Application of the Thermal
Infrared Remote Sensing Technology in detection and investigation of
underground coal fire
Huang Yongfang, Huang
Hai Centre for Remote Sensing in Geology, Ministry of Geology
and Mineral Resources China
Li Yingxi China Remote
Sensing Satellite Ground Station, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Abstract This paper describes the study
results of an experimental project for the detection and investigation of
underground coal fire in a northern China's coalfield by using airborne
and space thermal remote sensing data s the main information. During the
study, the feature of thermal structure of round surface, and, the burning
structures of single coal seam and multi coal seam were analyzed; the
methodology of positing and width evaluating for underground coal burning
area were presented; the feature of TM6 data, its capability of detecting
underground burning area and the method of surface burning area width
evaluating by using TM6 was studied, and the experimental value of depth
could e detected by thermal remote sensing technology combined with
exploration profile.
Introduction Coal is one of the
most important energy resources for many countries in the world. Many
areas in north part of China have rich coal reserves, but there is also
severe underground coal fire disaster existing due to the arid and
semi-arid geographical feature and the long exploration history.
Underground coal fire has not only caused the heavy lost of natural
resources, but also pollute the nearby ecological environment
continuously. The investigation, prevention and cure of coal fire have
become a serious problem government should face.
In order to meet
the needs of nation's plan and engineering project for underground coal
fire control, Centre of Remote Sensing in Geology (CRSG) ahs conducted and
experimental project of detection methodology study by using its
self-owned Daedal us AADS-230 dual channel air-borne infrared scanner
(temperature resolution 0.2°K), combined with TM data received directly by
China Remote Sensing Satellite Ground Station. The test site was selected
in Ruqige coalfield located in Ningxia Autonomous Region, which is the
main production base of "taixi coal" well reputed as the "King of Coal"
because of its high quality.
Ruqige coalfield is located in the
middle of Helang Mountain with 1400-2400m higher than sea level, where
steep hills and deep valleys interlace. The geological structure is rather
simple with well-outcropped bedrocks and strata. The coal seams belong to
Jurassic series and in the northeast synclinal structure. The coal seams
attitude lies gently (incline nation is 15-25 degree). The coalfield has 7
coal seams with 5 workable among them. The No2 seam has best quality and
si the thickest with average thickness 20m, making it shave 60% of total
coal reserve in the whole coalfield. It is also the seam with severest
coal fire.
Data Acquisition and Methodology The project
was mainly based on airborne thermal scanning data combined with color
infrared air photos and complemented by Landsat TM6 data.
- Data Acquisition
Airborne remote sensing data --- high &
low altitude color infrared air photos and thermal infrared scanning
data --- were acquired by two aircrafts, Twin Otter and Citation-II, and
ground radioactive temperature measurement was conducted at the same
time with air flying. Some samples of original rocks and burnt rocks
were also collected from test site for later laboratory spectrum
measurement. Since there was no usable nighttime TM6 available in the
ground station, TM data acquired at 9:30 AM, Nov. 9, 1998 was selected
as a space remote sensing data source.
- Image Processing
Color infrared air photos, acquired
simultaneously with part of thermal scanning data, were enlarged to
1:6000 and 1:2000 scales for visual interpretation, and a 1:10000
ortho-image map part of the test site was produced also for integrated
interpretation. A set of B/W images, coded B/W images &color images
and function processed images for coal burning area interpretation were
produced from airborne thermal scanning data through DS-1830 ground
playback system.
For the purpose of determining coal burning
area boundary, area measuring and the need of coal fire prevention &
cure engineering designing, airborne scanning data was geometrically
corrected by S101 digital image processing system using the above
mentioned ortho-image map as reference.
The use of space thermal
data was to study and evaluate its capability of burning area detecting.
Because the radiative value range of TM6 data is rather narrow, linear
stretch of TM6 data was applied before making color compositions of
TM(6.4.3), (4,3,2) etc.. Image enhancement and density slicing were also
conducted on TM6 image. Since there is a strong interference of solar
radiation on daytime TM6 image, a contour map of TM6 radiative value was
compiled for the study of extraction of fire area information.
