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Thailand Remote Sensing Center in the Globalization ERA

Praneet ditsariyakul, niramon sripumin, Rasamee suwanwerakmtorn
National research council of thailand

Established in 1982, Thailand Ground Receiving Station under Thailand Remote Sensing Center (YRSC) of the national Research Council, routinely acquires and processes the data from all mojor earth resources satellites such as Landsat-5, SPOT-2, ERS-W,JERS-1 and NOAA-14. The main activities of TRSE are, among other; to remotely sensed data to users worldwide; to study and develop remote sensing technology and to provide funds to the researchers.

Thai Remote Sensing Small Satellite Program has recently been approved by approved by Thai government and is scheduled to be launched by year 2000.

Being the first of its kind in Southeast Asia, Thailand Ground Receiving Station, under Thailand Remote Sensing Center (TRSC) of the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), has successfully been in operation since early 1982. This achievement is the result of continuous work carried out by NRCT with the support of the National Remote Sensing Coordinating Committee firstly appointed by the Cabinet on September 14,1971, and still in existence.

At the beginning, only MSS data of Landsat-2 and 3 were acquired, processed and distributed. Available products included photographic products at various scales and computer compatible tape (CCT).

Remotely sensed data were widely used in many fields of application. Visual interpretation as well s digital analysis was conducted by the Application Group of TRSC. A large number of the successful projects complicated by TRSC specialists could Serve the needs of the government decision makers and the users at national and international levels.

Current status
Being the advanced station capable of obtaining data from all major earth resources satellites namely : Landsat-5, SPOT-2, JERS-1, ERS-2 and NOA-14, TRSC becomes therefore the important satellite data center in the Southeast Asian region. TRSC products are serviced worldwide, directly and through six authorized distributors : EOSAT in U.S.A., RESTEC in Japan, ACRES in Australia and three companies in Indonesia. In 1995, the value of data distribution of TRSC ranked fifth among the dozen or so receiving stations in the world. At domestic level, the service of satellite data and related analysis work is extended to three Regional Remote Sensing Promotion Centers located at Chiang Mai University (Northern Center), Khon Kaen University (Northeastern Center) and Prince of Songkhla University (Southern Center ) in order to promote the utilization of satellite data and the users in the region can obtain more convenient service. These Regional Centers with the support of TRSC are providing other service to the users in terms of training, research projects implementation and GIS for decision makers.

User Services of TRSC welcomes the users who are interested in TRSC remote sensing program through User Services Home Page:

Another aid that TRSC offers to the users is the Remote Catalog Search system. Login can be made via modem. Available phone numbers are 66-2-5791198 and 66-2-5793-03. The world "USER" is used as user name and password.

One of the important activities of TRSC is to transfer technology in various ways such as training courses, seminars, conferences, workshops at national and international levels. TRSC also provides annual funding to the researchers in order to encourage then to develop techniques of data untilization.

Publication is distributed to general public routinely in the form of newsletter in both Thai and English versions, brochures, poster etc.

The application Group of TRSC has proved to be carrying out several outstanding work in Asia. Data analysis including GIS conducted by TRSC staff usually meets the needs of the users and the decision makers. Each year, adequate budget is allocated for sophisticated facilities to be used in the Application Group in order to develop the remote sensing technologies for creating value-added data as well as to carry out the important projects in accordance with the government instructions.

With almost two decades of experience in space application especially remote sensing, TRSC recently received cabinet approval to carry out Thai Remote Sensing Small Satellite Program (Thai Smallsat). This satellite is expected to be launched into polar orbit by the year 2000. The sensor would carry out four band imaging device with a resolution of 20 meter. Thailand intends to provide direct down link to other receiving stations in the world to maximize the benefit of space technology.

Future plan

In the near future, TRSC plans to extend our capability in obtaining data from satellites of the new era namely, Radarsat of Canada, IRS-IC of India, ADEOS of Japan. The task TRSC is committed are not only to serve the users in the country, but also to provides services to the researchers wouldwide. In addition, TRSC is setting up the system internet and the orders may be placed through such media resulting in shorter turn-around time. The Thai Smallsat Program would enhance human resources development and international cooperation.

Figure 1 Coverage Area of Thai Land Ground Receiving Station

Figure 2 TRSC'S Archived Data