Remote Sensing in Guangzhou
Shuyu Institute of Geological Science of Guangdong
Liji Remote Sensing Centre of ZhongShan University, Guang Zhou
Abstact Remote Sensing in Guangzhou
area is a big project and covers many subjects of applied techniques. The
construction conditions, natural resources, environment, geology and
geomorphology in Guang Zhou are has been investigated by means of
Aero-remote Sensing method in order to meet the rapid development of the
urban area. The results are studied together with previous ground data. We
have analyzed some existent problems on the basis of multi-subjects
investigation. Meanwhile we have provided various maps to some social
departments, and solved many problems in planning small areas and
important engineering. The numbers of users of these results are at
present more than one hundred. Thus Remote Sensing in Guangzhou area has
produced a great influence with its rich results and good effectiveness.
Introduction In recent years with the rapid economic
development, Guangzhou city is facing some serious problems urban
expanding, population increasing, farmland decreasing, traffic Jams, lack
of power, reconstruction of the city and so on. In order to solve these
problems properly, comprehensive scientific data are need to support
overall planning. Hereby we have adopted modern technique to collect data
as the previous ones are too old and too incomplete to be used.
Consequently a bit multi-diplomacy and comprehensive project of remote
sensing has been carried out.
Under the leadership of the
municipal government, about 15 organizations and 140 technicians, have
worked together for more than 2 years and have made a great a achievement.
After systematic and scientific study of the results, we have made some
suggestions of city construction and management to the related units, thus
laying down a solid basis for the establishment of an urban information
We must know completely the history, the present status,
the future trend of urban factors in order to solve the problems which
have popped up in recent years and propose reasonable planning and
management. We, in close cooperation with planning -departments, have
discussed and expounded 31 monographic items such as urban construction
status, natural resources, gology and geomorphology, environmental
pollution and remote sensing mapping, etc. According to the requirements
of the project, we have carried out color infrared photography (1:20,000),
natural color photography (1:10,000) and black/white visible photograph
91:15,000) . The accuracy of every monographic item (including qualitative
classification, quantitative statistics and mapping scale) has a good
correlation with the specifications set by users and planning departments.
Main rsults and benefits:
- The current status of city construction including land use,
distributions of architectural density and light, banks use of Pearl
River, greenery cover, traffic and urban development were surveyed in
detail with Aero-Remote Sensing.
We classified the land use of
Guangzhou into 3 grades and 58 types based on its characteristics and
need of city planning and construction. With a plotter A 10 and remote
sensing data, the map of land use on scale 1:10,000 was drawn up and the
land area of various types was calculated too. We have also analyzed the
distributive characteristics, the proportion and other existing problems
of land use.
The Pearl River and its banks within the city are
an important area of economic development; we investigated the current
status of banks use and found some unreasonable phenomena. Some
suggestions to improve administration were made.
In the past,
there was no exact data to show its high population density, high
architectural density and serious traffic jams. With the remote sensing
images of different dates and scales we have investigated they thus
obtained the first completed data. With aero photographs on large scale
of different dates we analyzed the Vehicular discharge and density on
main streets and drew up their distributive charts. This is the basic
data we have provided for the traffic control managements.
addition, we have also investigated in detail the greenery quality, type
and cover-degree in Guangzhou area, with Remote sensing images on
1:5,000 and provided the information on detailed, systematic and exact
greenery status.
In order to know completely and systematically
the construction status of different time, we compiled some maps of land
use with aero photographs of 60's, 70's 80's (3 periods).And we compared
the quantity, distribution, structural changes of land use in different
time, nature and types, These would produce some reliable evidences for
overall planning, adjusting development and making a local detailed
- In geological and geomorphologic research, 9 results have been
achieved by analysing lithosphere properties in the area with remote
sensing and ground data. All kinds of rocks, stratigraphic distribution
were ascertained and more than 40 exposed, concealed faults were
discovered. We slao indicated and predicted various geological perils
----soft soil strata, karst growing area, swelling and shrinking soil
areas. Then the city area was divided into different parts based on
various geological and engineering conditions. It produces bass for
construction, developments and engineering sites. Now these results have
been used by more than 40 units.
