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Fy-1c polar orbiting meteorological satellite of china: Satellite, ground system and preliminary applications

Yujie Liu, Wenjian Zhang, Yang Zongdong
National Satellite Meteorological Center (NSMC)
China Meteorological Administration (CMA)
Beijing 100081, P. R. China

The first generation of polar orbiting meteorological satellite project FY-1 series has four satellites, FY-1A, 1B, 1C and 1D. FY-1A and 1B were launched successfully on September 7, 1988 and September 3, 1990 respectively. They were all experimental satellites.

On May 10, 1999, FY-1C, the third polar orbiting meteorological satellite with a ten-channel radiometer as the primary sensing instrument, was launched successfully. The FY-1C satellite was designed and manufactured by the Ministry of Aerospace of China according to the requirement specified by China Meteorological Administration (CMA). The successful launching of FY-1C is a major development in Chinese scientific and technological modernization of meteorology. With launching of this satellite, we have ability to get the remote sensing data not only over China but also over the world. This data will be useful in analysis of meteorology. hydrology, climate research, agriculture and environment mornitoring. To compare with FY-1A and 1B, FY-1C is more advanced. It has been providing observing data to users over the world every day since the first day after launch. It is in operation now.

The Characteristics of FY-1C
FY-1C is a hexahedron of 1.42m x 1.42m x 1.2m. With three solar cell arrays, the total length of the satellite is 10.556m. The attitude of FY-1C is 3-axis stabilized with an accuracy less than 0.5 degrees. The designed life time is two years. The orbit parameters of FY-1A, 1B and 1C are in table 1.

Table 1 The orbit parameters of FY-1A, 1B and 1C
Satellite FY-1A FY-1B FY-1C
Launch date September 7,1988 September 3, 1990 May 10, 1999
Orbit Sun-synchronous Sun-synchronous Sun-synchronous
Altitude (km) 901 901 863 km
Period (minutes) 102.86 102.86 102.301minutes
Inclination (degrees) 99.0 98.9 98.79
Eccentricity <0.005 <0.005 <0.00188
Descending Node(LST) 03:30 07:50 08:34-09:00
Attitude Control Three-axis stabilized Three-axis stabilized Three-axis stabilized

Sensor Specification
The main payload on board the satellite includes two 10-channel VIS/IR scanning radiometers working in a mutual back up mode, they can be switched according to the tele-command. MVISR is the new instrument. The most significant change to the MVISR is ten channels sensor, including 4 VIS channels, 3 near IR channels, 1 short wave IR channel and 2 long wave IR channels. Table 2 is the specification of MVISR. To compare with FY-1A and 1B, the new channels have been added are used to aid in improved snow and cloud discrimination and aerosol detection as well as heat source detection for forest fire monitoring, SST and Water vapor calculation and so on. It enables the more powerful observations to the land and oceans. The instantaneous field of view of the MVISR is 1.2 mrad, which makes 1.1 km resolution at the sub-satellite point. The channel characteristics and purpose of the radiometer are shown in Table 3.

Table 2 The Specification of MVISR
Scan Rate 6 line/pre second
Channels 10
Word/pre scan line 2048 for HRPT and LDPT 1018 for GDPT
Scan Angle ±55.4°
Sub-point resolution 1.1km
Quantification level 10bit
Calibration accuracy VIS and Near-IR 5 - 10%r
IR            ±1K(300K)

Table 3 The Channel Characteristics 
and Purpose of MVISR
Channel Wavelength (mm) Primary Use
1 0.58-0.68 Daytime cloud, ice and snow, vegetation
2 0.84-0.89 Daytime cloud, vegetation
3 3.55-3.95 Heat source, night cloud
4 103.-11.3 SST, day/night cloud
5 11.5-12.5 SST, day/night cloud
6 1.58-1.64 Soil moisture, ice/snow distinguishing
7 0.43-0.48 Ocean color
8 0.48-0.53 Ocean color
9 0.53-0.58 Ocean color
10 0.90-0.985 Water vapor

Characteristics of Data Transmission
The data transmission has several upgrades to FY-1A and 1B. There are three data transmission mode on board of FY-1C, HRPT, GDPT or LDPT.

