---> AARS ---> ACRS 1992 ---> Plenary Session

Remote Sensing activities in Mongolia

M. Badarch
Director of National Remote Sensing Center
State committee for Nature and Environmental Control
Ulaabaatar, Mongolia

This paper reviews the general status of Remote Sensing in Mongolia. One of the major goals of the Mongolia space programme is the use of Remote Sensing for the socio-economic of the country. During the past ten years, Remote Sensing applications have grown from pilot experimental studies to operational methodologies. These applications are being used for routine mapping, monitoring and evaluation of the various natural resources and environment monitoring in the country such as water, forests, meteorology, agriculture, soils, minerals and lake resources. Remote Sensing as an operational, stable and cost effective technology for the assessment of natural resources, for disaster monitoring considerably contributes to the economic development of the Mongolia.

This article highlights the needs and Remote Sensing program in Mongolia.

Remote Sensing technology is one of the fastest growing information technologies in the Mongolia. Since the beginning 1980s, many organization of the Mongolia have attached great importance to the development of Remote Sensing technology and applications. At present one full-fledged national Remote Sensing center and several Remote Sensing sub-centre were established in the Mongolia and one Remote Sensing receiving station is operating. Several projects related to Remote Sensing applications have been implemented in fast few years. Commendable progress has since have made.

1. Needs of Remote Sensing Data applications in Mongolia
Mongolia is situated in Central Asia; it stretches form West to East 2400 km, and 1260 km from North to South. Its are is 1.565 thousand square kilometers. Its removed from the seas and oceans. Different regions of the country differ considerably from each other by structure of relief, elevation. The medium elevation of the country’s territory is 1580 m. above the sea level, with the highest mountain summits reaching 4362 m. The lowest area in Mongolia is 552m. The vast mountain systems are placing on the territory of Mongolia, such as the Mongolian and Gobi Altai, Khangai, Khentei and others.

In Mongolia there are nearly 540 rivers and 3000 lakes, but they are situated in the whole in the north half of the country.

Such physiographic traits of Mongolia determine the severe nature, sharp continental climate and frequently unfavorable weather conditions.

It is known that the large –scale land and atmospheric processes over this region (the Gobi-Desert, Tibetian Plateau) play a significant role in the global atmospheric circulation. Dust storms transporting a considerable amount of dust particles east and south-eastwards also create a problem for Mongolia. Also urban and industrial development in the country.

The country has extensive natural resources, minerals, fossil fuels, forests has extensive and vast areas of grassland, much of which is suitable for raising livestock. As yet, the major portion of these resources is untapped. Over the next two decades the Mongolian Government plans to develop the capability to utilize these resources. To do this it will require much improved environmental database, especially in support of formulating and implementing plans for agriculture and livestock breeding, farming and of the day to day operations. The Mongolia has therefore, examined two possible methods of increasing the database: increasing the surface observing system and using new observation techniques. (Space and automatic equipment).

An expansion of the surface observing network into unpopulated areas would be a long and difficult undertaking considering the scales of variations which have to be detected and measured. Such an increase would also impact unfavorably on the country’s limited human resources base. The advent of Remote Sensing data offers a solution to this information gap.

Consequently, Mongolia attaches great importance to the development of Remote Sensing technology and values and applying them to national economic development and environment management. Therefore, the Government of the Mongolia has made it a priority to develop Remote Sensing technology and its application to the different braches of the national economy.

In 1968, the Government of Mongolia began cooperative efforts to establish ground receiving stations for telecommunications and weather satellites in Mongolia.

Since, the establishment of Tetesat Receiving station in Mongolia in 1969, we have extended telephone and television services throughout Mongolia. Telecommunication agency of Mongolia now uses space technology for International telecommunication and television services between the Mongolia and other countries of the world through the earth satellite ground station. This system now will be improved by support from the government of Japan.

Since 1971, we have operated a Meteorological satellite receiving station. Cloud pictures of weather over the Central Asia from United State and former Soviet Union’s meteorological satellites improved forecasting greatly.

