A study on biological
Co2 fixation in the sea on the earth Shintaor
Goto Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan Shunji Murai Institute of Industrial Science University of Tokyo, Japan Abstract This study deals with the role of satellite Remote Sensing for monitoring global environment, and the analysis the places of the Co2 fixation in the sea. The chlorophyll distribution produced from NIMBUS/CZCS data was used for estimation of the total capacity of Co2 fixation in the sea area. It is the first trial to estimate the ability of Co2 fixation as the result of human activity using satellite data. Introduction From the statistics of fossil fuel consumption from Rotty & Marland (1986) we know that its consumption has increased from the middle of the last century to the present with about 3% annually with the present value of about 5.6 Gtc/year. On the other hand the atmospheric Co2 concentration is 2.7Gtc/year. But the sink of the other Co2 concentration is not known, it is called as a problem of missing sink. May proposal to control global worming locally by fixing Co2 concentration is presented. But the total balance of Co2 in not cleared now. Especially the capacity of Co2 fixation in the sea is estimated by the in situ observation data in these 30 years. So, we can't estimate the future capacity of Co2 fixation by these data used now. In this study, the new model to estimate the capacity of biological Co2 fixation in the sea area using NIMBUS7/CZCS data is yield. After that the result from above is checked to the result of other studies. Method The data used in this study is NIMBUS/CZCS-level 3 (monthly averaged chlorophyll density), provided from NASA (Feldman et al., (1989)). Chlorophyll density is estimated by Gordon's algorithm (Gordon and Morel (1983)). The calculation process of the capacity of Co2 fixation in the sea is shown in Fig. 1. The capacity of biological Co2 fixation in the sea is estimated by net primary productivity of plankton. The process to estimate the distribution of plankton is shown in Fig. 2. The chlorophyll distribution from Nimbus7/CZCS by Gordon's algorithm (See Fig. 3) is not effective in the region where aerosol density is high such as the region near Japan. But eh value is relatively effective in the small blocks such as each sea region. Fig 1 Flow chart of estimation of Co2 fixation capacity. Fig. 2 Flowchart to produce plankton map Fig. 3. Chlorophyll distribution by Gordon's algorith To estimate the primary from the chlorophyll density the correlation between chlorophyll density and primary productivity. But there is only one correlation made by Epply et al (1985) in near south and north America continent. Fig. 4 shows the relation between primary productivity : p (mgCm-2d-1) and chlorophyll density Ck : (mgm-3). And the correlation is as follows ; Log (p) = 3 + 0.5log (Ck)………………………………1) In this study, firstly, Epply's correlation between density and net primary productivity is corrected by the observational data of primary productivity by Ryther (1963) and Koblentz-Minishke et al (1970). Table 1 shows the corrected correlation in each sea region where the in situ observation data exist. Secondly, using the new correlation, the primary productivity in each mesh is yield, and after summing up the capacity of Co2 fixation in the sea is yield. ![]() Result Table 2 shows the capacity of COs fixation in each sea region where Epply's correlation inc corrected. From this table the total capacity of Co2 fixation fro original correlated is three times the value of corrected correlation. The capacity of Co2 fixation in the sea is 31.1 GtC/year. Table 2 shows the result of comparison with the result from observational data. Through the process above the primary productivity in the sea is calculated. Fig. 5 shows the distribution of the primary productivity in this study and Fig. 6 shows the result by Koblentz-Minshke et al. (1970)for comparison. These two result is similar except for the value in the North Atlantic Ocean. In this region the primary productivity is very high in this study. And the other problem in this study is the discontinuity of the primary productivity in each sea region. ![]() Table 3 Comparison the capacity of Co2 fixation (Gtc/year) in this study with the observational data in the sea. ![]() Conclusion The following conclusions were obtained. Using the chlorophyll density map by Nimbus7/CZCS, capacity of biological Co2 fixation was estimated and it agreed with the studies before. Ti shows the potential availability of using satellite data for estimation of Co2 fixation of changing global environment. The father research will pay attention to checking the distribution locally and to removing the discontinuity of primary productivity. References