Remote determination of the
sea-surface chlorophyll a concentration along the coastal water by FY-1
Lin Shouren, Han
Along and Zhang Gongwei Zehijanna Remote Sensing Center, The
Second Institute of Oceanography, SOA, Hangzhou, PRC
Abstract This paper introduces a result of
studying ocean colour experiment of "FY-1" satellite. A principle of
spectral equivalent albedo is defined as FY-1 data processing. The ratio
of FY-1 VHRSR's channe 1-3 and channe 1-4 equivalent albedo is employed to
estimated the sea-surface chlorophy11 a concentration. Chlorophy11 a
concentration is calculated from following formula:
Nc = a * R-b (a = 3.3336 and b =
5.2316)Where a and b are both contant values.
Finally, the distribution map of sea-surface chlorophyll a
concentration retrieved form FY-1 data (Sep. 21, 1988) demonstrates that
sea-surface chlorophy11 a concentration is between 0.6 and 5.0
mg/m 3 at Bohai Bay. This result agrees with those of surveying
along the East and South China Sea. Introduction The
change of ocean color is due to the suspended matter, such as the
particulate matter, phytoplankton, and the dissolved material in the
water. Fishing ships need the ocean color data to locate fish population,
and to optimize ship routes, thereby, improving catch efficiency, and
reducing costs. The research user group needs only continuous availability
of ocean color data to specify quantitatively the ocean's role in the
global carbon cycle and to determine the magnitude and variability of
annual primary production by marine phytoplankton on a global scales.
Recently, remote measurement of the change of ocean color has become very
important. In the oceanography from space, the remote sensing of
ocean color focuses on the measurement of chlorophyll concentration. From
1978 to 1986, the Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) aboard the Nimbus-7
satellite provided the first ocean color data. During this period
researchers demonstrated that:
- The technology of remote sensing can be used to survey and map the
distribution of chlorophyll on the global scale. (1) (2) (3)
- An algorithm of G/B ratio for estimating sea surface chlorophyll
concentration is available. Ratio of CZCS' band-1 (443nm) is used for
open ocean in which the chlorophyll concentration is between
0.03-1.50mg/m3. And the ratio of band-2 (520nm) and band-3
for coastal zone in which the chlorophyll concentration is higher than
1.5mg/m3. (4) (5)
FY-1 satellite is a polar orbiting
satellite which was designed and launched by China. Its main mission is
observing meteorological phenomena from space. Besides this, a mission
of remote sensing of ocean color experiment was carried out. (6)
FY-1 Data Processing
- FY-1 Satellite System and Senior.
FY-1 satellite is in a
relatively low orbit around the Earth. Its altitude is 900 km
approximately. Table 1 lists the main orbital parameters. A main sensor
aboard the FY-1 is a Very-High Resolution Scan Radiometer (VHRSR) It has
5 spectral channels, including 2 ocean channels in the blue-green
region. Table 2 lists the wavelength region and the use of VHRSR.
Table. 1 FY-1 satellite orbital parameters
Altitude |
h=901 km |
Orbital Inclination |
i=99° |
Orbital Period |
T=102.86 min |
Eccentricity |
e=0.005 |
Table. 2 VHRSR's
vavelength region and the use
Channel |
Wavelength Region (µm) |
Use |
1 |
0.58-0.68 |
Daytime cloud and surface |
2 |
0.725-1.1 |
Daytime cloud image and water,ice,snow and
vegetation observation |
3 |
0.48-0.53 |
Ocean colour image |
4 |
0.53-0.58 |
Ocean colour image |
5 |
10.5-12.5 |
Diurnal cloud image, surface observation and sea
surface temperature |
- Defintion of Specfral Equivalent Albedo
The VHRSR four
visible channels data are related to the spectral equivalent albedoes.
Generally, the spectral equivalent albedo is defined as a ratio of the
object upwelling irradiance and the downwelling solar irradiance of the
top of the atmospheres. (7) In fact, most of the objects on the earth
surface do not have an ability of the visible emission. They only
reflect or scatter sun light. So that, we have to assume that each
object on the earth surface is an equivalent source of visible mission.