According to the agreement of the governments of the Mongolia and former Soviet Union in 1984 in East-Southern part of Mongolia was established a Meteorological Rocket Sounding station which is operating until now successful.

2. The National Remote Sensing Centre of the Mongolia
In 1987 was created the National Remote Sensing Centre in the Mongolia. The responsibilities of this centre are coordination of all activities related to Remote Sensing in the country, and aimed of developing local capability for evolving efficient methods of investigating, classifying and monitoring natural resources of the country by using modern space research and Remote Sensing technology.

National Remote Sensing Centre also effects monitoring of environmental and natural disasters, such as cyclones, drought forest fire, hurricanes, severe snow cover and air pollutions on the territory of Mongolia.

Currently, in the activities of space programs the following national organizations are participating :
  • State Committee for Natural and Environmental Protection
  • Telecommunication administration.
  • Ministry of the National Development
  • Hydrometeorological service.
  • Academy of the science.
  • Ministry of foreign affairs.
  • Department of the water management
  • Department of forest management
  • Ministry of agriculture
  • State centre of geology and mineral resources
  • Ministry of energy and mines
  • Mongolian civil aviation cooperation.
  • State administration of Geodesy and cartography
The duties of the Remote Sensing centre of Mongolia are :
  • To coordinate space activities
  • To review space activities Mongolia, including government organizations, the Universities and Industry, Agriculture and to make Recommendations Concerning the optimum use of natural resources.
  • To consider government policy for space activity in relation to national interests, needs and opportunities and to formulate and recommend appropriate plans and proposals.
  • To make recommendations concerning cooperation in the space activities of foreign and international organization in the best interest of Mongolia.
Mongolia has other organizations whose work is related to Remote Sensing. The academy of science of Mongolia has Remote Sensing laboratory, which was set up 1986 within the framework of the institute of physics and technology and the main function of which is thematic theory, methodology and techniques for the interpretation of aerospace information in geo- and environmental sciences; the elaboration of mathematical models to describe the relationship between biogeophysical and geochemical parameters for studying objects and their spectral characteristics; establishing the correlation of linear and circular geological structures with evidence of mineral locational and complex analysis of natural and anthropogenic processes in different natural and climatic conditions. At the moment, the major activity include digital image processing satellite and airborne data; interpretation of aerospace information and natural resources assessments of Mongolian territory on the basis of an elaborated methodology using multilevel and multisource data; feature change monitoring; and making models of a geographic information system for selected test areas.

The state Geological center of Mongolia has the Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Center, which was established in 1980 on a commercial basis to meet the growing needs of geology. The main goals of the Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Center are to develop reliable and cost effective Remote Sensing techniques, to compile topographic and thematic maps obtained by compiler - aided field surveying and to establish an integrated geographic information system (IGIS) for geology, especially for mineral, oil and gas assessment.

The water development authority has applied satellite data for studying water logging and salinity, hydrogeological investigations and other water resources studies. Also satellite data have used for flood mapping, planning of flood control measures and routine river surveying and mapping.

3. Remote Sensing Programmes
One of the major goals of Mongolian National Space Programme is Utilization of Remote Sensing Techniques for the social economics development of the country. During the past years, Remote Sensing applications have grown from pilot scale experimental studies to operational methodologies. These applications are bearing used for preparing routine mapping, monitoring and evaluating the various natural resources and environment management in the country such as water, forest agriculture, land, minerals resources. We have carried out several national level project on behalf of user organizations. The major amongst the above mentioned projects are detailed below.

