Application of remote sensing
to seeking blind ore deposcts in the middle lower reaches of Yangtze
River Chen Yinxiang Xu
Yuxian Center of Remote Sensing in Geology, Ministry o Geology & Mineral Resources 29 Institute Road, Beijing, China Abstract 26 remote sensing geological interpretation maps at 1:200,00 scale have been compiled for the ore belt along the Yungtze River in an area of 184,700 km2, and 1:50,000 remote sensing survey has been conducted for the geological structures in nearly 10,000 km2 of the orefiled and mining area in Southeastern Hubei; Ruichang, Jiujiang; Zongyang, Lujiang; Ma'anshan; Ning-Zhen and Suzhou where ore is concentrated. Based on the processing and interpretation of the images of TM, MSS an SPOT as well as the color IR air photos, and the integration of geological factor in ore formation and also,. The structures and textures f the magmatic rocks that control the ore deposit have been made known. In the mean time a series of ore deposit models have been reconstructed; 74 new sites have been predicted as favourable section for ore formation, target areas for ore seeking, and ore deposit surrounding the mining area. In addition, remote sensing geological technique series has been established as an approach looking for blind ore deposits, and the theoretical model of deep source magmatic thermo-dynamics has been developed for ore prediction. With systematic remote sensing geological studies and geological interpretation of ore deposit, the original geological maps have been revised a complemented. Lots of information has been obtained regarding ore deep-seated magmatic structures, which would hardly have been revealed through ground investigations. Moreover, 3166 ring (arc) - shaped structures have been discovered, and nearly 500 sites have been identified as centers of magmtic activity with metallogenic significance, deep petrogenetic and metallo genetic passageway's mall blind rock bodies (stocks), subsurface volcanic organisation and subsurface pump explosion structures- all useful geological information for finding blind ore deposits. Special attention has been given to the scientific and technological problems a follows : Fig.1 Cycle structure & ore Deposit Distribution at Tonglin Metallogenic Area The analysis of upper and lower boundaries of magmatic rocks an deep geological structures leading to understanding of the background for roe formation. Among the various factors determining the formation of the ore deposit, it is believed that magmatic thermo-dynamic motion s the major one, according to our careful remote sensing geological studies. Traditionally, the srufce shallow hard curst has been considered to be the mainforce layer in geological structure formation by various geological structure specialists who believe its folding, faulting, uplifting, expansion and interformational sliding act as a force and create space for magmatic intrusion. As a matter of fact, however, the magmatic melting mass that accounts for 98% in volume from lithosphere to mantle possesses predominant material and thermal energy. It is the magmatic melting mass that supports the thin and fragile crust and with its rising and local penetrating intensive vortex flows, disturbs the movement of the crystalline basement and consolidated magmatic rocks, governs the subsequent sedimentary volcanic formations and controls the fluctuations of the crust, depressions, fold sand faults. Obviously, magmatic bodies should be the leading active force, the essence, while the surface shallow crust is merely superficial expression, passive, reformed and responsive. This is one of the significant understandings obtained as a result of this research project. Centers of magmatic activity have been identified in southeaster Hubei; Jiujiang; Anqing; Luzong; Tongling; Ma'anshan; Liyang; Jurong; Taihu; suzhou and Shanghai, where regional structures and ore deposits are exactly controlled by these lithospheric ring structure as shown in Fig.1 where the ore deposit and the magmatic rocks in southeastern Hubei distribute in ring-shape as a whole. Fig.2 Suzhu Cycle STructure and Anshan Subvolcanic Organization Fig.3 Metallogenic Pattern by Deep Source Thermo-dynamics On the other hand, several blind magmatic bodies of second, third and fourth classes have been inferred on the basis of surface shallow geological structures, such as Dayehu rock dome, as well as rock base, magmatic flat, magmatic peak and magmatic pillar (pipe) shown in fig. 2. Most of them have already been confirmed by airborne magnetic survey and historical earthquake activity, magmatic bodies of various classes undergo tacking evolution along their own passageways constantly and with specific regulation. The results of structural interpretation have revealed intensive pneumatic explosion and impact expansion in magmatic intrusion zones. Deep high-energy intrusions and shallow low-temperature low-energy mixed magmatic layers can be clearly distinguished with the characteristics form of the magmatic rock. Deep section analysis, make along the upper boundary of the high energy magmatic rock with remote sensing and geophysical data, has shown that the major ore forming locations coincide with the protruding ends on the magmatic boundary whose structure, in addition, also controls the evolution of the crystalline basement, sedimentary - volcanic basin, magmatic intrusion-volcanic dome and tectonic block for a long period of time, representing the in-depth thermal background for the ore formation. Reconstruction of new models for the ore deposit series based on deep magmatic thermo-dynamic metallogenesis theory. It is obvious that recent geological survey and mineral exploration will not be conducted until the mineral deposit formation models have been established on the basis of sufficient geology and exploration data, mining records, mineral deposit studies and large quantities of new geology and mineral deposit information. Among them, the comprehensive introduction of remote sensing data, geochemical and geophysical