HRPT is the High Resolution Picture Transmission. The format is very similar to NOAA/HRPT, except that the data transmission rate is 1.3308 Mbps. The transmission modulation is PSK and bit format is split phase. The transmission frequency is 1700.5Mhz.

GDPT and LDPT are delayed picture transmission. The on board data storage capacity is 300 minutes. Therefore, FY-1C satellite and the ground system can receive the Global Area Coverage (GAC) data for four selected channels (channel 1,2,4,5) with reduced resolution in 4 km for day time only(defined as Delayed Global Picture Transmission). As an alternative, the ground system can also receive 20 minutes orbit observational data for ten channels with the original resolution at any region of the world with the on board data storage capacity (defined as Delayed Local Picture Transmission, DLPT). As same as HRPT, the data transmission rate of GDPT and LDPT are 1.3308 Mbps. The transmission modulation is PSK and bit format is split phase. The transmission frequency is 1708Mhz.

FY-1C Data Receiving and Processing System
After years of investigation, analysis and applications of TIROS-N, FY-1A and 1B data processing system, NSMC set up the new satellite data receiving and processing system before the FY-1C satellite was launched. It is the upgraded of the old system. This system has three satellite data receiving stations located in Beijing, Guangzhou and Urumqi respectively and a data processing center in NSMC/CMA. The whole system equipped with new receiving facilities, communication computers, VSAT system, HP and SGI work stations and many kinds of peripherals. It is a large scale complicated system which can be used to receive, transmit and process FY-1C satellite data, and it is also compatible of receiving and processing the data from NOAA polar-orbiting meteorological satellites of USA. This system designed to be operated automatically for satellite data receiving, processing, products generating, distributing and archiving.

Satellite Data Receiving
Polar orbiting meteorological satellite data is received by three data acquisition stations in Beijing, Guangzhou and Urumqi. The data received from both FY-1C and NOAA satellites in three stations are transmitted to the data processing center(DPC) in real time. Three stations are equipped with S-bend antenna, receiver, communication system and some special interface such as bit/frame sychronizer, GDPT and LDPT ingester, HRPT/GDPT transmission interface, telemetry interface and so on. HRPT, GDPT or LDPT data received in Guangzhou and Urumqi stations are relayed to DPC via VSAT. The data received in Beiging ground station are transmitted directly to the DPC via optical fiber. Figure 1 is the configuration of three stations.

Figure 1 The configuration of three stations

Satellite Data Processing
FY-1C and NOAA satellite data is processed in Data Processing Center in NSMC/CMA. The Satellite data processing includes data preprocessing, processing and products generation. Figure 2 is the over view of the FY-1C data flow and products processing system.

The satellite data in this system is processed into four levels, the level 1A, 1A.5, 1B, 1C and 1D. Level 1A is the raw data of CHRPT, GDPT and LDPT. Level 1A.5 and 1B are preprocessed data sets. 1A.5 is for following processing in real time. 1B is for data archive purposes, external user access and any future required reprocessing. Level 1C is the inter-mediate data sets for final products processing. Level 1C include two data sets. One is the regional data in full resolution with 15 type of data that include satellite data of 10 observing bands and solar zenith angle, satellite zenith angle, azimuth angle between sun and satellite, the observing time and NDVI. Another One is the globe data in 4 km resolution with 9 type of data that include satellite data of 4 selected bands and solar zenith angle, satellite zenith angle, azimuth angle between sun and satellite, the observing time and NDVI. Level 1D is the final products.

Figure 2 FY-1C data flow and products processing system.

Products from FY-1C and Preliminary Applications
According to the requests from meteorology, hydrology, climate changes, agriculture and environment monitoring, FY-1C system is designed to produce many kind of products from 10 bends data. These products can be classified into four types. There are image, land, ocean and atmosphere products. Each type has several products.