3.1 Remote Sensing data application in Environment Management
Several of National Projects have been carried out using satellite/aerial Remote Sensing data for mapping different parameters of environment and ecosystems. Environment problems such as desertification, land degradation, deforestation, pest infestation are closely linked with the weather and climatic changes on one hand and the environmental and ecological effects and interactions on the other. Towards mitigation measures and planning appropriate preventive actions, it is necessary to have Remote Sensing and geoinformation data. Mongolia has designed it own Remote Sensing programmes to meet their specific requirements. Forest survey in Mongolia is preparing the forest cover maps with different scale using Remote Sensing techniques. These maps provide information on dense open and degraded forests. These maps would be of great help in forest management plan preparation in Mongolia with aspects its protection. In Mongolia as other developing countries forests are destroyed. Satellite data helps use for estimation of the excessive deforestation. Also institute of Land Management is carrying out nation-wide soil and land cover mapping project. The project envisages preparation of soil maps covering many aspects like soil type, land capability, problem soils, existing landuse and recommended potential land use patterns.

The National Remote Sensing center with Institute of the foresty, land management Institute, Institute of water policy and Institute of ecology (all these institute belong to state committee for the Nature and Environment control of Mongolia) is currently operational and undertakes the Remote Sensing requirements of the State Committee for the Nature and Environment control (SCNEC) of the Mongolia and other agencies, Public or private. To support all activities of the SCNEC, National Remote Sensing center of Mongolia will undertake both research and applications for the various sustainable development and environment management programs.

3.1.1 Forestation Program
The land condition mapping of the Mongolia which was completed by Research Institute of the foresty of the SCNEC in early 1978, has provided SCNEC with the remaining standing forests of the country. This set of information at 1:200,000 scale identified the different kind of forests of the country and their location and areal coverages.

The SCNEC used this information in identifying areas for its National Forestation Program. As of today, several reforestation projects have been fanned out either under the direct administration of the SCNEC or through contract planting to communities.

Remote Sensing have 2 distinct roles in the implementation of this program. First, if will monitor the status of the remaining forests and determine whether there are illegal logging activities in these areas. This will assist SCNEC in its law enforcement activities. Second, Remote Sensing will complement the verification methods of SCNEC field offices with regards to the compliance of contractors and communities in their reforestation projects.

3.1.2 Protected areas and biodiversity program
The SCNEC has determined areas for national parks and reservation territory. These natural habitats are usually found in virgin forest and undisturbed natural areas.

Remote Sensing will now monitor these areas for activities incongruent with national parks objectives such as illegal logging, slash and burn activities, dynamite flashing (coral destruction – on a limited Remote Sensing capability) and illegalentry of forest occupants. Although this technology will not be able to monitor the endangered endemic species themselves, it can however determine whether their habitats are threatened with destruction via spectral, spatial and temporal analysis of Remote Sensing data.

3.1.3 Freshwater ecosystems program
Remote Sensing can monitor the rivers revival program of SCNEC. It will be able to determine water quality changes as a consequence of increases wastewater treatment by polluting industries and decrease in pollution loads. This method will afford SCNEC the tool to assess whether this program will have significant results for environment management of rivers and other freshwater resource areas.

This technology will also be able to determine the extent of salt water intrusion from an inferential approach. Change in vegetation status and component is normally the immediate effect of salination of coastal environment especially coastal agriculture.

3.1.4 Land and mineral resources program
Pollution of land resources can also be monitored with Remote Sensing. Point and non-point sources can be identified and provide vital information as regards immediate and long-term waste management programs.

Erosional areas can be repetitively monitored to give a running balance of remaining areas for agriculture.

As regards mineral resources, SCNEC encourages mineral exploration and exploitation. Remote Sensing has always complemented conventional exploration techniques a tool for mineral prospecting. It has at the same time, provided a tool for determining the probable geologic hazards and devastating effects of the environment due to projected mining operations.

The SCNEC implements environment laws as regards mining. Remote Sensing can provide SCNEC with the counter check methods for unsystematic mining operations in relation to environmental safeguard measures (an inherent requirement for all mining operations) to be undertaken by the mining proponents.

