The Application of
the TM data to the gold deposit prospecting
Yingchun Instute
of gold Geology, MMI, Langfang, 102800, hebei, China Fax:
foundation image manufacture, we can known the regional geologic
background. Line, ring, belt mass, color are five aspects of remote
sensing which could reflect the information of gold deposit. With
computer, we can obtainit strata, acidic-intermediate-acidic rock body,
alteration information related to gold deposit. TM data are mainly
information source in polygenetic geoinformation processing of gold
deposit. The prospecting models of different kinds of gold deposit are
introduced in this paper.
China is a large of gold production
which has almost all kinds of gold deposit, mainly being metamorphic
hydrothermal -type gold deposit (eg. Jiaojia gold deposit, Jinchangyu gold
deposit), magmatic hydrothermal -type gold deposit (eg. Gold deposits in
Xiaoqingling area), porphyry-type gold deposit (eg. Tuanjianguou gold
deposit), bolcanic explosion -breccia-type gold deposit (eg. Qiugou gold
deposit), ductile shear zone-type gold deposit (eg. Hetai gold deposit,
Paishanlou gold deposit), fine disseminated -type gold deposit (eg. Yata
gold deposit, which less occur in China)
All above-mentioned gold
deposit types have distinctive ore-forming models and prospecting methods,
However, they are with many common characteristics. Fox example, both
hydrothermal-type and shear zone-type gold deposit occur in definite
fracture structure with which they have close relation; Mangmatic
hydrothermal -type gold deposit and volcanism-related gold deposit mainly
occur in perimeter of annular structure; Fine dissemination gold deposit
occur in definite strate. All gold deposit have intense alteration, and
the pyretic -phallic alternation is the common alteration mineral
The TM data have specified indication meaning about
regional geologic background, structure, litho logy, strata and alteration
information in gold deposit prospecting.
1. Foundation Image
Manufacture Because the TM data are the broad sheet information
about 185 x 185km, We need to make a series of computer processing so that
the image maked in the ground of working area can suit the demand of gold
deposit geology and prospecting. Generally speaking, following aspects of
work need to do.
- Selecting
of synthetic programme: The 7,5,1 (RGB), 7,5,4 (RGB) AND 7,4,1 (RGB) are
comparatively perfect in gold deposit prospecting.
- Morasaic image.
- Image amplifition.
- Information
- Adjusting
of orientation.
- Image
sheet standardization.
The Auxiliary Recongnization of Strata And Lithology with Computer
- Lamination
analysis: The image gray shade and the spatial structure are the two
main recognization characteristic of image. General image processing
only use the gray shade, but the lamination analysis transform the gray
shade image to lamination image, in which the lamination characteristic
mainly reflect the roughness of the earth surface resulted form
micro-geomorphostructure, so that is can provide the information of
strata and lithology and reflect the difference of the structure tensity
and material components. For example, all the various lamination index
image formed by the way of gray shade paragenetic matrix in north Hebei
province can obviously reflect the difference of the material components
in this region.
- Characteristic
analysis: Characteristic analysis could be to obtain the information of
acidic and intermediate -acidic rock body with the following methods: a:
The K-L transformation of the image data in the six bands of TM
1,2,3,4,5,6. b: The synthesization of the HIS transformation of
P1,P2,P3 (RGB) image,
P1,P2,P3 (RGB). C: To make the HIS
transformation of P1,P2,P3 (RGB) image,
and to obtain the H image by the inversion of H image. d: To get the
P1,P2,P3, P image by the K-L transformation of the four I,K,S, H image.
e: To make the syntyesization of P1 image that could reflect the
information of the acidic and intermediate -acidic rock body.
Alteration Information Extraction of The TM Data Almost
all gold mineralization have alteration of pyritization, limonitization,
silicification and sericitization no matter what kinds of genesis of they
have. We can extract the information related to gold deposit by the test
of spectrum of the altered minerals.
A. Rato analysis: The
spectrum test in the Dongpin gold deposit and its peripheral region in
Hebei province indicate that the main latered minerals (rocks) generally
have absorption valley in TM7, potassic alteration and chloritization have
the characteristic of wide and weak absorption band in TM4, and two kinds
of alteration index are extracted by reflectance image:
index : rOH = rTM5/rTM7;
Iron - stained index : rFe = rTM3/rTM4.
The comprehension of two indexs of ROH and rFe indicate the alteration
information of gold mineralization in the working area.
Characteristic principal component analysis: In the juncture area of Hunan
and Jiangxi provinces, ferriferous rocks have characteristic of strong
reflection in TM5 and Tm3, and strong absorption in TM4 and TM1, weak
spectrum contrast between the reflection and the absorption ranging from
TM4 and TM1,
Firstly, we make the principal component
transformation in one group of TM1 and 3, 4,5, and then make the
qualitative analysis with the transformed PCA image as far as possible to
define the spectrum information image of feeriferous rocks (F image), and
the PCA of F image should be suited to the following :a. TM3 -TM1 , TM3 -
TM4, and TM5 - TM4 have the opposite contribution indication ; b. There is
at least one intensive load in either TM3 or TM5; Secondary, we take the
TM5/7 and TM4/3 as the primative band ground to define the spectrum
information image of the hydroxyl -bearing minerals; Finally, we make the
synthesization of F image and H image so that it could be used to indicate
the alteration information of gold mineralization.
principal component analysis need not using the method of spectrum test
but referring to a part of know gold deposits (outcrops), we have develop
the work of the extraction of TM alteration information and have got
better effect in some regions such as Xingjiang and Liaoning provinces.
