Fully Digital Photogrammetric
Techniques From Imagery to Digital Earth Deren Li Xiuxiao Yuan
Jianqing Zhang Jianya Gong Keywords: GPS, GIS, Fully digital
photogrammetry (FDP), GPS-supported aerotriangulation, Geospatial data
framework (GSDF), Digital orthoimage map (DOM), Digital line graph (DLG),
Kinematic GPS positioningWuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping 129 Luoyu Road, Wuhan 430079, P.R. CHINA Abstract In this information era, the conventional work mode of aerial photogrammetry does not meet the requirement for acquisition of the geographic spatial information. It is important and urgent to study a new methodology requiring high resolution, low production costs, short processing period, and reliability. At present, GPS-supported aerotriangulation can economically determine object points. FDP is able to generate DEM and DOM in the shortest time. GIS can build and manage the image and attribute database. If the above techniques are properly integrated, an new photogrammetric technique obtaining fast GSDF data from image will be established. In this paper, we describes briefly three softwares WuCAPSGPS for GPS-supported aero-triangulation, VirtuoZo for fully digital mapping system and GeoStar for GIS developed by Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping (WTUSM). We also present the technical path and the central techniques for the integration of the above three softwares. At the end of the present work, a set of empirical results building China GSDF by our integrated system is discussed. Introduction With the dramatic development of computer and information technology, we have stepped into the information era. The aerial photogrammetry can supply people the geospatial information which is essential for human being’s activities. The traditional photogrammetry is comprised of comprehensive, time-consuming procedures: 1) aerial photography in the first year, 2) field measurement of GCP (ground control points) and photo annotation next year, and 3) in the third year, cartographic mapping by photogrammetry and hard copy printing. This, however, beats the requirements for the sustainable development of our community to keep up. Therefore, it is important and urgent to find a series of techniques, which can economically supply the generic and thematic information via the Earth observation with quasi real-time processing. The establishment of such innovative techniques requires the principles containing high resolution, low production costs, short processing time period and reliability. At present, the relevant techniques have considerable developments: photographic frame camera with image motion compensation is able to obtain 100lp/mm optical images; digital high resolution images can be acquired by using image scanners which are available in markets; the techniques such as image matching, feature extraction, pattern recognition, etc. are satisfied for geometric and semantic information extraction with the speed of 1000 points/second; and carrier phase differential GPS positioning can reduce the most workload of ground control measurement, which saves almost a year’s workload; therefore makes the mapping period much shorter; and cuts production costs. Furthermore, in the era of information exploration, information system turns out to be the mandatory method for the aided decision making in a variety of management. GIS, a new technology in photogrammetry, has also been used in every field for the national economy and the people’s livelihood. GIS as the media for the spatial generic information about the Earth requires prompt, efficient acquisition and updating of its source data. As a result, photogrammetric approaches must be applied, which include fast DEM and DOM generation through the usage of fully digital and automatic methods on the platform of digital photogrammetric systems. A variety of thematic elements are then automatically or interactively extracted from the DOM. The thematic elements are inputted into the GIS database in order to achieve the automatic establishment and updating of GIS databases. This forms China GSDF. The work procedure described above deals with a series of complex techniques: object point positioning for mapping control by using the GPS-supported automatic aerotriangulation; DEM and DOM generation through the usage of fully digital mapping technology; establishment and management of image and attribute databases via GIS platforms. To date, such a completely integrated system has not been reported worldwidely. Since 1997, sponsored by National 863 Hi-tech Projects, WTUSM has been issued a grant “Integration of the Application-Oriented Softwares for Airborne Earth Observation”. The objectives of the grant are the integration investigation of some systems and techniques developed by WTUSM within the past ten years. The systems contain the GPS-supported aerotriangulation software WuCAPSGPS , fully digital mapping software VirtuoZo, and