- Image Interpretation
- Establishment of Interpretation marks
Based on the
integrated analysis of airborne data, supported by field checks
conducted three times in the same seasons of different ears when
airborne data was acquired, three major interpretation marks were
Fig. 1 airborne thermal scanning
- Thermal Spectrum effect
Thermal spectrum effect indicates
that the interpretable ability of thermal infrared image is going to
be worth as the raising of band spectrum. Based on the experimental
result, the image of 305mm band was selected to detect "High
Temperature Ground Objects" while the image of 8-14mm band was for
"Low Temperature Ground Objects"
- Vegetation effect
Vegetation effect implies the sensitive
feature of vegetation to ecological environment changes. Vegetation
effect can be used to indicate the level of conduction between
ground surface and underground coal fire area by cracks, and thus be
used for the dynamic change tracing of underground coal fire area
and fire condition.
- Boundary cracks
Boundary cracks means the banded cracks
between burning area and non-fire area (will be burning as fire
moves forward) cause due to the collapsing of roof rock of burnt
coalseam and they can be clearly seen on the ground surface. It is
clear that although the determining of boundary cracks depends on
the integrate analysis of temperature and vegetation changes,
boundary cracks is one of important factors for determining the
boundary of underground burning area.
- Satellite image interpretation
TM6 single band B/W image,
density slicing image and several other color composition images have
their own different interpretabilities, for the interpretations of
geomorphology, structure and vegetation growth condition, while in TM
(6,4,3), (6,7,5) images, which contain detail geomorphological
features, a the threshold of TM6 raises gradually, the interference
caused by solar radiance is reduced and the information of burning
area becomes clear. For day time TM6 image, only those burning areas
with large scale and high temperature can be interpreted from the
image directly. Even it is difficult to do direct interpretation id
only use TM6 single band image and density slicing image, the thermal
anomaly distribution mode of strong and weak burning areas can still
be viewed rather clearly through the usage of thermal radiance profile
map, indicating they have the capability of reflecting the radiative
features of burning area to some extent. Results
and Discussion The coal fire area caused by the burning of
underground coalseam is a 3-D thermal body spatially. For simple
description, w consider the outlet ground surface as the above border
surface of the 3-D therma body as well as the ground burning areas as the
bottom border surface, and defined the horizontally projected areas of the
3-D body to the above & bottom border surfaces as "Ground Burning
Area" Underground Burning Area" (UBA).
- Study of Coalseam burning Structure
- Thermal anomaly structure of GBA
Based on the contribution
pattern of different levels' radiative temperature in the images, the
anomaly structure of GBA determined by thermal image can be classified
into four types: Symmetric; Inner-tilted; Outer-titled and Step-bench.
Preliminary study shows that, under a certain temporal and spatial
condition, the symmetric, inner-tilted and outer-tilted types of
thermal anomaly structure exist normally in single coalseam burning
areas and indicate the basic feature of ground thermal structure for
single seam burning, while the step-bench type exists mostly in
multi-coalseam burning areas. Outer tilted type exists in the older
burning are, implying that even the strongest burning has moved
forward, the fire is still existing in the way strongest burning
passed; inner-tilted type appears normally in the less deep burning
area where is almost the empty coal face ad even the fire is moving
along the strike of coalseam, the burning is not stronger as in coal
- Burning structure of single coalseam
For the burning seam
which lies horizontally, the profile of its burning structure could be
simulated by following curve:
Y = ARC CtgX 1.Coal Seam
2.Empty Area by Burning 3.Burning Porfile (Arrow indicates the
moving derection of fire) Fig. 2 Simulating profile of singleseam
burning structure Fig.2 shows the profile of single seam
burning structure. The defined by points c,a,d,b is a dynamic changing
profile f burning structure, and is moving forward fire moves toward
non-burning part of the seam. During fire moving forward, front part
of the profile - ca - goes up because of the oxygen provided by cracks
in roof rocks and appears like a wedge, while the back part of the
oxygen provided by cracks in roof rocks and appears like a wedge,
while the back part of the profile-bd-goes down due to the used-up of
burnable materials and burnt ash covering. Within the main burning
part-ab, the fire is very strong due to the thicker coal seam, the
speedy air flow and less ash covering, thus making a big accumulation
of heat, the strong fire there accelerate greatly thermal
physical-chemical reaction procedure, and the burning produced heat
makes roof rocks be burnt altered and crushed. As the forward moving
of point a, the burnt-altered roof rocks collapsed by fire along the
empty burnt area in a segment, thus provide good condition for air and
oxygen flow, and the accumulated heat can be conducted well through
cracks. At that time, a symmetric thermal structure profile can be
detected from ground surface.
