Fig. 3 A
select condition 'ppm>300' of database attr. 'ppm' is given thry.
![]() Fig. 4 The map 'troads'
being given to select as a reference map
![]() Fig.
5 A spatial relation 'Through Fun' means 'Line-Pass-Thru. Polygun' has
been selected in WIN3
![]() Fig. 6 A
line in color of pink has been selected as a referencing object (a river)
of the 'passing thru.' spatial relation
![]() Fig.
7 The results of the query are shown in WIN4 (graphic part)
and WIN5 (text part) The connection of GQL with
Oracle RdbmsIn Geo-Query, each object has a unique object
identifier given by the system Geo-union. The object identifier plays the
role as a unique key field in it's relevant table in RDBMS. By doing so,
each object can its all spatial information in geometrical structure
files, and in the same way, find its all attribute information in RDBMS
through the key field. The correspondence between the object identifier
and the key field in relational tables is also automatically maintained by
Geo-Query. ConclusionThe GQL interface for GIS is
implemented on the basis of Geo-union system. The running performance and
the response time on PC 386 is satisfactory. The system is currently used
for a national project of the management information system for forest
resources. References
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