Comparison of JERS-1 and
Radarsat Synthetic Aperture Radar Data for Mapping Mangrove and Its
Mazlan Hashim and Wan Hazli Wan Kadir Deparatment of Remote Sensing Faculty of Geoinformation Science & Malaysia 81310 UTM, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia Tel: +607-5502873, Fax: + 607-5566163 Mangrove forests grow exclusively in the intertidal
Zone, where they are greatly influenced by the coastal environment.
Mangrove forests are becoming dwindling resources because of their
continued alienation for various land uses that are assumed to be of
greater economic values. In Malaysia alone mangrove forest are have
decreased by 46.8 percent of the original gazetted area, i.e. from 505,
300 hectares in 1980 to 269,000 hectares in 1990 (Clough, 193). Due to its
nature, especially, of its remoteness and limited accessibility, the
detecting and mapping of these changes using conventional technique are
elaborately time consuming and very costly. In this study, SAR data which
is independent of to cloud cover and weather interference are examined for
mapping mangrove and estimation of mangrove biomass. In recent years, SAR data have been used in classification of vegetation precisely forest over tropical regions. However, only limited studies have been reported on mapping mangrove forest (Mazlan hashim, 1999) Moreover, none of these studies have ever been attempted to examine the potential of SAR to classify mangrove forest at species level. In this context, this paper is focused on two issues : (1) analyses whether or not mangrove species can be categorized using typical satellite -based SAR resolution, and (ii) retrieve of biomass information based on radar backscatter. Apart from vegetation studies using SR data, estimation of forest biomas has widely been reported but again very very little effort have been undertaken for mangrove (Imhof, 1995). Previous studies have indicated that there exist strong correlation between radar backscatter with forest biomass, particularly of those SR data acquired in L and P bands (Beaudoin et al., 1994). Based on these facts, it is also the main objective of this paper to report on the estimation of mangrove biomass using JERS-1 SAR and Radarsat SAR which were acquired in C band and L band, respectively. Material and Method Study area In order to validate of SAR data in extracting information pertinent to classify mangrove at species level and to estimate the biomass, a study area which is located in the southwest of Johore, Malaysia (Figure 1) - the Sungai Pulai mangrove forest reserve was selected. The study area covers approximately an area of 12.3 km x 18.0 km (centered at 103o 16' E lat.and 1o 13'N long). In the past decade, this area although has been demarcated as reserve forest but lately has also been given way to conversion for land related development programs such as development of new port, aquaculture, charcoal-making industry as well as residential area for supporting the newly developed industries. Figure 1: The study area-Sungai Pulai Mangrove Forest Reserve and Corresponding JERS -1 and Radarsat SAR data of the area. Digital Image Processing The JERS-1 (processed at level 2.1 by NASDA - National Space Development Agency of Japan) and Radarsat (SGF-Path Image) data were used in this study. Specification of the data is tabulated in Table 1. The ancillary information used to support the study which includes the corresponding area topographic map (1:50,000 scale) , related forestry records and documents were used as ground reference data. The extend of mangrove boundary give by the topographic map were digitized into digital image processing and used as 'vector-overlay" in assisting the collection of training and later used in the accuracy assessment. Table 1:Specification of JERS-1 and Radarsat SAR multi-temporal data employed in the study.
Minimization of speckle effects in SAR data are commonly carried out using adaptive radar filters (Lopes et al, 1990). In this, Lee-Sigma filter at window size 7 x7 showed the best result over mangrove forest in both images. This selection were made based on the analysis of the mean vectors before and after filtering operation as well as the coefficient of variance (Paudyal and Aschbacter, 1993). Image Classification The extracted pixels within the mangrove boundary were classified using combined unsurpervised-supervised approach with maximum likelihood classifier. In this approach, the spectral generated in the unsupervised approach is refined based on the existing forestry records and ancillary data. Once the samples from all available classes within the area are known, training areas signature vectors of these classes were then generated before supervised maximum likelihood classification was performed. Biomass Estimation In this study, we focused on the estimation of mangrove biomass from radar backscattering of JERS-1 and Radarsat SAR data. Regression analysis of the sample biomass measured in the field with radar backscatter coefficient of JERS -1 and Radarsat SAR were examined using stepwise regression approach. Based on the regression analysis, the parameters describing the relationship of mangrove biomass to radar backscatter were used to calculate the biomass of the entire area. The computed biomass were then compared with the recently surveyed biomass of the area by Forestry Department (1996) Ground truthings and analysis Ground truthings were carried out for two reasons: 9a) verifying the classified SAR data for accuracy analysis, and (b) to make in-situ measurements for biomass estimation. For verification, survey random samples were identified in the field where the position and corresponding class were noted, which later used in contingency matrix for classification assessments. Global positioning system are used in recording the positions of samples collected. In the biomass estimation, measurement of mangrove tree samples at selected sites for consist of tree basal area, dbh (diameter at breast height), biomass by parts density of trees. Results and Discussion Classification of mangrove and species determination Unsupervised-supervised approach with maximum likelihood classifier was performed on JERS-1 and Radarsat image (Figure 2). Seven classes can be defined from JERS-1 and five classes from Radarsat. In both image, Rhizophora are still the dominant species where it covers 45.2% of JERS-1 and 55.4 % of Radarsat data. Accuracy points were carefully selected to avoid error and confusion due to inclusion of mixed, border/edge pixels (table 2) Error matrix were created and figures for User's Accuracy, Producer's Accuracy, and Combined Accuracy (kappa statistic) compiled to evaluate the quality of each classification. User's Accuracy is a ratio statistic compiled by dividing the number of pixels correctly assigned to a category by the total number of pixels to the category. Producer's Accuracy is calculated by dividing the number of accuracy pixels correctly assigned to a category by the number of accuracy pixels selected for that category. These two measures are useful in defining the type of classifications errors made and provide differents perspectives of accuracy. Results show Radarsat that (5.6 cm wavelength) is less sensitive compare with JERS-1 (23.5 cm). The lower accuracy existence in mangrove classification mapping especially in study area due to the mixed species. Table 2: Error matrix of classification statistic for JERS-1 SAR and Radarsat
Figure 2: Mangrove species classified from (a) JERS-1 SAR, and (b) Radarsat Biomass estimation The stepwise regression analysis indicated that mangrove biomass in both image can reasonably be estimated by: JERS-1 SAR, B = 92.431sO + 1381.5 (1) Radarsat SAR, B = 1004.7EO.1`352x Where B= total biomass in ton/ha.; so = radar backscatter coefficient derived using; 20log (DN) - 68.5 for JER-1 SAR and 10 log (DN2/A) + 10 LOG sin I for Radarsat SAR; A = scaling gain (5695770.5); I=Incident angel (20.2o); DN = digital number recoreded from images. The computed biomass using the relationship is shown in equation 91) and equation (2) and is given in Figure 3. These computed biomass are then compared with biomass derived using most recent record of tree-age of the area compiled during fieldwork on 1998. For accuracy assessment, biomass value was divided to seven classes in 100 ton/ha. rang. Using random generation or more than 100 samples, the overall average accuracy of computed biomass in the seven tonnage categories is only at 40 percent. These results confirmed to recent similar biomass studies of mangrove forest using SR that was carried in French Guiana and Bangladesh respectively. (Mougin et al., 1999). Detailed producer's and user's accuracy information is given in Table 3. Table 3: Accuracy assessment for biomass estimation statistics for JER-1 SAR and Radarsat.