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Possibilities of Introduction of Remote Sensing Within the Science Stream Curricula in Colleges and Univesities of India*

P. Jothimani
GPS/GIS Systems Division,
Hitachi Zosen Information Systems Co., Ltd.
7-37-10, Nishi-Kamata, Ota-Ku, Tokyo 144, Japan
Tel : + (03)-5711 5325 Fax : + (03)- 5711 5371
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It has been widely accepted that Indian Space Program has emerged as a successful frontier of technology. Department of Space is making efforts to provide opportunities for training personnel in government/institutions to adopt the technology in their efforts to use satellite data. It is also generally believed that Remote Sensing education is yet to takeoff in a comprehensive manner. There are course offered in Geography /Geology faculties and new courses are started in Civil Engineering faculties but opportunities offered are restricted due to the criterion of the eligibility and curricula orientation. Unless efforts are streamlined in the existing curricula with inter-disciplinary perspective, the balanced nourishment of multi-disciplinary remote sensing specialists, shall become an uphill task in the future. As an attempt towards this effort, this paper outlines the various components of the academic settings and curricula organization within the science stream of the colleges and universities. This is attempted through the comparative analysis of the academic and applied components of Remote Sensing. The existing problems are outlined and possible options and suggestions also recommended.

India, one of the emerging economics in Asia wit a scientific tradition in ancient and medieval periods, has considerable scientific and technical manpower potential. Early eighties had witnessed transformation of scientific knowledge of outlining social, political, economic and cultural aspirations of the society that has yielded in working out scientific and technical programs to achieve these goals (Rahman, 1974). Remote Sensing technology and its utilization through the available data, including Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS)1C, have gained the attention of administrators, and planners. Earth observations through remote sensors, viz., photographic cameras, Electro-optical sensors/scanners, imaging tubes and devices and microwave systems that can be operated from different platforms like free-lift balloons, aircraft and spacecraft has made phenomenal contribution towards initial efforts in natural resources and spacecraft has made phenomenal contribution towards initial efforts in natural resources survey mapping, monitoring and management. (Pischaroty, 1984; Sahai et al, 1986; Joseph, 1986). The development of human potential specialized in remote sensing technology and its application areas is of great importance so as to achieving these goals (Deekshatulu and Rajan, 1984; Chandrasekhar et al, 1992; Gopalan et al, 1992). The approaches to introduce remote sensing as a subject within the existing curricula in the universities (Jothiani, 1986) and other strategies for training at various levels including he schools and universities (Gupta et al, 1992) & 1994) emphasize the ongoing efforts. The research and training institutions under the Department of Space like NRSA (including Indian Institute of Remote Sensing) and Space Application Centre (SAC/ISRO) are already offering specialized training courses suited for in-service personnel. Short-term basic level courses are also offered at CSRE in IIT-Bombay and in some more universities. The Regional Remote Sensing Service Centers (RRSSC's) provide opportunities for using facilities like compute etc. There are opportunities for young scholars from universities to visit and carry out thesis/dissertation research work at various centers of Indian Space Research Organization, other autonomous institutions like National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad and Physical Research Laborator, Ahmedabad under the guidance of the university professors/scientists. Since these do not offer ample opportunities for young approach in educational curricula is worth considering. Thus this paper attempts to find, analyze and suggest way to streamline procedures that could pave ways for introduction of Remote Sensing in universities and colleges in India.

Approach and Methodoogy
  • to outline the subject orientation in the existing science stream curricula with different aspects of remote sensing.
  • to compare the academic components vis-à-vis application areas and to evaluate its relevance for inclusion to the existing science stream
  • to suggest a possible approach with RS as a main and optional subject
  • to recommend the possibilities of the implementation of the approach.
Remote Sensing Education in Transtion
Being a new frontier of technological innovation remote sensing was restricted to the governmental agencies in the seventies and eighties. Nineties witnessed transitional phase of migration of technology to the research institutions and academics (Refer Table 1). Twenties are witnessing the emergence of usage of remote sensing data products for research and commercial purposes. This coincides with the advanced technologies like GIS/LIS and image analysis software that are available in personal computers. Remote Sensing is a module within the space science and technology which is an inter-disciplinary in nature and encompasses subjects of physical sciences (physics, mathematics); engineering and technology (surveying, photogrammetry, civil engineering and computer technology); natural sciences (biology, environmental sciences, agriculture, forestry) and earth sciences (geology, geography, cartography, geophysics). The remote sensing education was at infant stages stage even in the eighties (except photo-geology and photo-geology and photo-interpretation courses were taught at the departments of geology and geography, essentially used aerial photographs) and has gained wide popularity from early twenties (Table 1). Bhagia, (1985) recommends to compare the relevant applied components suited to the problems of the society as such with the existing academic components of the subjects and courses. In order to evolve a comprehensive profile for the proposed curricula, the academic and applied components of subjects vis-vis remote sensing technology are analyzed (Table .2). The recommended combination of subjects which includes (practical, thesis work and seminar) within the existing science stream curricula in the universities and colleges at graduate courses are outlined in Table. 3.

