Development of Water
Resources Information System
S. Bhos
O.R. Unit.,
CSIR Complex, NPL Campus, PUSA, New Delhi-12, India
NRDMS data base, Vikas Bhayan, Sultanpur, UP, India
Problems related to Water
Resources development and management are complex. 'Systems-approach' to
solution of such problems has been tried in this paper. Issues related to
demand and supply of water for specific sectors like irrigation, drinking
purposes etc. have been dealt as distinct sub-systems. Data bases with
specific processing and I-O functions have been considered for different
sub-systems. Finally, the sub-systems have been integrated to develop a
Water Resources Information System (WRIS) for a given region in totality.
A case study has been undertaken to demonstrate the workability of the
computerized WRIS.
Systems approach to a
problems solution essentially means unit has a definite I/O relationship
and interface with its neighbours. Development of a WRIS needs
consideration w.r.t. the data requirement, data updation, nature of
processing, reporting style/frequency, levels of decision making,
logistics and parameters for strategic decisions. Some of these aspects
need mathematical models for precise estimates.
Demand of water in
a region has been considered under Irrigation Water Requirement and
Drinking purposes while supply is considered under ground water, rainfall,
canal and tanks & ponds (fig. 1 & 2).
Figure 1
Figure 2
The former depends on the dynamics of cropping
pattern and irrigation application efficiency while the latter is governed
by the water conveyance efficiency of the distribution systems and
exploitation of ground water. The following sections illustrate the
comprehensive models and data bases for different sub-systems.
1. Demand of WaterThis sub-system consists of two
units, one for irrigation and the other for drinking and household needs.
The data input for the former are cropping pattern, crop-coefficients,
evapotranspiration, rainfall and application efficiency. The model used is
given as;
Where, Cu, Eo,
Kc, ER, AE and A refer to consumptive use, evapotranspiration,
crop-coefficient, effective rainfall, application efficiency and area
under a crop respectively. The outputs are monthwise volume of irrigation
water requirements for different crops. The summation for a month gives
the total water requirement at field level for the existing cropping
pattern. The second unit calculates the household and drinking water
requirement using the different norms (like ICMR, WHO, etc.) for the
specific region (arid, semi arid, humid etc.) and the projected human and
livestock population for a given time frame.
2. Supply of
WaterThis sub-system comprises of three units. The first one is
for tubewell, the second is for canal while the third is for pond -
supply. Data inputs to the first unit are, number & discharge capacity
of different types of tubewells and field losses. The model used is:
where, T.D., N
and D refer to the total annual discharge, number of tubewells and
discharge capacity respectively. The actual supply is obtained from;
The second unit
requires the discharge at the canal head, distances traveled
(lined/unlined) before reaching the field, cross-section of separate
portions, seepage coefficients, no. of working days, capacity of the
minors and field losses. The outputs are monthwise release of canal water
at field level.
The third unit takes area irrigated by tanks and
ponds and average water required for irrigation of unit piece of land as
inputs and gives monthly supply of irrigation water (for a season) as
3. Strategic decision makingThis sub-system
uses monthwise demand and supply of water for a region as inputs, compares
them and simulates the alternatives either to enhance the supply or
cut-short the demand. The groundwater potential, cropping intensity,
irrigation intensity, canal reserves, agroclimatic/soil constraints and
food habit form an integral part of the data-base in this sub-system.
4. Ground water potentialThis subsystem needs monthwise
depth of water table, tubewell discharge, irrigation return flows, seepage
from canal sides, average annual rainfall, geographical area, infiltration
co-efficient and permeability of aquifer as inputs. It calculates recharge
to the aquifer, underground inflow/outflow and the recoverable potential
of groundwater.
5. A Case StudyIn this section a case
study on WRIS has been undertaken for a block in Uttar Pradesh, India.
Over 95% area of the block is under tubewell irrigation. The relevant data
have been put in different subsystems whose outputs are narrated in
separate sections. Finally, strategic decisions have been arrived at.
- Irrigation Requirement: Irrigation water requirement vary
with time and crops. They are functions of consumptive use of water by
crops, effective rainfall and water requirements for special purpose
like land preparations, leaching of salts etc. In this section
irrigation water requirement at the field level for the actual areas
irrigated by tubewells during year 89 are estimated. In addition the
water requirement for actual cropping pattern in the block during the
same year is also evaluated. The major kharif crops are rice and
sugarcane. While wheat is the major rabi crop. Table-1 & 2 depict
the results.
- Ground Water Draft:
The extraction of ground water in the
block is through tubewells, dugwells, dug-cum-bore wells and pump sets.
The total annual draft of ground water depends on the number and yield
of wells in operation each year and the capacities of the pumps to lift
water. In 1984, the Ground Water Estimation Committee of the Ministry of
Irrigation, Govt. of India provided the norms for irrigation potential
of different types of wells. However, the specific norms for the wells
in the block have been given more precisely by the State Ground Water
Board, Lucknow, UP as follows:
State Tubewells |
: |
10.85 ha.m/y |
Private Tubewells |
: |
3.32 ha.m/y |
Pumping Set |
: |
3.00 ha.m/y |
Dug Well |
: |
0.60 ha.m/y |
Dug-cum-bore well |
: |
0.90 ha.m/y |
Table - 3 Demand/Supply
of irrigation water for Haringtoganj for 1989, ha-a
Month |
Demand for 100% irrigation |
Demand for actual irrigation |
Supply |
`January |
543 |
446 |
433 |
February |
912 |
773 |
433 |
March |
215 |
202 |
433 |
April |
81 |
80 |
433 |
May |
133 |
133 |
433 |
June |
220 |
22 |
910 |
July |
1202 |
23 |
910 |
August |
1827 |
43 |
910 |
September |
1147 |
23 |
910 |
October |
3356 |
173 |
910 |
November |
453 |
377 |
433 |
December |
485 |
440 |
433 |
Total |
10.574 |
2,735 |
7,582 |
Kharif |
7,752 |
284 |
4,549 |
Rabi |
2,822 |
2,451 |
3,033 |
Using these norms and the information on the number
of different types of wells functioning each year, the ground water
draft for the years 1975 to 1989 has been estimated. The total annual
draft increased from 83.8 MCM in 1975 to 108.3 MCM in 1989.
