Paper No. Title of the Paper Author/s Remarks
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ENV89-1 Better understanding of earth environment via satellite Mikio Takagi
ENV89-2 ROSIS - An imaging spectrometer environmental research Heinz van der Piepen, Roland Doerffer, Bernd Kunkel
ENV89-3 Investigation of landslide susceptible terrain using landsat TM Imagery - Preliminary results Scott L. Huang, Robert C. Speck, Been K. Chen
ENV89-4 Evaluating Recreational Resources of South East Johar using Remotely Sensed Data Shattri Mansor, Mohd Isa Mansor, Azmi Hassan
ENV89-5 Settlement Accesssubility: A case study in the south east part of chiangmai city, Thailand Suharyadi
ENV89-6 Advanced Information Earth Remote Sensing of Atmosphere Takashi Moriyam, Shigeru Igarshi, Hideo SatohNobuo Takeuchi, Makoto Suzuki
ENV89-7 Relationship between the ground surface temperature by NOAA-AVHRR and environmental factors Ryuzo Yokoyama, Chang Ming Zhou, Sumio Tanba