GIS and RRA in Local -Level
Land Use Planning A case study in Sri Lanka M.Mari,
P.Bitter Abstract
Dept. of Geography University of Zurich-Irchel Switzerland Land use planning, here defined as the process of identifying the optimal and sustainable use for a given piece of land under given environmental, social and economic conditions, has been one of the key issues in rural development for many year. Two main schools of thinking on how this process should be accomplished can be found today: The 'pechnocaratic school' argues that modern (western) science is needed to do the job, whereas the 'participatory school' argues that he farmers know the problems and their solutions best and, therefore, land use planners should ask them. There have been arguments between the two schools for years; however, very little research has been done to actually compare the results of the two methodologies. The authors present such a case study from Sri Lanka and outline potential links to combine the strengths of both approaches. 1. Introduction 1.1 The GIS approach Agricultural land use planning activities are usually started with the objectives to increase productivity,and to improve the sustainability, i.e. to conserve the natural resources. There are various scientific approaches to the goal:
The application of these scientific methods has also drawn quite a bit of criticism. We would like to outline two major challenges that are raised:
Participatory planning has been promoted as an alternative to top-down land use planning. There are various degrees of participation; we understand it here as an active involvement of the land users in the identification of needs, planning, and implementation. The fundamental belief of participation advocates is that the farmers know their situation best and thus should play a key role in land use planning. Another objective, sometimes also on the hidden agenda of donors, is the objective of policically empowering local communities through participatory planning. PRA /PRA RRA is a set of methods to extensively understand problematic situations in certain areas and to provide foundations for development planning. The starting point is the knowledge of the local people. The aim of RRA is the creation of a framework for communication and learning. Some important tools in RRAs are sketch mapping, transect walking, listing and ranking of properties, group discussions, semi - structured interviews, analysis of seasonal and historical trends. While RRA initially developed mainly as an alternative to information collection by questionnaire surveys, PRA also leaves the planning responsibility. I.e. the decision-making, to the villagers. Outsiders are supported to act as catalysts [CHAMBERS]. The main criticisms on participatory planning include the following points:
2.1 land use planning with GIS The Sri Lanka Land Use Policy Planning Division [LUPPD] issued guidelines for the preparation of land use plans for Divisional Secretary Divisions, which are units of decentralized administration in Sri Lanka. The guidelines are similar to the FAO guidelines for land use planning. Based on these guidelines, we implemented a model for land ue planning on commercial GIS software (Arc/Info). The intermediate results of this model GIS are planning maps for the various produce, e.g. coconut, paddy etc. They consist of two parts: the present and the calculated, ideal area of cultivation for each crop. To achieve this objective, one has to assess certain variables which restrict the cultivation of plants, e.g. water availability, nutrition, temperature regime, erosion hazard, ease of land use. The classification and combination of these restriction or suitability variables leads to suitability maps and to the ideal habitats of the crops (fig. 1). Figure 1 GIS land use planning model The first step in the GIS -model is the production of the base converages of different suitability variables L range, slope, soil rockiness, rainfall annural mean and rainfall with 75 per cent expectancy. The next step is to classify the variables for each crop separately into most (S1), moderately (S2), marginally (S3), and not suitable (S4). This classification, which we termed 'crop suitability coverage' in fig. 1, is based on [DENT 1985]. The final step is the combination of above factor-specific crop suitability coverages into an overall suitability which expresses the ideal area of cultivation of a particular cop. Another combination with the present area of this crop will result in the crop planning maps, e.g. for coconut (see fig. 2); or paddy etc. Figure 2 Planning map for coconut The result shows a relatively small area (dark grey) where the cultivation of coconut is ideal and actually being practiced. Large areas (light grey), principally in the north, are suitable but not is use. Mainly in the south coconut is growing n many places (middle grey) although it is unfavorable. 