
CHEN Shupeng Award (AARS Foundation)
Innovation Award (AARS Foundation)
Shunji Murai Award
Best Student Paper Award
Green Asia Award


CHEN Shupeng Award (AARS Foundation)

Each year, the award will be given to two persons who had great contributions to AARS and/or ACRS. Their travel expenses up to 1500USD for attending the coming ACRS will be covered in this Award.

1. Purpose
AARS or ACRS’s success is depended on the great efforts from AARS members and ACRS attendees. When they retire, they may have some difficulties to attend ACRS. This Award’s purpose is to recognize, honor and reward their outstanding contributions to AARS and/or ACRS, and provide travel expenses for them attending the coming ACRS.

2. Application/Nomination
Each year, each AARS memberships and Secretary General could nominate one person, who has retired and had great contributions to AARS or ACRS. The people, who have got nomination from AARS memberships and Secretary General, would be invited to make application for this award and send the completed application form to Chinese National Committee for Remote Sensing (CNCRS), by e-mail: . The Awardees for 2012 are already nominated and under evaluation. Pleased nominate appropriate candidates for 2013.

3. Evaluation
The AARS Foundation Board will choose two persons as winners from the applicants.
AARS Foundation Board
Chair: Prof. Tong Qingxi
•  Prof. Shunji Murai
•  Prof. Kohei Cho
•  Prof. Gu Xingfa
•  Dr. Nguyen Dinh Duong
•  Prof. Wang Jinnian
•  Ms. Chiwako Fujino
•  Ms. Wu Jie

4. Prize
The winner will be granted travel expenses up to 1500USD to attend the coming ACRS. The prize will be supported by Chinese National Committee for Remote Sensing (CNCRS). And the winner will be invited to participate, and also conference registration fee will be waived.

5. Presentation
The winners will be announced on two months before the conference, winners will be granted the certificate of CHEN Shupeng Award and the travel expenses during ACRS opening ceremony.

Download Application


Innovation Award (AARS Foundation)

Each year, the award will be given to two persons whose papers have innovative points, appraised before each ACRS. The winners will be granted certificates of AARS Innovation Award with a gift as encouragement. At the same time, their papers or innovative points of the papers will receive the right to publish on the Journal of Remote Sensing without charge. And the winners will get one year free subscriptions for Journal of Remote Sensing.

1.  Purpose
To reward Asian young scientists and students who are applying innovative ideas in remote sensing technology and applications.

2.  Application and selection
2.1 The author should be younger than 40 years old.
2.2 The author should be from AARS Ordinary Member countries or regions.
2.3 The paper should be a single author. In the case there are more co-authors, the number of co-authors should be less than two and only the first author will be considered for the Award.
2.4 The author should submit the full paper before the deadline to the secretariat of the coming ACRS and obtain a confirmation letter.
2.5 The award application form including the description within 500 words about the innovative points of the paper and the Curriculum Vitae (C.V.) of the first author should be attached to the paper and sent to Chinese National Committee for Remote Sensing (CNCRS), by e-mail:
2.6 The application will be appraised by AARS and CNCRS Evaluation Committee before the coming ACRS, and four candidates will be decided.
2.7 The candidates should attend the coming Asian Conference on Remote Sensing and present the paper in oral or poster during the ACRS. The winner will be the two according to their scores given by AARS and CNCRS Evaluation Committee.

3. Prize
The winners will be granted certificates with a gift as encouragement. At the same time, the winners will receive the right to publish their papers on the Journal of Remote Sensing without charge. In addition, the winners will be present one year free subscriptions for Journal of Remote Sensing. The prize will be supported by Chinese National Committee for Remote Sensing (CNCRS).

4. Presentation
The winners will be announced and awarded at the closing ceremony of the ACRS.

Download Application


Shunji Murai Award

Approved by AARS General Conference, 2009.10.22, Beijing, China
Statutes: ARTICLE 12, Item No. 3
A young scientist who has submitted the best paper in advance to the coming ACRS shall be awarded Shunji Murai Award. The prize shall be a certificate and travel funds.