Burning structure will change
more complexly as the change of incline degree when coal seams are
inclined. If inclined degree is less than 30, burning structure
changes simply. When coal seam inclines downward, the direction of
fire moving goes up correspondently, making ca segment of burning
profile be longer while the main burning segment-ab-and back
segment-bd --- be shorter and the slope of burning profile be bigger,
the inner-tilted type in ground ghermal structure appears. When
coalseam is inclined upwards, opposite situation, i.e outer0tilted can
be inferred generally based on the ground surface thermal structure
interpreted from thermal images and known coal seam attitude from
existing geological data.
- Multi seam burning structure
Multi-seam burning structure
indicates the burning feature incorporated when two or mote seams
burning superimposed spatially (near or completely).
Step bend
type of ground surface thermal structure is the major of underground
multi-seam burning structure. The multi peaks in the profile which
represent the main burning area of each sea imply the width and
burning condition of main burning area for each seam through the width
and intensity of each peak in profile, while the intervals between
peaks represent the time differences of fire moving forward in each
seam. Generally speaking, the fire moving styles of each seam have
more or less differences, thus making the feature of burning structure
for each could be remained basically, and can be deduced by the clear
step-bench type of ground surface thermal structure.
Some of
multi seam burning conditions which are moving faster are more
complex. Since the normal burning structure has been destroyed by
certain reasons, the ground thermal structure has changed greatly. For
instance, single peak with wider width or single peak area with
intensities changed notably in it would appear. It si clearly
important to study multi seam burning structure more and further works
are needs to be done later.
- Determination of UBA Boundary
For the purpose of determining
UBA boundary, it is necessary to know first what is the feature of GBA
and how to delineate it boundary.
- Ground burning Area (GBA)
GBA can be delineated rather
easily based on the integrated analysis of thermal radiative
temperature, vegetation effect and boundary cracks.
to the analysis of coalseam burning structure model, the rocks above
major burning are-ab segment---collapsed continuously as the burnt are
(empty burnt are) becoming larger, and vertical cracks created,
producing better condition for air flow and heat conducting upto
ground surface, thus making the vertical correspondence spatially
between major burning are (underground)----a segment---and high
temperature area on ground surface. As the coal seam burning continues
and the forward moving of point a, the collapsed area in ground
surface is also moving forward. Point a can be considered as the
underground control point for inner boundary of ground surface thermal
For the area correspondent to bad segment, because
the roof rocks collapsed mostly, producing an open system where the
fire became weaker and extinguished quickly and the heat could be
conducted spreadly, making it be very difficult to determine the
correspondent boundary of d point on ground surface, so the
determination of outer boundary for GBA is rather at will.
many cases, for instance, the roof rock is rather thick, there is not
clear thermal anomaly on ground surface for ca segment, it may be
related to the limited empty space there, the shorter vertical
distance roof rocks collapsing pass, eh smaller cracks, the shorter
burning time period and the limited heat accumulation.
- Underground Burning Area (UBA)
- UBA width calculation for single seam
The with of UBA for
single seam can be calculated by following equations : -
Lca = = Sca x L x COS Q
Lab= = Sab x L x COS Q
Ldb = = Sbd x L x COS Q
-----------------------(3) Where L-------------
thickness of burning seam, m. Q------------- inclinenation angle
of coal seam, degree S---------------width coefficient Lca,
Lab, Lbd-------- horizontal projected width for ca, cb, bd segment
respectively, m.