3.2 Application of Remote Sensing data for Natural Disaster Monitoring
With its diverse environment and ecosystems the problems of the Mongolia include different kind Natural Disasters such as drought desertification, floods, forest fires, atmospheric cyclones, floods deforestation, land degradation and severe snow cover. In Mongolia widely used NOAA satellite data for reducing the impact of Natural Disasters. In Mongolia has been developed the methodology for estimating and monitoring atmospheric storms such as heavy rain, dust storms, snow cover drought conditions by using AVHRR satellite and ground data. On the basis of the processing and analyzing NOAA satellite data we have delivered the daily temperature dynamics of various terrain surface, monthly changes of vegetation and snow cover for whole territory country, forest fires on big area, atmospheric storms. One of the Natural Disasters of Mongolia in desertification and drought.

Desertification and drought are interacted each other closely. Desertification is a country wide phenomenon affecting all territory of the country and gradually decreasing natural resources of land. It is estimated that all people who is natural resources of land. It is estimated that all people who is living in Gobi area are directly treated by desertification. The immediate cause of desertification in the territory of Mongolia are well known viz, overgrazing the felling of trees for fuel, water logging, salinitation and bad agricultural practices.

Increasing number of animals is also one of the causes, among others. On an average, statistics indicate that severe drought occurs once in every 10 -12 years in most of Mongolian territory. For territory as large and Mongolia with its sparse population, it is more convenient to apply satellite data. so now State Committee for Nature and Environmental Protection is developing new project on the Drought Assessment and Monitoring System. This system aims to jointly use satellite and ground data of whole country on a weekly basis through the spring and summer, when occurred drought events in Mongolia. For this study we will have choose the NOAA AVHRR data instead of Landsat MSS data, because NOAA satellite cover the same area every six hours, which is very advantages for monitoring changes of the drought which is very advantageous for monitoring changes of the drought and helps provide enough multitime images in short time.

The environment of the southern part of the Gobi Desert is quite sensitive, with serious problems of soil erosion and desertification. A proposal for controlling soil erosion and sedimentation process in Gobi area by using ground and satellite data has been completed. Now Mongolia is developing a new Project on improving the environmental conditions of the Gobi Area. Remote Sensing the geographical information system (GIS) will be very important project.

3.3 Application Remote Sensing data on Geology
Satellite data are also being used for a variety of geological application such as basinal geological evolution, regional geological mapping, lithological studies and structural and tectonic studies, especially with reference to their potential in oil exploration.

3.4 Mapping Natural Resources using Remote Sensing data
With the use of space information in Mongolia, There was compiled and put into use a series of thematic maps of the Mongolian territory at 1:100000 scale, including a land-use maps, botanic and forage maps, maps of forest, structural – geological map with neotectonic elements, maps of average annual flow of ground and underground waters and landscape-typological regional planning maps. These thematic maps have a great practical importance for developing the whole national programme of complex use of the Mongolian’s Natural Resources and Environment Protection. Also for economic important zone area we have been producing thematic maps at 1:200000, 1:500000 scales. For example for UVS NUUR area was compiled grass type map and a land suitability map by using TM Landsat satellite data. The Institute of Land-Management of the State Committee for Nature and Environmental Protection has completed maps of land use and land cover at 1:100000 to 1:200000 scale for some areas of central and southern part Mongolia using aerial photos and satellite images.

Estimating the efficiency of Remote Sensing applications in Mongolia

The benefits from using Remote Sensing technology in natural Remote Sensing and environment monitoring depend on the level of success of it’s application for solving the concrete task. In general, these benefits can be divided into four kinds, namely; scientific, technological, methodological and economic efficiency. Now we try to determine the exactly meanings of the above mentioned efficiency in separately and to explain it on the example of the application Remote Sensing data for the snow cover mapping of the whole country of the Mongolia.

Scientific efficiency of Remote Sensing technology application to natural resources is the most important kind. It consists in receiving new data on landscape structure perculiarities (geological, geobotanial, determination of their genesis, correlation of separate components of the natural environmental.