- Natural resource research: 5 results have been gained. The current
status quality, quantity and distribution of surface water, land, soil,
vegetation, and economic forest and fruit orchards in the area were
Water use in the city mainly depends on surface
water. The area was divided into 12 parts in two types: hilly area and
plain, by means of combining remote sensing data with common ones. After
his quality and quality of water sources in all part have been assessed,
map of surface water resources compiled. We think that the main problem
in water supply is to control water pollution.
There are plenty
of economic forest and fruit resources in Guangzhou and its suburbs.
They consist of an important part in urban economic ecosystem. Economic
forests and fruit orchards (such as banana pineapple) are divided) are
divided into 51 types and the investigation has been conducted. A plan
for developing economic forests in urban and suburban areas has been put
forward. The investigation and assessment of land resources have been
done on the basis of a series of remoter sensing mapping. The land
resources of Guangzhou are classified and interpretated in detailed
based on the current status of land use and many maps of soil,
geomorphology, vegetation, geology as the basic data. Based on the type,
nature, characteristics and value, the land resources was divided into 3
degrees, 4 classes and 16 types, thus, providing a basis for city
planning and rational use of land. Through the monographic researches of
natural resources, a lot of valuable suggestions have been made for
current production and constructions, which produce considerable social
and economic benefits such as the rational use and protection of water
resources, fruit tree planting project, rational utilization of land
resources, adjusting the proportion of land use in industry and
commerce, full use of wasteland and so on.
- Research on urban environment quality: This program covers the
pollution of water body, atmosphere and solid wastes, which affect the
urban environment quality. Remote Sensing images, especially natural and
infrared color images, have been proved to be obviously effective in
these fields. Correlative analysis between images and pollution spectral
data together with conventional monitoring data measured on the ground
at the same time, detailed interpretation has been made to pollution of
water body, atmosphere, pollution source and solid wastes. The different
pollution factors have been indicated and a mp of various pollution
degrees has also been compiled. It is the first time to make clear the
degrees and distributions of the pearl River pollution, other water
bodies, and atmosphere, the distributions of solid wastes and their
influences on environmental quality. A reliable basis is provided to
administer urban environment.
Through interpretation of remote
sensing images we have found some pollution sources and their relevant
pollution fields which could not be picked out by conventional
monitoring methods in the past. It is also possible to trace and monitor
the spreading of polluted water mass, which displays clearly in the
- Remote Sensing mapping: Based on various monographic researches, 27
monographic maps have been compiled and some of them provided for the
first time to some relevant departments and offices. These maps have
satisfied the urgent needs of urban planning, construction and
management in time.
The initial topographic maps on different
scales produced before 70's are hard to meet the demands of planning and
management of Guangzhou as the city construction developed too rapidly
in the past then years. For this purpose we used the Remote sensing
information and the previous status data to modify and compile the urban
maps on 1:10,000, 1:12,000 and a:50,000 scales, and compiled black and
white image streets, Atlas on 1:50,000 scales. The Remote mpa on
1:20,000 scale and image maps of some areas from 1:500 to 1:500 to 1:500
to scales. The Remote Sensing data has not only met the urgent needs of
monographic researches and city management but supplied extensive use to
many fields of society. More than 100 units have used these results and
great social, economic and environmental benefits have been achieved. In
comparison with conventional surveys, the remote sensing has saved 50%
funds and 50-80% time. Conclusion Generally, a city is
a big synthetically system with multiple factors and complex structures.
In order to make a good urban planning and management, the collection of
basic data must be conducted in time. Conventional measurements require
too much time and work to satisfy very urgent needs. This synthetical
survey of remote sensing has played its full advantages of high speed,
macroscope, high efficiency and it formed multi-subjects investigation and
systematic engineering of urban remote sensing. It is helpful for
multisubjects to permeate among them and gather scattered data in
different units to be processed and applied. At last the results, in the
form of detailed classification and accurate data, has become a basis for
the scientific planning of city construction. The remote sensing research,
with its plenty of results and benefits, has proved to posses a powerful
potentiality in urban construction. Remote Sensing as a new techique in
information acquisition combined with the application of computers will
constitute an important part of an urban information system and play a
major role in modernizing urban planning and management.