4. The Application of GIS to the TM Data and Polygenetic
Geoinformation Processing of Gold Deposit
First, the TM data
and the other geoinformation should be projected to unidied coordinate
system - meaning of geometric registration processing; Secondly, the
registration data should give imagenization to from the synthesization
image data base of the polygenetic data; Finally, by the processing of the
synthesixation of polyenetic image, IHS transformation and the K - L
transformation, we can analysis the internal relation of gold deposit, TM
data and the other polygenetic geoinformation. For example, the complex of
gold geochemical prospecting anormaly and TM data could be used to find
the relation between the gold mineratlization and linear or annular
structure; the complex of gold anormaly, aeromagnetic data and TM data
could be find the relation of gold mineralization with aeromagetic
anormally gradient belt. The K-L transformation of the multi-element
geochenical prospecting anormaly could be used to find the correlation
gold and the other elements, etc. the complex of spatial trendency
analysis image of ore-forming favouraility and remote sensing image could
be directly perceived to reflect the spatial trendency variation of gold
ore-forming favourability and spatial distribution of the gold
5. Remote Sensing Prospecting Criteria And
Prospecting Model Of Gold Deposit There are five aspects of remote
sensing which could reflect the information of gold deposit.
- Some
deep and large faulted structures controlling the boundary of tectonic
units mainly show being major mega-lineament which control the
distribution of gold ore -forming belts and gold mineralization
centralization belts for example, the latitudinal transcrustic fracture
of north laitude of 42o in Tianshan area, and the giant Tanlou fracture
in the NE trend in Hunan -Jiangxi provinces.
- The
slightly inferior regional major fracture lineament (belt) which
interest the above -mentione lineaments and the intersected geologic
masses always occur with ore-forming sub-belts and ore-forming regions.
- The
inferior lineament which occur in the superimposed belts of the
above-mentioned lineament belts control the distribution of the ore
fields and the ore districts.
- The
inferior lineaments which have small scale but high concentration and
have relation with the comparatively larger structure are often the
favourable location of occurance of he ore deposit and ore body.
Ring The
thermal ring fracture of magmatic emplacement and volcanic apparatus
usually have close relation with gold deposits.
- The
magmatic hydrothermal -type and the metamorphic hydrothermal-type gold
depost generally occur in the periphery range of the 2-6kmof he thermal
ring structure.
- The
gold deposit which is related with volcanism are usually occur in the
margin or center of the ring fracture formed by the apparatus.
Belt It
mainly means the host bed which generally is the remote sensing
prospecting indicator of fine disseminated gold deposit.
Mass It means the compression lens and lozenge - shaped structure
formed by the intersection of fracture, gold despots usually occur in the
pointed end of the lens and the acuteangel area of the lozenge -shaped
structure-it shows that extensional are is favorable occurrence of gold
E. Colour It mainly mean the colour tone are
of strata, lithology and alteration information which is related with gold
The prospecting models of difference kinds of gold
deposit are not alike, usually as following:
A. Quartz vein -type
gold deposit: Complex of annular structure + deep fracture lineament belt
+ acuteangel area of lozenge - shaped structure + acidic and intermediate
- acidic rock body + alteration information of gold mineralization +
B. Volcanic + type gold deposit : The volcanic -
subvolcanic rocks above the old metamorphic basement series + deep linear
fault mainly in NE trend + large or small annular image assemblage and the
intersecting point with linear or annular small annular image assemblage
and the intersecting point with linear or annular structure + geophysical
- geochemical anormaly section + tectonoclastic altered rock or
interstratified fracture belt. eg. Yelintou gold deposit in Zhejiang
province, Qianhe gold deposit in Henan province.
C. Tectonic
altered rock -type gold deposit : The complex of old terrane in special
image of dark metamorphic rocks of island arc system + deep fracture and
compressisonal ahear lineament belts in NE - Nne trend + multi -colour
multiperiod metamorphic - migmatized - megmatic hydorthermal annular
geologic body + complex of annular structure + medium geophysical -
geochemical field + hydrothernmal tectonic altered rock (belt section).
Eg. Jiaojia gold depoist in Shandong province.
D. Fine
disseminated - type gold deposit : Linear fracture + complex of
hydrothermal annular image geologic body + intersectuing joint of
structure of NS and NE of NW in trend + anomalous altered fracture belt +
geochemical anomaly of low - temperature assemblage. eg. Dongbeizai gold
in Sichan province. |