Conditions and procedure for paper selection:
1.    The author should be younger than 40 years old.
2.    The author should be from AARS Ordinary Member countries or regions.
3.    The paper should be written by a single author or two authors at most. Only the first author will be considered for the Award.
4.    The paper should be 10 pages or less including figures, tables, and images.
5.    The author should submit the full paper to the secretariat of the coming ACRS and obtain a confirmation letter.
6.    The deadline for the submission of papers should be two months in advance to the coming ACRS.(deadline: September 23, 2012)
7.    The paper should be sent to the secretariat of the coming ACRS and to the office of Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (JSPRS) by e-mail:
8.    The award application form including the Curriculum Vitae (C.V.) of the first author should be attached to the paper send to JSPRS.
9.    The winner will be announced by the Jury in advance to the coming ACRS.
10.    The winner should attend the coming Asian Conference on Remote Sensing and present the paper during the ACRS.
11.    The winner will be awarded Shunji Murai Award at Opening Ceremony.
12.    The travel funds of the prize is 1,000 US Dollars, which will be awarded at Opening Ceremony of the coming ACRS.
13.    The funds will be supported by the Japan Society of Photogrammetery and Remote Sensing (JSPRS).

Jury: The candidates of the winner should be nominated with the priority order by the Evaluation Committee with four prominent professionals. The chair should report the results of the evaluation to Advisory Committee at a month in advance to ACRS. The winner will be decided by Advisory Committee. The jury must be consisted of key persons of AARS Ordinary Members and Associate Members. The evaluation should be made within a month after received those materials.

Evaluation Committee:
Chair:  Prof. Ryutaro Tateishi, Chiba University, Japan
Professor Armin Gruen: Emeritus Professor, ETH, Switzerland
Professor Clive Fraser, Melbourne University, Australia
Dr. Dinh Duong Nguyen, Editor-in-Chief, AJG, Vietnam

Download Application


Best Student Paper Award

Students are encouraged to apply for the “Best Student Paper Award” of ACRS2012. The awards are presented to the most outstanding student papers submitted to and presented in the ACRS2012. Each recipient of the award shall receive a certificate and a special gift. Up to 10 awards will be presented in ACRS2012.

A. Conditions of Application:
•    The applicant should be a registered master or PhD student. A proof of student status (photocopy of student ID, recommendation letter from supervisor etc.) is required.
•    The applicant must be the single author or first author of the submitted paper. The paper must be presented in ACRS2012 and the applicant must be the presenter.

B. Review Procedures:
•    The applicants should indicate if they participate in the “Best Student Paper Award” while creating an abstract profile in the ACRS2012 website.
•    Full papers must be submitted by September 30, 2012.
•    The papers will be evaluated by the Technical Committee of ACRS2012. Appointed reviewers will also evaluate the presentations in ACRS2012 technical sessions.
•    The winners will be announced and awarded in the Closing Ceremony of ACRS2012.


Green Asia Award

The Chinese Taipei Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (CTSPRS) provides this award for prompting researches directing to a greener Asia with remote sensing technology. One presentation will be awarded each year. The prize will be 300 USD or equivalent gift(s). The award with certificate will be presented in the closing ceremony. A certificate for each author of the awarded paper will be presented.

A. Conditions of Application:
•  There is no need for application. The evaluation will be conducted automatically by the Academic Committee of CTSPRS based on both the written and presentation in either oral session or interactive session in each ACRS of that year.
•  The subject of the paper should be related to remote sensing in environment or ecology, and presented in ACRS by one of the authors.  In order to facilitate the evaluation, full paper should be included in the proceedings.
•  There is no age limitation on the potential awardee.  All authors presenting in ACRS will be treated equally.

B. Review Procedures:
•  There will be two steps of the evaluation, the written and the presentation.
•  The evaluation of full paper will be conducted by the Academic Committee of CTSPRS prior to the presentation.
•  The chairperson of each session and selected scholars who attended that ACRS will be invited to provide an evaluation report on the quality of presentation.
•  Final decision will be made based on the statistics of the evaluation report by the CTSPRS Academic Committee representative(s).  The selected awardee will be consulted for the willingness on receiving this award.

For more information, please contact
Ms. Chia-Ling Chien
3F, No. 113, Sec. 5, Roosevelt Rd.
Wenshan Dist
Taipei, 116-81



In order to promote young scientists and students, JSPRS Award is given to a number of young authors less than 35 who have presented best papers or best posters at each ACRS. The certificate with a memorable gift will be presented to each awardee at the closing ceremony of ACRS. JSPRS Awards are sponsored by the Japan Society of Photogrammmetry and Remote Sensing(JSPRS).

Any questions should be forwarded to
Ms. Chiwako Fujino
Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (JSPRS)
1-3-4 Koishikawa, Bunkyo, Tokyo 112-0002