According to above definition, the spectral equivalent albedo As can be
written as:
As = Es / Eo
---------------(1) Where Es is the
upwelling object irradiance reached to sensor. Eo is the downwelling
solar irradiance on the top of the atmosphere. in our study, the Es is
divided into two components: (1) the contribution from the scattering of
solr irradiance by the atmospheric constituents, and (2) the
contribution form the irradiance which is diffusely reflected by the
object on the earth's surface. The contribution from (1) is usually
referred to as the path irradiance, which will be denoted by Ea. Let Ew
denote the contribution from (2) at the earth's surface, then the
irradiance reaching the sensor is Ew x Ta, where Ta is the diffuse
transmittance as given by Gordon et al. (8) Therefore
Es = Ew * Ta + Ea
---------------(2) Then, Equation (1)
can be rewritten as:
As = Ew / Eo * Ta +
Ea / Eo = Aw * Ta + A
---------------(3) Where Aw
= Ew / Eo and Aa = Ea /
Eo are called the spectral equivalent abed of the object and
atmosphere, respectively.
- Estimate the Atmospheric Equivalent Albedoes of Two Ocean
The percentage spectral equivalent albedo As, which can
be calculated from the VHRSR visible channel digital number DN has the
As = G * DN + I
---------------(4) Where G is the
perecntage spectreal albed per count and I is the percentage intercept
For remote sensing ocean colour experiment, the
sea-surface equivalent albedo can be estimated from equation (3) if the
transmittance and the equivalent albedo of atmosphere are known.
Unfortunately, we could not directly obtain the transmittance and the
equivalent albedoes of atmosphere for the visible channels. But we well
known that the infrared radiance was almost absorbed by water body,
especially, by the open seawater. We shall assume that determined
equivalent albedo by channel 2 on the orbit equate to its atmospheric
equivalent albedo approximately, i.e
As (2) = Aa (2)
---------------(5) On the other hand,
according to Duntly's method (9) of measuring atmospheric parameter from
ground, we measured the atmospheric transmittance and path radiances
using a four visible channels radiometer in which the center wavelength
of each channel is the same as VHRSR's. A relationship of atmospheric
path radiances between channel 2 and other channel is showed as.
La (1) / La(2) = (l1 / l2)B
---------------(6) Where l1 is the centre wavelength of two
channels and B=3.1665. Using above result and La =
Ea/p , As =
Ea/Eo, the atmospheric equivalent albedoes of two
ocean channels could be estimated.
Aa(3) = As(2) * Eo(2) /
E0(3) * ( l3 / l2 )B
Aa(4) = As(2) * (
Eo(2) / Eo(4) ) * ( l4 / l2 )B
---------------(7) Where
Eo(2), Eo(3), Eo(4) are the solar
irradiances on the top of the atmosphere of VHRSR's channe 1,2,3,4
respectively. Its unit is mw/cm2 their values are given as
![]() Eq....8 Where Eo
(l) is the recommended value of the average
solar irradiance on the top of atmosphere. (10) Dl is the wavelength width
band of each channel. f(l) is the relative response function of the VHRSR.
Fig. 1 shows variation of the wavelength of four visible channels. (11)
![]() Fig. 1 Relative spectral response curves
- Retrieving of the Sea-surface Chlorophyll a
Based on the option properties of chlorophyll a in
the seawater, the chlorophyll a has a strong absorbance at blue (443nm)
and a maximum reflectance at green (550nm). In the ocean color remote
sensing experiment, usually the ratio of blue and green reflectance is
developed to estimate the sea-surface chlorophyll a concentration.
From equation (3) and (7), the sea-surface equivalent albedoes
of ocean channels can be easily obtained.