2.2 Main results of RRA in villages The aim of the RRAs in two villages in Weeraketya in southern Sri Lanka was to collect information from peasant about their strategies and reasons for a certain land usage and land use planning and thus to cross-check the results of the GIS application. The perspective of the land users is in the center. However, since we didn't have the possibilities to implement any plans, we tried to avoid disappointment on the side of the farmers by not going to the extent of actually planning for land use changes. We investigated four main areas: Present land use Cultivation criteria and -decisions Crop requirements Agricultural input Importance of crops for household Land tenure Task distribution Other incomes Changes in land tenure Cultivation practices Influence on land use Effect, impact of the changes Alternatives Realization, implementation Another outcome are the requirements of several plants, e.g. coconut, banana pepper, teak in relation to the suitability variables of the GIS model (see chapter 2.1). By means of listing and ranking, local people express their knowledge about physical needs of the plants, the relative important of certain requirements, advantages and disadvantages of different soil types for certain crops. Further results are various sketch maps from peasants that show he personal property with the present land use or plans for future land use Finally, a lot of information about he socio-eco-nomic and ecological situations in these communities has been acquired. 3. Potential links be between the two approaches 3.1 Complementing GIS with RRA Verification and completion of based data The coconut planning map (see fig. 2) shows large areas where the cultivation of this crop would be ideal but is ideal but is apparently not being practiced. Most of those reqions are mapped as homesteads. The RRA fieldwork has revealed that that in fact a lot of coconut cultivation is taking place in these regions. However, these are "home gardens' whereas the class "coconut" in the land use map refers to estates only. Such information could be documented by photographs and stored in the GIS. Other results from RRA sessions (sketch maps, problematic issues) can be photographed and included in the GIS to complete the picture of natural environment and society. Adjustment of models In some places coconut is grown although it appears unfavorable. Based on discussions on crop requirements and other RRA activities, the GIS model, especially the weighting of suitability variables, was adjusted, differentiated and complemented. The result of the revised planning map for coconut presents a more realistic picture of the situation. The unsuitable areas are below the 1300 mm "75% rainfall level". This corresponds with the experiences from the RRA fieldwork: rainfall is the most important constraint. Gaining insight into functional relationships The GIS model considers physical factors only and offers no explanation for the present land use situation. The relationship between environment, social and economic conditions of the land users are certainly an important dimension in land use planning. We found that RRAs are an excellent method to provide insight into the way of thinking and reasons for acting of different stakeholders. Detail planning Our GIS model is essentially based on data at a scale of 1:50'000. This is already better than can be expected in many cases, but still too small for village level planning. Thus GIS models can reasonable be used at higher planning levels to define policies and broad structure plans. On the other hand, PRA could be used to "put the meat on the bones", that is, to work out detail plans at village level. 3.2 Complemening PRA with GIS? Documentation of indigenous knowledge The potential links between both approaches in the sense of a completion of RRA through GIS can be found at different stages of the bottom-up land use planning process. The basis of this planning is the indigenous knowledge of the target group. The reception, discussion and assessment of this knowledge are essential steps of bottom-up planning. GIS could be used to systematically document and integrate such knowledge, e.g. local classification and usage systems for soils [MULLER-BOKER], [BLIEK]. However this raises the question who will benefit from such a collection. It is also thinkable to try to use GIS to homogenize information on indigenous knowledge, i.e. to bring to into comparable formats, or to interpolate results from spatially dispersed RRA's. However this approach is an intrinsic contradiction to the concept of indigenous knowledge, which is essentially local in nature. Provision of additional information into PRA The combination of indigenous and scientific knowledge promises a greater success in hand use planning. GIS with their analysis, modeling and visualization tools can bring scientific knowledge into participatory local planning exercises. This could be information on p potentials for non-agricultural development, distributions of services, changes and trends etc. Moreover, the excellent possibilities of GIS to create customized visuals can be used to communicate villages relevant information on regional conditions, structure plans or scenarios. Such visuals could easilty be provided by Government officials as well as NGO professionals-provided they get access to the necessary data. Thus, communication between the planning levels can be improved, and the risk of detaching local from regional / national planning which is inherent in PAN can be minimized. 4. Conclusions we compared two approaches to local 0level and use planning : the 'technocratic' approach which applies 'modern' science and GIS v. the participatory approach which is based on traditional indigenous knowledge. Although there are certain shortcomings in the present study (e.g. we did not consider the implementation of land use plans, and 'local level' was interpreted differently in the two cases), we would like to draw some preliminary conclusions on the methodologies.
The authors wish is to thank the people of Kuda Bedigama and Muruthawela, the Sri Lanka Land use Policy Planning Division, the Center for Remote Sensing at the Survey Department, and Mrs. Julie van der Bliek and Mr. Mahinda Seneratne for their support in this research. References