data is remarkably helpful. It is with this understanding that a careful integration analysis has been made for the ore deposits and ore locations in the middle lower reaches of Yangtze river, based on remote sensing information related tot eh large number of orebelts, orefellds, ore-districts and ore deposits in this region combined with present geological, mining, geophysical and geochemical data. The result has shown that here exist ore deposit of large size, high grade and rich in useful components in this region. Most of them are ore liquid hydrothermal filling deposits, i.e. deposits of deep magma pump origin. These deposits attribute their formation to the deep hear sudden concentration, pneumatic transportation, penetration and impact subsurface expansion and fissure space expansion within the petrogenetic passageways of the magma. They are characterized by : a deep ore-rich magmatic heat root, i.e. a magmatic thermal chamber (store), a relatively fixed petrogenetic and metallogenetic passageway, a group of pipe-like magmatic soil-liquid-gas carriers which emit upward flows intruding, along the nearly vertical linear space, form deep lithosphere and even upper mantle into the surface or subsurface of the crust. These are just what we have located : round-shaped structure, small deep rock body, volcanic passage, small subsurface explosion dome, magmatic peak stock, pipe, thorn and thermal impact pipe, with a diameter less than 5 km. Fig. 4 Cycle Structrue & Ore Deposit Distribution in Nanjing-Zhenjiang Area, Jiangsu They are located in the centers of large magmatic protrusions (pillars) as well as certain parts of the peripheric futl zones as shown in Fig.4along such vertical metallogenetic passageways magma encouraged by the decrease gradient of temperature and pressure, open its way in the ore-storing space, resulting in metallognetic series with horizontal and vertical subzones. And such metallogenetic series is represented in different depth by as shown in Fig 5, magmatic segregation type, porphyry type, vienlet impegnation type, ore-liquid filling type, hydrothermal type, layer-following or layer penetration vein type, volcanic gailquid type, contact metasomatic type, volcano sedimentary type, sedimentary type, thermal concentration type and secondary concentration type. These types are in sequential transition while skarn, as a special type, cannot form ore alone (Fig 6). These cadied haws on a stick deposits some times may differ in mineral content, but in the other time they may have the same minerals. Such kind of high temperature high-energy metallogenesis or catagensie has no rigid requirement and selection for ore source formation. Since the extraction of ore material takes place I a very deep and huge magmatic stove, the very high thermal energy alone is capable of making rich ore-liquid from the magmatic complex with the value approximate to Clerk. In addition, this kind of metalogensie, mainly in the form of deep ore-liquid injection, has no special requirement for the country rock as the outflow, emitted by the ore carrier, can crate space on its own, and it has no strict requirement for consolidated surface shallow crust. Therefore, it is an independent high energy system with extremely strong intrinsic structure and geometry, quite different from the concept proposed by traditional geology and multi-compoent blind ore deposites. This kind of high thermal energy metallogenesis is very powerful, not only controls the formation of mineral deposits, but catastaphe. It is for this reason that this theory is referred to as marshal law of geology, or arbitrary decision-making model. This theoretical model enjoy high capability of prediction and economic benefits by rapid inference and high efficiency. Metallogenetic thermo-dynamic passageways of its kind has proved to be stable since Indo-China and Yanshan movements, acting as successive movement during 100,000,000 years. Someof the thermal structures worked until Cenozoic, and even today, geological catastrophes and other natural disasters are excised and controlled by thermo-dynamics, such as Liyang earthquakes in 1979, South Yellow Sea-Shanghai earthquake in 1982, Changshu earthquake in May 1990, Taihu floods and migration of Yangtze River mouth. The metallognetic series, however, requires careful analysis because of the repeated stacking ore formation and destructive impact along the ore-forming passageway. It is believed that the metallogenetic model produced by remote sensing geology is suitable not only for the middle-lower reaches of Yangtze River, but also for other regions. For the convenience of application, a comprehensive geological model has been established (see fig.6), which represents ore deposits of the closed type central metallogenetic passage. Remote Sensing studies or Ore field structure for build ore deposits. As mentioned above, ore-formation is chiefly determined by thermo-dynamic structural conditions. This makes it possible to find theoretical basis and new direction for the application of remote sensing techniques to seeking blind ore deposits. It has been concluded with the study of remote sensing images and IR color airphotos in particular as well as with the repeated 3D analysis of the structure from orefield, from plan to section and from ore deposit to the surrounding area, that one of the significant approaches in seeking mineral deposits, particularly the blind ones, is to study orefield structure at various scales and scales and large scale, with the help of remotely sensed information. Remote sensing technology can provide large quantities of orefield structure information. Remote sensing technology can provide large quantities of orefield structure information with high sensibility, which would hardly be obtained through ground observations or even drillings. Unlike traditional methods, termo-dynamic metal. O-shaped faults, each of whom represents a geological period's thermal event. In the top shoulder part of the roc pillar there formed an umbrella-like