Integration of multi source
data for Land Cover Monitoring
Toshiya Gotoh, koji
Kajiwara,Ryitaro Tatelishi Remote Sensing and image Research
Center, Chiba University 1-33 Yayoicho ,Chiba-si Japan.
Abstract Asian region was classified into
15 to 17 land cover types by unsupervised classification method using NOAA
/ GVI and AVHRR channel -4 data in 1987 Classification was carried out
using 1) GVI data only 2) channel -4 data only or 3) Combination if GVI
channel -4 data .The relation of resultant classes elevation were also
Introduction. There have been rising a need
for global scale land cover monitoring for this purpose it is necessary to
build Geographic information system includes integrated data from various
source such as satellite data and geographic data.
In this study
part of these data NOAA Global Vegetation Index (GVI) data NOAA AVHRR
Channel -4 data elevation data latitude data were used The GVI data were
already to classify land cover is some studies in the view point of
vegetation penology since its availability coarse resolution and
relatively short interval are suitable for classification of large area
from sub continental to global scale AVHRR channel 4 data were used for
land cover monitoring since channel 4 data have the information of surface
temperature and snow cover elevation and latitude data were also used to
investigate to the relationships between them and classified land cover
- GVI data.
GVI data is products of NOAA / NESDIS (National
Environment Satellite, Data and information service) it is produced from
AVHRR channel -1 and -2 scaled Normalized Vegetation index (SNVI) is
calculated as follows.
The format of data used in this
study was plate career with the resolution of 16 km at the equator size
of 2500 by 904 latitude and longitude grid an the region between 75°
north and 55° south it is available in the form of weekly composite
- AVHRR channel-4 data
GOES count (Intended originally for use
with geostationary satellites) derived from AVHRR channel -4 data
The format and observation interval of GOES count
were same as GVI data. GOES count is scaled brightness temperature
calculated as follows,
GOES = C x TA + D Where TA is absolute
temperature in Kelvin C and D are constants.
- Elevation data.
The data called ETOPO5 is a product of NOAA /
National Geophysical data center (NGDC) it contains alter metric and
bathymetric data with the unit of one meter the resolution is 5' and 5'
latitude longitude in order to process with other data it was converted
in to GVI format as mentioned above it was also used as the preliminary
mask to extracting land area. Data preprocessing.
- Production of monthly composite GVI data and correspond channel -4
Though original weekly GVI data were generally cloud for
there still remain un removable clouds in some parts. For reduction of
such clouds and convenience of the following processing monthly GVI data
were produced from four or five weekly GVI data included a month
Corresponding SNVI values of weekly data were compares pixel by pixel if
a weekly SNVI value was exceptionally lower than the others the value
was considered as noise and omitted lowest value of the reminder was
picked up as monthly GVI data. Monthly channel -4 data were also
produced from weekly channel -4 data in order that the selected week of
a pixel is same as the picked up week in the production of the
corresponding monthly GVI data. Note that this operation still could not
eliminate clouds completely but produced data are acceptable for employ
temporal analysis.
- Extraction of land data.
In order extract land area from all
image data in use land data were produced mainly from ETOP05 elevation
date. Land area are binary data in which 1 means land and 0 means sea
and lakes as a pixel and the area consists of these pixel were
considered as and area this was modified and registered by comparing GVI
data and maps.
- Extraction of Asian region.
Almost whole Asia was extracted
from image data. The size was 1000 pixels by 600 lines, which is
equivalent to the area between the 75° north, and 11.2° south latitude
and between 36-east longitude and 180° -east west longitude.
Cluster analysis Cluster analysis of Asian in 1987
were made in the following cases using 12 monthly GVI data 2) Using 12
monthly channel 4 data 3 ) using both 12 monthly GVI and channel -4 data
- Classification results -------- GVI data only.
Fig 1 shows
geographical distribution of seventeen classes as the result of cluster
analysis using annual GVI data. Since NDVI mainly reflects amount of
vegetation the area of deserts and tall mountains almost regard as same
area since both area gas slight vegetation the Middle East and Tibet
Plateau located in same class.
Fig 3(a) shows multi temporal
plots NDVI monthly mean value in each class this shows the seasonal
vegetation dynamics. Each curve is able to be discriminated from others
generally at peak point of NDVI curve its value and inflection points if
any however low NDVI in winter in high latitude region were affected try
by of low solar zenith angle and snow cover.
- Classification results channel 4 only.
Channel 4 indicates
surface temperature if not affected by clouds generally the higher the
latitude the lower the temperature in mid latitude zone there are high
elevation area of relatively low temperature such as Tibet plateau low
latitude zone divided in to two classes by the boundary of longitude
about 75° east ester part is part is roughly forest and western part
approximately desert.
Figure 1. Geographical distribution
of 17 classes as the results of cluster analysis using GVI data.
Figure 2. Geographical distribution of 15
classes as the results of cluster analysis using GVI and channel-4 data.
- Classification results ---- combination of GVI data and channels 4
Fig 2 shows the same as fig 1 except using annual GVI data
channel -4 data simultaneously .One apparent difference with these
figures is discrimination between the middle east and Tibet Plateau both
of the these areas has same seasonal pattern of NDVI that is flat and
low values .On the other hand brightness temperature of the middle east
is high flat as compared with that of Tibet Plateau. The other
difference is that geographical distribution of classes in fig 2. Is
closer than fig 1 especially for latitude higher than 45°.
Fig 4
show multi temporal Plot of NDVI and brightness temperature of these
classes .The horizontal axis in mouth left vertical axis is brightness
temperature in Kelvin and right vertical axis is NDVI solid line
displays NDVI broken line displays brightness temperature. There are
some classes that brightness temperature curves differ each other but
corresponding NDVI classes 4,5,6, and 17 opposite case is also found e.g
classes 1 and 2.
Fig 5 shows elevation range and latitude range
of each class. A point marked with o is a mean point of a class.
Horizontal bar means range of elevation between 25 percentile and 75
percentile vertical bar means same range of latitude as elevation.
Concerning latitude there is a gap at 30 as for the elevation there is
no obvious thres hold mean point become broader class 17 has range for
latitude and second broadcast for elevation. This class distributes high
latitude area such as Novaya Zemlya or highest range such as Kara Coram
Figure. 3 (a) Multi-temporal plots of
mean NDVI for 17 classes in the case of using GVI
data. (b)Multi-temporal plots of mean brightness temperature for 15
class in the case of using channel-4 data. ![]() Figure
4. Multi-temporal plots of NDVI and brightness temperature in the case of
using GVI and channel-4data. Solid line displays mean NDVI curves and
broken line displays mean brightness ![]() Figure 5.
Mean points and ranges for elevation and latitude for 17 classes in the
case of using GVI and channel-4 data. Horizontal axis displays range of
elevation between 25 percentile. Vertical axis displays same range of
latitude. Conclusion Asian region in 1987 was
classified by cluster analysis .It was divided in to fifteen to seventeen
classes according to the data used though clustering GVI data is less
discriminating than channel 4 data clustering of the combination of GVI
data and channel -4 data is most discriminating for example low elevation
deserts can be distinguished from mountains by this method The
distribution range of each class elevation and latitude were clarified.
Acknowledgement The authors wish to thank Mr. K.
Okumura for making clustering program and Mr. H. kuki for assistance in
parts of data analysis.
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