- Ground Water Recharge
Rainfall and irrigation return
flows constitute the principal sources of ground water recharge. The
Ground water Estimation Committee recommended specific norms for the
estimation of recharge from each of the above sources for the conditions
prevailing in different parts of the country. These norms for the block
Harringtonganaj are:
1. Recharge from rainfall = 18% of normal
2. Return flow from irrigation fields = 30% of ground water
delivered at outlet
The return seepage figures include losses in
the field channels. In the following sections the recharge from
different sources is estimated based on the available data for the
period 1988-90.
Recharge from rainfall for the period '88-' 90:
Area of the Block = 23123 x 10 sqm
Av. rainfall for the =
Period '88-' 90
Annual recharge from rainfall = 45.76 MCM
Return seepage from ground water irrigation:
The average
annual draft of ground water for the period '88-' 90 was about 108
million cu.m. The recharge from this to the ground water body is 30% or
32.4 MCM.
Thus the total average annual recharge from rainfall
and ground water irrigation is estimated as 78 MCM.
- Ground Water Balance :
The group water balance in the
aquifer is given as:
Change in ground water storage = (Total
recharge) - (Total draft) + (Ground Water inflow/outflow from the
The net rise in the ground water table during 1988-90
was 0.6m which corresponds to a net rise of 18 MCM in the ground water
storage. The total recharge and draft during the period are 235 MCM and
325 MCM respectively. Thus, from the above equation the annual ground
water inflow may be estimated as 36 million cu.m.
- Ground Water Potential:
Ground Water Resources can be
divided into dynamic and static components. The maximum observed
thickness of the zone of fluctuation is determined using the hydrographs
of observation wells. This is done by taking the difference between the
lowest pre-monson and the highest post-monsoon water level during the
period of record. In Harringtonganj, Faizabad, a record covering the
period 1975-90 is available at a single observation well. The lowest and
the highest values have been recorded as 7.32m and 12.80m respectively.
The depth of the zone of fluctuation for the alluvial plains of the
block is assumed to be uniform at 13%. The gross recharge for the period
1975-90 is;
Gross Recharge = (Thickness of water table
fluctuation zone) x (Specific yield) x (Area of the block)
= 5.48 x
0.13 x 23123 = 164.73 million cu.m
This estimate of mean gross
recharge includes the effect of the recharge and discharge components
during the monsoon, but not the ground water inflow during the
non-monsoon period.
Assuming 50% of total inflow (36 MCM) during
the non-monsoon season the total annual recharge amounts to 183 MCM. As
per the GWEC norm the recoverable recharge is 70% of the gross recharge.
This, the net ground water available for recovery in the block is 128
million cu.m against the actual exploitation of 108 MCM in 1989. Thus,
there is further scope for ground water development in the block by 20
MCM per year with the assumption that the aquifer is of uniform
thickness and spreads uniformly below the entire block.
- Results:
In 1989 for a gross cropped area of 25176 ha
which corresponds to cropping intensity of 154% for the block, the total
water requirements at the field level were 105.7 MCM. The total supply
at the field level was 75.8 MCM (Table-3). This for 30% losses in water
courses. The net shortage at the field level is thus 30 MCM. If the
entire available ground water potential of 128 MCM is developed, i.e.
the draft is increased by 20 MCM, 90 MCM of water will be available at
the field level. The net deficit would still be about 16 MCM for 1989
cropping pattern (for 43% area under paddy).
ConclusionThe study highlights an approach for
system development for decision making and information management for
Water Resources Utilisation. The system can simulate alternate cropping
pattern and conjunctive use of surface and ground water of for optimum
utilization of available resources. There is further scope for
incorporating other relevant sybsystems like prediction models for
rainfall, cropping pattern, total population and live stock for scenario
building. Maintenance of
Irrigation facilities like tubewells,
canals and tanks, cost/benefit analysis of different sources of irrigation
will also be considered in future.
authors are grateful to the Department of Science and Technology
(specially to Dr. R.K. Midha, Director, NRDMS for sponsoring and providing
encouragement to the studies. They also thank Prof. A. Ghosal, Secretary,
Society of Management Science and Applied Cybernetics for his keen
interest in the study.
- Ghosal, A. (1986) Pragmatic Cybernetic (ed)
- Sharma, P.B.S. and Rao, N.H. (1986) Resource Analysis for Integrated
Development, Dev Press, New Delhi.
- Ray, S.B. and Sharma, S.N., (1983) Guidelines for Water Management.
National Seminar on Integrated Water Management in Canal Command Areas.
Water Technology Centre IARI, New Delhi.
- Ghosh, S. (1989) Management of Water Resources in a command area.
Proceedings of 11th ACRS, Kualalumpur.