intensive faulting deformation space with a complex upthursted fold (geocycnclinal type) fault, a magmatic intrusion zone a volcanic eruption zone, and an intensive thermo metamorphic zone. On the top of the pipe there is and intensive pneumatic explosion cap acting as an excellent zone. On the top of the pipe there is of the pipe while not fully consolidate, carries an impact emission spot, usually and ore pillar and complex ore pipe. Remarkable and sensitive reflection of these zones can be found is surface shallow crust. The fringe fault zone may be a circular sedimentary depression zone, or slicification, alteration zone, fracture zone. The top and upper part of the rock pipe are covered with or shown as round domes, protrusions or basins, with tectonic slopes or vertical compensation subsidence zones in the periphery of the circular pipe. These surface shallow peripheric structures are important indicators of the shape in depth and thermo-dynamic intensity of the rock pipe. All this very weak information regarding geomorphology, Quaternary geology,, tectonics and even landscape cannot be sensing fully recognized without remote sensing methods. To summarize, the application of remote sensing techniques to the study of orefied structures based on deep thermo-dynamic theory is supposed to predict blind ore deposits by using various weak structural information, combined with mineral deposit exploration and mining data to analyze the umbrella like expansion and impact explosion structures in periphery and top shoulder part of the rock pipe at large scales for prediction of blind ore deposits. The tip of the pipe might be buried less than 20km in depth, but 5000m and less appears to be most preferable. The integration of geophysical data including magnetic field, gravity, sounding and biogechemical field plus necessary sampling might be essential in studying orefield structures and blind magmatic body structure. Prediction of blind mineral deposits
New developments have been achieved in both theory and methodology for prediction of blind mineral deposits, particularly for the large rich ones of economic and technological interest as well as mineral deposits in the vicinity of mines. Both theory and methods have been tested in analyzing the known mineral deposits. On the basis of the geometry law of the deep thermo dynamic metalloginesis theory, it has been found that exploration of many known orefields was disturbed and limited by nonmetallogenetic indices or empiricism. The exploration was often ended only when part of the Orefield structure or part of mineral deposits (bodies, layers) has been made been identified, leaving behind lots of loopholes in theory. Our theoretical model ha been made up for mineral deposits which might have been ignored. Take Majiashan pyrite deposit as example. It was confirmed, based on our structural analysis, that this Orefield is an anticlinal space Fig.8 Prognosis Map of Pb-Zn-Ag Deposit, Suzhou Controlled deposit supported by three blind rock pillars. However, the completed exploration ignored this major ore-controlling background, and the result was that exploration stopped right after just less than half ore bodies has been discovered. Owing to our prediction, the prospect was enlarged more than twice. Another example is Tonglin copper deposit. Upto now, merely less than one third of the Orefield has been detached, but our prediction has enlarged the prospect more than three times, and new mineral deposits discovered in recent years has confirmed our prediction.. half completed exploration of this kind seems to be common in the vicinity of mines, and in explored areas. Prediction has been made in new regions. With the symmetry of our thermo-dynamic metallogenesis theory, sister deposits have been inferred. Matching the known large deposits in size and environment. This theory has been confirmed by the recent discovery of some large and super-large mineral deposits. The second Tieshan Orefield has been predicted on the northwestern fringe of the Tieshan rock pillar. Also another group of orefield have been predicted in the favorable section of the major fringe fault zone and the inner circular fringe fault (Fig. 8). Geogoical data have confirmed that the predicted Orefield prove to reliable, for aeromagnetic survey has shown weak anomalies, and ground mineralizations and small ore location have been found, and metallogenetic alteration zone shave proved to be in continual sequence. Once geophysical techniques and drilling are supplied, it would be possible to find large copper, lead, zink or other mineral deposits. The petrogenetic and metallognetic passageways and ore-conducting and ore containing circular fractured planes are joint points of connection and stacking of deep source magma, thermo-dynamics and tectonic metallogensis. Also, there are the major geometric aspects of prediction with very high potential. They were used in this research and proved remarkably effective in interpreting many blind orefields, ore nodes and ore deposits. The ore-seeking indices used traditionally could hardly be evaluated interms of correctness and therefore, prove to be ineffective. They have been reviewed withthermo-dynamic metallogenesis theory by their location in the thermo-dynamic metallogenetic structural field, instead of by their size and intensity. It is understood that evaluation of rooted indices and introduction of remote sensing data are important development of mineral deposit prediction, as shown in fig 7,8 and 9. Methodological and technological series of Remote Sensing geology in finding blind mineral deposits. The study of blind mineral deposits, involving a wide range of geological theories and geological surrey and exploration techniques, is a complex process of information collecting, synthesizing and re-understanding that requreis careful planning, organizing and studying in terms of systematic engineering. Remote sensing geology, as a subsystem, should be brought to fully play in close coordination with other subjects.