GIS software GeoStar. The integration is expected to supply practical, usable software and work method, which must achieve a complete production procedure within a short time from aerial photography to the processed results for spatial databases. This has nowadays been achieved. This paper will detail the work flow and the central techniques for FDP, and the technical path for integrating FDP with GPS and GIS in the following sections. The experimental results and technical issues for the establishment of the GSDF in China will be provided. Work Flow The usage of fully digital photogrammetric approaches for the establishment of the GSDF actually covers the whole procedure from aerial photography to the completion of all GIS functions. In general, the technical work flow is summarized in Figure 1. ![]() Fig.1 The technical path of integrating FDP with GPS and GIS The Central Techniques As shown in Figure 1, FDP actually employs a number of innovative techniques covering GPS, GIS, analytical photogrammetry, digital photogrammetry and so on. The key issues, however, come from the follows:
The GPS-supported fully digital photogrammetric system can promptly produce DOM, DEM and DLG. These digital products with the unit of mapsheet need to integrate a complete spatial database under the GIS environment. However, it is not the previous topographic map with primary graphic elements. Therefore President Clinton of the USA proposed National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) in 1994 and then the integration of a variety of generic data is called GSDF. According to the national needs and very fast updating, GSDF should include DOM, DEM and several layers of DLG data. Within DLG vector graphic data, at least the following are required:
Experiments and Applications WTUSM has produced the production line from imagery to GSDF by applying the above self-developed softwares. Through the mandatory testing and checking, the integration system of FDP, GPS and GIS has been widely applied in many production departments in China. Up to date, the software of GPS-supported aero- triangulation has been installed more than ten big production departments and teams in China, while more than one hundred copies of VirtuoZo NT has been worldwidely sold. The users of GeoStar are over three hundreds, among which GeoTin producing DEM ever sold sixty copies within one month; map scanner software GeoScan sold over five hundreds of copies. The whole integration system has been equipped in the department of land of Guangdong province and used for provincial spatial data infrastructure. Shown in Figure 2 is the interface of the WuCAPGPS NT version which is the GPS-supported aerotriangulation software. Its empirical outcomes are indicated in Table 1. The results with the automatic measurement of image coordinates have better accuracy than manual measurement. The digital photogrammetric system VirzuoZo NT version is displayed in Figure 3, while its produced DOM and 3D landscape (originally color map) integrated with DEM are shown in Figure 4. Figure 5 shows the interface of GeoStar NT version, whose product ‘raster-vector unity spatial database’ (originally, the overlay of color graph and image) is partially displayed in Figure 6. This database will have 1000 GB data after completion and will be of great value for applications. ![]() Fig. 2 GPS-supported aerotriangulation software WuCAPSGPS Tab.1 Results for GPS-supported aerotriangulation
Remarks: 1.The automatic mensuration of image points is accomplished by VirtuoZo NT. The scanning resolution of digitizing the aerial negative is 25mm. 2.S0 is the root square mean error of the measurement of image points. Theoretical accuracy is the root square mean error of unknowns obtained by the formula ![]() Practical accuracy is the root square mean error for the coordinates of photogrammetric points calculated by the formula ![]() ![]() Fig.3 Digital photogrammetric workstation VirtuoZo NT ![]() Fig.4 3D landscape generating by VirtuoZo NT (originally color map) ![]() Fig.5 Object oriented GIS software GeoStar ![]() Fig. 6 Raster-vector unity GSDF managing by GeoStar (originally color map) Conclusions The integration of FDP, GPS and GIS is the mandatory path of the progress of photogrammetry. WTUSM has developed an entire set of software and work flow from aerial photography to GIS spatial database. This integrated software has been used for a model project of the provincial fundamental GIS system in Guangzhou and is being broadly extended to production within the department of surveying and mapping in China. This system will definitively supply techniques and softwares into any level of GSDF and open a path for Digital Earth. Acknowledgments The authors would like to explicitly thank Dr. Juliang Shao for his polishing in English. This project is sponsored by Development Foundation of Surveying and Mapping, China National 863 Hi-tech Projects (No. 863-308-13-04(2)). References