Urban thematic information
extraction and dynamic extension detection Tian Lianghhu, Zhao
Yuanhong, Zhang Fuxing Dept.of earth Science, Zhejiang University Hangzhou, China Abstract Urban remote sensing is an important direction of remote sensing. How to improve its application effectiveness is a problem of scientists. Most of previous classification was under the hypothesis of homogeneity in one landuse, which is much suitable to agricultural application. This assumption is not correct for urban thematic information extraction. Some more approaches available to classification are needed to be developed in order to meet the needs of urban remote sensing. This paper developed a contextual method to improve the accuracy of urban thematic information extraction and determination of city boundaries. Result analysis shows it accuracy is over 91.7%. This is significantly important to highly developing urban area for the administration and decision-making. Introduction In the urban remote sensing the problem how is to improve the classification of urban land use and its change detecting. Most of Classification approaches are primarily on the assumption that it is homogeneous in the landuse. This possesses obvious limits in the urban thematic information extraction because of the heterogeneity of urban landuse. With the further development of high-resolution sensors as SPOT and thematic mapper, the problem above affects greatly the accuracy of urban landuse classification. Karkham and Town-send (1981) and David (1984)discovered that high resolution data (such as TM data) have lower accuracy than low resolution data (such MSS data) in urban classification. In this paper we describe a contextual method to exploit the spatial-spectral context of a pixel to achieve more accurate classification over a 15x15 square kilometer region of yueyang urban area (see fig.1) Hunan province. This procedure provides an urban thematic map extracted accurately from 1987's TM data and two boundaries of urban area determined from 1987's TM data. 1978's MSS data, and photographs of 1984's map. The extended changes of Yueyang from 1978 to 1984 and from 1984 to 1987 are detected. It is very successful that accuracy is over 91.7%. Urban landuse classification This work is realized by the contextual method applied to landuse classification to improve its accuracy. Contextual information is said to be the relationship of a pixel to any other pixels in the picture. Certain classes of ground cover arelikely to occur in the context of others . One does not expect to find wheat growing in the midst of a housing subdivision for example. Fig.1 The study area centered on the city of Yueyang, Hunan province Fig.2 The procedures of urban thematic extraction Fig.3 The spectral reflection line. 1. vegetation 2.mixtural class 3.urban The contextual method just uses that context to improve accuracy in classifying remotely sensed data. It can be applied not only to original multispectral digital data but also to the classified data to reclassify its landuse. This paper uses reclassification considering large number of contextual pixels. Fig.2 demonstrates the reclassification procedures.
Fig. 7 is the flow chart of the reclassification of the mixtural class. The procedures are also used to other three problems (2), (30 and (4) as stated above Photo 2 is the improved urban the metic map. Dynamic detection of extension of Yueyang urban area The 1978's MSS and remotely sensed data were processed by similar procedure. It is overlaid by the water bodies from 1987's TM data to remove exposed beaches in the Lake Dongting which is misclassified as urban landuse class due to the low water lever. Another urban area map is laso obtained from 1984's aero photographs. Comparing these three boundaries, an extension or change map is made as photo 3 in which red part and yellow part demonstrate the expansion from 1978 to 1984 and from 1984 to 1987 respectively. Between 1978 and 1984, 4.8 square kilometers were expanded. North, east and south are its. Main extension directions. One larger extended area was the textile factory built in 1983 to the south of Dongting nitrogenous fertilizer factory. Qijialing district (on right lower part) was developed in this period. From 1984 to 1987 ,3.0 square kilometres was rapidly extended in the city, The main extension is on the east of Yueyang near the Nanhu road. We expect that Yueyang will develop more rapidly in the future and the main extending districts will be Qijialing,Chenlingji and eastern Yueyang near the Nanhu road. Accuracy analysis and conclusion In order to know whether the application of contextual method has led to a significant improvement in classification, it is essential to test the classification accuracy after the procedure. For the reason of lack of essential landuse map, we use aerophotographs in 1984 as basic map and select two sub-regions for testing where there are more mixtural class pixels and less extension between 1984 and 1987. Comparing two maps with one by one pixel in A,B sub-regions, we obtain the accuracy table asTable 1. Overall accuracy is 91.7% consi- Table1 Accuracy of reclassification
it is considered that the determination of the boundary of urban area and the detection of urban extension are correct. Results of applying the contextual procedure developed here indicate that the use of frequency vector can lead to significant improvements in the accuracy of classification. This work first realizes the extension detecting and classfying over a small urban area. The procedures have only been tested on one type of classification , but can readily be extended to other types. References