Aw(i) = (As (i)) / Ta(i) =
(As(i) - As(2) * Eo(1) /
o(2) * (l1 / l2)B / Ta(i)
---------------(9) (I = 3.4)
and the ratio two ocean channel's equivalent albedoes is as
R = Aw(3) / Aw(4) = As(3) - As(2) * (Eo(2) / Eo(3)) * (
l3 / l2 )B / As(4) - As(2) * (Eo(2)
/ Eo(4)) * ( l4 / l2 )B * Ta(4) / Ta(3)
Because of the
centre wavelength of channels 3 is very close to that of channel,4 we
shall assume that ratio of two average atmospheric transmittances equate
to 1. Equation (10) could be rewritten as
R = As(3) - As(2) *
(Eo(2) / Eo(3)) * ( l3 / l2 )B / As(3) - As(2) * (Eo(2)
/ Eo(4)) * ( l4 / l2 )B
Then, the
sea-surface chlorophyll a concentaion can be retrieved form a power
function of sea-surface equivalent albedoes. Generally, we used the
following formula:
Nc = a * P-b
---------------(12) In our calculation,
a and b are taken 3.3336 and 5.2316 respectively, which are obtained
form solving eq. (12) with two known chlorophyll a concentration data
only. Distribution of sea-surface chlorophyll a concentration
at Bohai BayFig. 2 is a four visible channel rude image which was
obtaind form FY-1 satellite at its orbit on Sept. 21, 1988. the
distribution of sea surface chlorophyll a concentration retrieved by above
method is showed in Figure. 3 The grey shades of the image will correspond
to definite levels of chlorophyll a concentration as indicated by the grey
wedge shown on top of Fig. 3. It is obvious that the concentration is
lower than 0.6 mg/M3 between the peninsulas of Liao Dong and Shan Dong, as
well as at middle of the Bohai Bay. Generally, it is about 2.5 mg/m along
the coastal zone. There is a higher concentration patch at the Laizhou
bay. Near the river estuary, such as Yellow River, Haihe and Liaohe
River's, the concentration is the highest, usually, over 5.0 mg/m3. That
is because those rivers discharge a large of nutrient materials into the
Bohai Bay, and make the phytoplankton rich and blooming.
![]() Fig. 2 FY-1's rude images of four visible
![]() Fig. 3 The distribution of sea
surface chlorophyll a concentration at Bohai Bay
DiscussionFY-1 satellite is the first
meteorological satellite launched by China. It was designed and made by
the Ministry of Aeronautics and Astronautics and is operated and managed
under the State Meteorological Administration (SMA). There is a very High
Resolution Scan Radiometer (VHRSR) aboard the satellite, which is very
similar to NOAA's AVHRR but the wavelength design. There are four visible
channels on the VHRSR sensor and one thermal infrared channel for
measuring the surface temperature. There is not internal radiance
calibration on both satellites. The spectral equivalent albedoes can be
calculated from the visible channel digital numbers. In our ocean
colour experiment, we calculated the sea surface chlorophyll a
concentration using the spectral equivalent albedoes values. The result is
satisfactory, even through the VHRSR's wavelength bands are wider (l=50nm)
and the sensitivity is not high enough. At least, following results agree
with those of surveying along the East and South China sea.
- The chlorophyll a concentration is increased form the middle Bohai
Bay to the coastal. The highest appears near the river estuary.
- In the most of our coastal zone sea water, the chlorophyll
concentration is between 4.0 to 5.0 mg/m3 inshore and is
below .5mg/m3 offshore. (12)(13)(14)
Even though, the
first FY-1 satelite's life is too short, we have made a good beginning in
the ocean color remote sensing. This study has proved that FY-1' data is
useful for the ocean applications. AcknowledgmentThe
authors express their appreciation to the meteorological satellite centre,
S.M.A. for providing FY-1 satellite image. We also acknowledge helpful
discussion with Prof. Pan Delu and Prof. Chen Gancheng. We also thank Mr.
Shao Ronghu and Ms. Jiang Xiulan for their assistance in supplying figure
and typing for the report. References
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