Table . 1. Universities Offering Courses with Remote Sensing Major*
University Degree Specialization
Andhra University M. Sc.,/M.Tech. Geography/ Remote Sensing
Anna University M. Tech./B.Tech. Remote Sensing/Geomatics
Aligarh Muslim University M. Tech. Remote Sensing
Bharatidasan University PG Diploma Remote Sensing
B. M. Birla Sci& Tech Center M. Tech Remote Sensing
Gujrat University M. Sc.,/PG Diploma Geography/Space Sciences
IIT-Bombay (CSRE) M. Tech Civil Engineering
IIT-Kanpur M. Tech. Civil Engg/Geomatics
Jamia Milia Islamia, NewDelhi M. Sc., Environmental Remote Sensing
Jawaharlal Nehru Tech. Uni. M. Tech. Remote Sensing
Madurai-Kamaraj University M. Sc., Environmental Remote Sensing
School of Planning,Ahmedabad PG Diploma Planning
University of Roorkee M. Sc.,/M.E., Applied Geology/Civil Engg/RS
University of Madras M. Sc., Geography/Cartography
*exclusing the M.A/M.Phil., Ph.D., programs, with Remote Sensing specialization.

Table.2. Comparative Outlook of Academic vs. Application Components in Masters Level Courses in Remote Sensing
Subjects Academic components Application components used in Remote Sensing
Agriculture a. Agronomy Crop yield estimation/modeling Leaf Area Index estimation
b. Plant pathology Disease detection
c. Entomology Damage detection due to insects
Cartography a. Map projections Data acquisition/processing , product generation Map reading, Verification, Thematic mapping
b. Thematic mapping Computer mapping / Thematic mapping
c. Photogrammetry Generation of data products
d. Map production Data transfer verification
Computer Science a. Computer Programming Software Design, Testing
b. System Analysis System Analysis, Integration
Environ. Science a. Ecology Ecosystems Analysis, Integration
b. Env. Imp. Assessment Monitoring/assessment of land, water and air
Geodsey a. Physical Geodsey Positional/predicted positions
b. Satellite Geodsey Surface gravity anamalies/ undulation of geoids
Geography a. Cartography Projections, thematic mapping, photogrammetry
b. Physical Geography/ Geomorphological/ environmental change analysis
c. Bio-Geography/ Resources & Environ. Ecosystems/Vegetation mapping, Land use mapping, environmental deterioration, Natural hazard assessment & mapping, Environmental pollution (land, water and air)
d. Population/Settlements Urban sprawl, EIA, urban ecology
e. Regional Planning (rural/urban/region) Regional development and planning Micro-level planning
f. Agricultural Geography Agro-ecological studies
g. Medical Geography Diseases/Health monitoring
Geology a. Geomorphology Land from process/change
b. Structural Geology Mapping of lineaments/fractures
c. Hydro geology Geological interaction vs. process
d. Petrology Lithology/rock, oil/mineral exploration
e. Environmental geology Geological process vs. human interaction
f. Economic Geology Exploration vs cost-benefit
g. Photo geology (a,b,c,d,e,f)
Forestry a. Forest ecology Floristic composition/environment
b. Plant physiology Spectral signatures
c. Forest silvculture Development plans
d. Forest management Forest inventory/management
e. Forest pathology Disease/damage detection,
Hydrology a. Ecosystems Bio-diversity/wetlands, Water logging/salinity Watershed characterization (Command/catchment)
b. Drainage Surface water bodies mapping (including snow) (inventory/monitoring) Flood mapping/modeling/forecast
Marine Biology a. Marine Ecology Open/coastal ecosystems
Phytoplankton/chlorophyll studies
Acquatic/Sea Grass Ecosystems
Ocean sediment concentrations
Mathematics a. Computer Programming Image Processing/Analysis
Meteorology a. Meteorology Rainfall/Temperature/Monsoons (Sea, Earth, Aerosols, turbidity) (Wind/cloud height estimation
Oceanography a. Oceanography Surface wind magnitude, Wind stress wave fields, Ocean color/temperature, Atmospheric interaction Sea surface elevation, Ocean surface currents Sea ice/ icebergs, surface heat flux, altimetry, SST
Physics a. solid state physics Sensor (design, fabrication & testing)
b. optics Spectral signatures of features on earth
c. electronics Sensor/Image calibration and analysis
Soil Science a. Pedalogy Soil mapping, Land evaluation/degradation
b. Soil conservation Soil erosion/ land degradation
c. Soil physics Soil moisture/ Soil nutrient analysis
Statistics a. computer Programming Image Processing/Analysis
b. sampling techniques Digital Analysis, Ground truth data processing