The whole width of burning seam, Lt, can be
calculated by following equation:
Lt = (Sc+Sab+Sbd) x L x COS Q
- Estimation of UBA for multiseam situation.
Since the
burning profile in this case changes greatly, the UBA width can only
be estimated by following equation :
Lt =(Sca + Sbd) x L x cos Q + ab
----------------------(5) Where ab-----------total width
of high temperature anomaly area in the ground surface correspondent
to the segment a in profile, impiles the spatial overlay of widths
for each seam's major.
- Estimation of Detectable Depth
As we know generally, it is
almost impossible to detect directly the depth and location of UBA by
only the thermal information extracted from thermal images, but if we
ignore the radiative background caused by normal ground thermal flow and
the day-night change of solar radiative energy on the ground, it is
possible to consider that the thermal radiative energy in GBA depends on
the thermal energy conducted up to surface from UBA, and a close
correspondent relationship exists between them. The depth study of
remote sensing potential for detecting underground coal fire through the
analysis of thermal structure and the determination of thermal anomaly
in images, combined with know geological and exploration data, is
definitely necessary and interested.
According to the existing
exploitation in burning area, No2 coal seam, which is burning severally,
has 160m depths mostly and average depth 86m. The "depth" here means the
distance from coal seam roof to ground surface. Actually, these GBA
correspondent to the o 2 burning seam all he thermal anomaly equal or
exceed the setting of HI reference source (BB2) in air-borne thermal IR
scanning images, indicating the depth value detectable by it could be
Preliminary study shows that the detectable depth is
depend on many factors, such as thickness of coal seam, the burning time
period, the basic features of roof rocks, etc. in this case, since
burning coal seam is very thick , the roof rocks are mainly sandstone
and there are many cracks, the detectable depth is much bigger than the
value reported in abroad reference.
- GBA Delineation and Width Estimation Using Satellite
During the creations of TM (6.4.3) or (6,7,5) color
compositions, a method of threshold compression segmentally was used to
determine GBA boundary from the intensity anomaly in TM6 image where has
been delineated as GBA by airborne thermal image interpretation.
Experimental results show that the boundary anomaly area after intensity
compressed to be half of the previous could be consider as the boundary
of GBA.
The reason of selecting half compressed intensity to
determine boundary of GBA is related to the high correlation of TM data,
the effects of mixed-pixels and the way of TM6 data creation
(interpolated from 120m to 30m resolution). The integrated effect is
that the width of GBA in TM6 image has been increased notably comparing
to the true width, that is, the integrated effect looks like positive.
Summary A part from the preliminary study of some
basic technical problems, this experimental investigation has got
remarkable result sin standardized procedure establishment and in
engineering application.
- The two temporal situations of underground coal fire in the test
site before 1986 and within 1986-1988 have become clear, the new and old
burning areas are delineated, the total loss of coal resources for
severest fire in each burning area were predicted. All results have been
used as one of basic data & information sets for the drafting of
"The engineering design of underground coal fire prevention and cure
project in Ruqige coalfield".
- Besides verifying TM6 data's capability of detecting burning area
detected by airborne thermal scanning data, two new burning areas have
been found newly in TM6 image of 1988.
- A se of apply able techniques & procedures for underground coal
fire detail investigation by using mainly airborne thermal IR was
established while the method of using satellite thermal data as the
reconnaissance tool was studies also.
- The results have greatly promoted the carry outing of large-scale
investigation for underground coal fire by using remote sensing
technology in north part of China.
Acknowledgement The
authors wish to thank prof. Zeng Shaomign and Mr. Zhou Fuzhen very much
for their valuable helps in conducting and paper drafting. Thanks also to
the project participating colleagues from CRSG, Ruqige coalfield and the
Professional Design Institute, Ministry of Railway.
- Wang Guoqin, song Dexiang: "Coal Geography Worldwide", Business
Publishing House, 1987.
- Helan Coal Geology Exploration inc.: "Detail Exploration Report for
Ruqige Coalfield", 1966.
- Robert N. Colwell et al: "Manual of Remote Sensing", Second Edition,
American Society of Phorogrammetry, 1983.