Scientific efficiency of Remote Sensing data also is in obtaining new facts those corroborating arguments for (or against) results achieved before the theory and hypothesis which were suggested earlier.

As well as the scientific efficiency consists in quemtative clarification of the know before and qualitatively studied facts. Technological efficiency – means increase of work productivity (mainly most expensive field jobs), making norms of field works and speeding upnatural resources mapping, reduction of field works volume, shortening of the terms necessary for territorial survey, staff reduction engaged in natural resources surveys.

Technological efficiency of Remote Sensing data application to natural resources which is connected with introduction of the improved technology of investigations is defined by the following factors.

Carrying but of field and aerophotosurvey works of natural resources is effected on limited by square size key areas those are marked on the space images. And relative square of the marked key area and profiles while working with space images are less (up to 5 – 10%) that those of those while working with usual aerophotofilms for middle-scales thematic mapping (up to 25 – 40%).

With use of space image there are carried out the most rational and representative selection of the key areas, extracted are remoted landcapes – analogues, defined are areals of distant extrapolation of decoding indicators, realized is true estimation of locality practicability and transport conditions for carrying out field works rationally.

While using Remote Sensing data in natural resources investigations there are significantly is improved technology of charter processing even though its volume becomes more in relation to field works.

Methodological efficiency – means increase of truth and detailness of spatial research of natural resources and also of observing widely and rapidly going processes and phenomena. At present there are thousands of space and air photographies of separate parts of the country that allow to start systematic more detailed investigation of natural resources of Mongolia on more high level that it has been done before.

On the basis of space images are, add various types of natural resources maps, detailness and infromativeness of which is regularly with improvement of space survey technique.

Periodicity of space photography receiving allows to take into account the changes of natural resources of concrete areas of those couldn’t be reflected on the maps compiled by usual methods. It is important in connection with help of space images the changes of forestry plantations areas, shore lines directions of river-beds were fixed the changes that were not reflected on the existing maps.

Methodological efficiency of Remote Sensing application to national resources is expressed by the opportunity of study and mapping of geographical events those are causing seasonal changes and weather fluctuations.

Space images permit simultaneously to fix rapidly proceeding processes on large area. On one image or assembled ones there basins and zones of ground water unloading, those are remoted from each other for hundreds and thousands kilometers.

And at last, methodological efficiency of space image is in discovering hazardous events* forest fires, dust storms, pollution of atmosphere and ocean, eruptions.

Economic efficiency of Remote Sensing data applications to nature resources can be expressed both – in reduction of cost of mapping works, and indirectly – by increase of quality, truth, detailness and informativeness of the results.

At present it is impossible to give the full evaluation of economic efficiency of Remote Sensing data applications to natural resources as the practical use of it is only started and the branches of natural resources studies where it could be discovered are not yet summer up.

Remote Sensing data application to natural resources is more widely nowadays used for salvation of economic tasks. In connection with that the problem of economic efficiency estimation of these applications acquire especial significance. When putting space methods into economic practice it is very important to elucidate economic efficiency estimation of maps on their informativeness.

It is to be noted that the same space photographies could be utilized by tens of specialists of the Earth science. It opens the door to use of economic efficiency of space methods of land using which amounts several milliards tugrics (local currency of the country).

Besides this obvious economic efficiency of space methods there should be added that one which they could present in the nearest future. Thus, composition of land, water, forest and air cadastres should become of help for prevention of potential in future events harmful for human and those are connected with exhaustion and even destruction of these or those natural resources.

In Mongolia economic efficiency of Remote Sensing data applications to land reclamation woks was calculated through one of the existing project. It showed that economic efficiency of space materials application when performing prosperting works for land reclamation amounted to 60% of expenditures spend for same work done by ground method. Also economic efficiency calculation done in Mongolia shows that space information application to natural resources investigations permits to assess in general natural economic potential of the territory of the MPR 3-4 fold quicker and with 12 – 15 fold less expenses than traditional (ground) methods.