Table. 3. Proposed Curricula for Graduate Level Science Stream Courses with Remote Sensing as A Major or Optionals
Subjects Possible options Practical Thesis work Seminar
Agriculture Physics/Computer Science
Statistics/Remote Sensing
Yes Yes optional
Cartography Photogrammetry/Comp. Science
Statistics/Remote Sensing
Yes optional optional
Environmental Science Ecology/Comp. Science
Geography/Remote Sensing
Yes Yes optional
Forestry Environmental Sci./Ecology
Comp. Science/Remote Sensing
Yes Yes optional
Geodesy Geophysics/Statistics
Cartography/Remote Sensing
optional optional optional
Geography Cartography/Statistics
Environmental Science/
Remote Sensing
Yes optional optional
Geology Geophysics/Statistics
Photogrammetry/Remote Sensing
Yes optional optional
Hydrology Geology/Statistics
Geomorphology/Remote Sensing
Yes Yes optional
Marine Sensing Biology/Environmental Science
Biology Oceanography/Remote
optional optional optional
Meteorology Physics/Environmental Science
Oceanography/Remote Sensing
optional optional optional
Mathematics Physics/Computer programming
Graph Theory/Remote Sensing
optional optional optional
Oceanography Physics/Environmental Sciences
Hydrology/Remote Sensing
optional optional optional
Physics Mathematics/Chemistry
Electronics/Remote Sensing
Yes optional optional
Soil Science Biology/Environment Science
Geomorphology/Remote Sensing
Yes Yes optional
Statistics Computer programming /
Statistics/Remote Sensing
optional optional optional

Suggestions/ Recommendations
While the proposed approach may not be exhaustive, it gives an outlook for those who are engaged in designing curricula at the universities. It should not be forgotten that the experts in the universities are very much interested in developing a curricula provided they have the functional/operational support of the institutions/universities and agencies. The possible support could be easy availability of satellite data at an affordable and discounted rate for the educational purposes (as done in Japan for example) and full/partial funding for equipment/facilities, which costs heavily and dearly. Without these basic trust, promise and action, the remote sensing education to the future generation shall remains as only a myth and dream in fund starving universities and colleges, where the financial constraints control the educational curricula/standards and academic research.

The author wishes to record thanks for the co-operation rendered by multi-disciplinary scientists and academic professional who made it possible to present my views on the subject.

Selected References
  • Allan, J. A. (1976): Application of Remote Sensing in the field of Geography, Readings in Planning and development, Journal of Indian Geographical Society, pp. 260-279.
  • Bhagin, Shushma, (1985): Researches on educational innovations in India and their implications, Indian Educational Review, 20:1, pp. 14-23.
  • Chandrasekar, M. G, Gupta, A. K, and Ganesha Raj, K (1992): Need for multi-disciplinary training and education in remote sensing, Proc. Seminar on Training and education in remote sensing for resources management, Dehradun.
  • Dasgupta, A. R. (1983): A Remote Sensing based Natural Resources Information System (NRIS), Proc. National Natural Resources Management System (NNRMS), May 10-12, Hyderabad
  • Deekshatulu, B. L., and Rajan, Y. S. (1984): Remote Sensing, Macmilan India Press, Madras.
  • Fisher, H. (1981): Use of satellite data in research-some aspects, Proc. International School of Meteorology of the Mediterranean, Erice, Italy, Nov. 12-22.
  • Gautier, Cathereine and Michelle, Fieux (eds) (1984): Large Scale Oceanographic experiments and satellites, D. Reidel Publishers, Dodretch, The Netherlands.
  • Gopalan, A. K. S., and others. (1992): New Directions to training program for resources management in the nineties, Proc. Seminar on Training and education in remote sensing for resources management, Dehradun.
  • Gupta, A. K. GaneshaRaj, K. and Chandrasekar, M. G. (1994): Strategies for the introduction of remote sensing in the educational curricula in India, Proc. 15th ACRS, Bangalore, India.
  • Hagget, Peter. (1972): Sensing and surveillance: Geography a modern synthesis, Harpor & Row publishers, New York, pp 104-156.
  • Jothimani. P. (1986): Remote Sensing as a part of existing educational curricula in the universities: an approach, Paper presented at the symposium on the role of Teaching Space Sciences and their applications, Gujrant University, March 14-15, Ahmedabad.
  • Pisharoty, P. R. (1983): Introduction to Remote Sensing, Proc. Indian Academy of Sciences (Engineering Sciences), 6:3-14.
  • Sahai, Baldev and 3 others (1986): Research and Development activities in Remote Sensing applications - A compendium, Scientific Report, Space Applications Center, ISRO, India.
  • United Nations. (1982): The World in Space : A survey of space activities and issues, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA.