The Development of mutual
utilize system which share GPS camera Image to make use through the
internet Shinya Suzuki and Yoshiaki
Honda and Kiji Kajiwara 1. Introduction Center for Environment Remote sensing center ( CEReS) , University of Chiba, Japan 1-33, Yoyoi, Image-ku Chiba 263, Japan Tel: (81) -43-290-3945 FAX : (81) -43-290-3857 GPS camera which can automatically record time and geographic information on the film has high utility value for collecting ground truth data. to build the database by using information which recorded on film will lead to development of GPS camera data for study. At the same time, utilization of GPS camera data leads to make standard data. in the other words, increase in these GPS camera image leads a standardization of save format of the GPS camera image and geographic data. Recently, as the diffusion rate of personal computer increase, world Wide Web ( using internet ) increase. At the same time we are can open and browse data ( document and images ) by using Web sever and internet browser ( ex. Netscape Navigator ) . Moreover development of WWW technology is growing, it has just started to distribute interactive pages in cooperation with Web sever and database management system ( DBMS). Therefore, in this study, for doing mutual use of resource ( ex. Images taken by GPS camera), it is method to develop network system that available to share GPS camera images by using internet and now we call that system" Global Image Network ( GIN)" . 2. Global Image Network ( GIN) Project at first thought that it is necessary to gather meta data of GPS camera image in one place for sharing them globally and providing retrieval service. It was for that purpose that we are carrying study ( develop system by using internet ) forward. We call that system " Global Image Network ( GIN)" project. Were are now on the development and when it completes, GIN will contribute to the research activity in the field of Remote sensing and others. Figure .1 shows three constituent of GIN, Meta data center, Local Data center, GIN user. Figure 1: Meta data center is most important center in GIN project, it offers some convenient service. It manage catalogue information (=meta data ) which registered form Local Data center and provide retrieval service thorough the GIN home page on WWW. Local data center is organization which permitted to register GPS camera image to GIN through internet. Local data center is necessary to be necessary to be authorized by Meta data center. GIN users are users who access to GIN home page through the optional Web browser and get retrieval services. More detail definitions of each constituent are follows. A). Meta data center Meta data center which is center constituent of GIN project is established on computer ( named GIN) in center for Environment Remote sensing Center ( CEReS0. it has main functions as follows.
Local data center in necessary to have the minimum system for being authorized form Meta data center. Local data center needs the following lists. Local data center needs
GPS camera original images are placed on Local data center sever machine, dividing in to tow kinds of permissions .
Registered user must belong to Local data center, they are permitted by Local data center registers GLPS camera image by using Application for image Registered ( AIR), and he have to decide the permission for each image. D). GIN user If someone has the following system, he can access to GIN home page and download GPS camera image somewhere and every time. GIN user needs
at first, we builded the data base on the Meta data machine . when we built it, we utilize relational model. The second, we connected database to WWW sever, so we can open the data through the internet. The third, we developed AIR which creates Registration Information File ( RIF). RIF is the key file to transport data between Meta data center and Local data center. Registration information File ( RIF) RIF is described information of Local data center and registered user and registered image it ahs kept on each registered user of personal directory on Local data server . When registered users want to register or update image, this file is used. Registered users have to tell to Meta data center when he modify contents of RIF to Meta data center database. It has prescribed format, and must be written by ASCII code. Summary of prescribed format is following. - RIF is divided into three block.
- Each element is separated by TAB code ( 0x09) Sample RIF written by prescribed format is published at the back of this paper if RIF is written by prescribed format, registered user don't need to use AIR. But they can make and modify RIF easier if they use AIR.
Now GIN home pages is trial open. URL is as follows. URL: http// Figure 2 is top pages of GIN. At first GIN user access to this pages. This pages is include the three menu, point of GIN project, GPS camera image search form data, help. There is world map which shows existed data in GIN by red dot. Search page offers to search form each data condition ( longitude, latitude, data of taken picture etc. ) . this page is not only numerical data but also country name. When you click search button after filling out conditions, go to search results page which page which pages shows part of hitting GPS camera image by searching. If GIN user want to view more information of each image, they can view by clicking [ more info]. Figure 2: 5. Conclusion at present GIN user are available to search by GPS data . But we think that GIN user aren't satisfied. So were are developing about more convenience system now. They are the problem which now confronts us.
<Sample RIF> ("^" means TAB code) guest.rif -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LC0001^CEReS^LC0001U001^guest^^^1997/07 /14^18:05:11^2^2. GID001^Indonesia^nothing GID002 ^Mongol ia^ Nothing PID001^3^0^026^1996/09/15^13:49:35^0^-7.5498333^111.735^172^74^guest„image„Indonesia„1s101.jpg^ftp://^24^123^640^480^0^GID001^Nothing . PID0002^3^026^1996/09/15^14:06:27^0^-7.57365 111^8621667^225^74^guest„image„indonesia„is102.jpg^ftp://^24^124^640^480^0^GID001^Nothing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Header section. Local data center ID, Local Data center name, registered user ID, user, registered user's e-mail address, FTP address of RIF, last modified data, last modified time, number of group, number of registered images. -group info section group ID, group name, comment of group. -image info section . image ID, record condition, time recorded condition,. GPS camera ID, taken data, taken mode, latch time, latch mode , latitude, longitude, country code, original image path, thumbnail image path, color depth of image, size of image, pixel number of image, line umber of image, permission, group ID, comment of image. |