Image Products
Images are very important products in FY-1C processing system. They play a great role in disaster monitoring, such as forest fire, flooding, blizzard fatality etc. Image products of FY-1C include stretched gridded image, special event images, orbital images, image mosaics in regional and globe size and products images. Table 4 is specification on image products from FY-1C. Figure 3 is an example of image mosaic from FY-1C in polar stereographic projection over North hemisphere.

Figure 3 The image mosaic over North hemisphere from FY-1C

Table 4 The Specification of Image Products

Products Spatial Resolution Geographic
Output Format Schedule
Orbital Images 1.1km, 2km, 4 km Pass by pass gridded image daily
Stretched Gridding 1.1 km, 2 km, 4 km Pass by pass gridded image daily
Polar Image
3.7 km-equator
7.4 km- equator
Over Asia Global image, archive tape daily
Mercator Image Mosaic 5.7 km- equator
11.4km- equator
Over Asia Global imagery daily
1.1 km Selectable
imagery daily
Products Imagery Same as Products Same as Products imagery Same as Products

Land products
Land products are used to monitor the variation of land cover and environment changes, such as to use vegetation index to monitor the crop growing condition over China or world, to use snow cover data in research of climate changes. FY-1C system provides many products over land area in both regional and global. Table 5 is the summary of land products. Figure 4 is an example of vegetation index.

Figure 4 An example of vegetation index in August 1999

Ocean Products
FY 1C satellite has 1 short wave IR channel, 2 long wave IR channels and 3 ocean color observed bands. These data can be used to produce many products over ocean, such as sea surface temperature, sea ice and ocean color and so on. Table 6 is the summary of ocean products. Figure 5 is an example of global SST image.

Figure 5 An example of global SST image

Atmosphere Products
FY-1C atmosphere products include cloud parameter, out going long wave radiation(OLR) and water vapor total content. These products are very useful for weather analysis and research of climate changes. Table 7 is the summary of atmosphere products. Figure 6 is the contour of OLR over China.

Figure 6 The contour of OLR over China.

Since launch of FY-1C, the satellite has been working in good condition. It passed through the orbit test and checkout period perfectly. It provides both HRPT and GDPT data day and night. Many countries over the world can receive HRPT data from FY-1C satellite every day. The data processing system in China has been providing many products for research of meteorology.hydrology, climate changes, agriculture and environmental monitoring. China is willing to share FY-1C satellite data and products with the international community, and thus to make contribution to the people worldwide.

Table 5 Summary of Land products
products Resolution Geographic
0.01° x 0.01°
0.04° x 0.04°
Asia Global imagery, output
archive tape
0.01° x 0.01°
0.05° x 0.05°
15°- 55°N
imagery, output
archive tape
0.01° x 0.01°
0.05° x 0.05°
15°- 55°N
imagery, output
archive tape
as request
0.01° x 0.01°
0.05° x 0.05°
15°- 55°N
contour chart
archive tape
average of
5 or 10
0.01° x 0.01° over China archive tape daily

Table 6. Summary of Ocean products
Products Resolution Geographic
SST 0.5° x 0.5° 0°-50°N
output chart
archive tape
SST 0.5° x 0.5° Global output chart
archive tape
Sea Ice 0.02° x 0.02°
0.05° x 0.05°
36°- 41°N
imagery, output
archive tape
daily in
0.01° x 0.01°
0.05° x 0.05°
15°- 55°N
imagery, output
archive tape

Table 7. Summary of Atmosphere products
Products Resolution Geographic
0.5° x 0.5° 0°-50°N
output chart
archive tape
0.5° x 0.5° Global output chart
archive tape
OLR 0.5° x 0.5° 0°-50°N
contour chart
archive tape
of 1,5,10
or 30 days
OLR 0.5° x 0.5° Global contour chart
archive tape
of 1,5,10
or 30 days
Vapor Total
0.5° x 0.5° 36°- 41°N
imagery, output
archive tape
daily in